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Topic subjectRE: Igbo
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=22&topic_id=9991&mesg_id=10000
10000, RE: Igbo
Posted by kemetian, Fri Nov-02-01 08:27 AM

>is it all I thought it
>would be?

i know ppl who upon reaching NY burst out into tears. :) also i know 2 many ppl whose intention it was to work for a little while, make some money and return home, and 20 years later they're here, still, stuck. on the other hand i've seen some ppl "do very well" here.

>that's a tough question, man… I
>mean, what did I think
>it would be?

>I dunno…
>you watch music videos and
>think that it's nothing but
>fly, half-nekkid honeys walking the
>streets but that is not
>the case!

much to your delight i'm sure!

>otherwise, I really can't answer that
>question because it's not like
>I hadn't been to the
>States before I emigrated, so
>it's not like it was
>a strange new world for

u must admit tho' visiting a place and living in it are 2 different things. one of the great things about living in the U.S. (yes! that's me talking, i said great and U.S. in the same sentence,not 4 u in particular AFKAP) is the fact that so many ppl come here, so in one place i can meet the world and here, there's tons and tons of info. the Internet is making it so that that's the case everywhere. i think there's an advantage of there being a place like the U.S. and running a developing country. the U.S. goes so quickly, by the time u get to point where u can implement some nu technology that they've come up w/ they've begun to experience all the side effects of it. giving u time to change your mind. i c the U.S. as a guinea pig for the rest of the world. i encourage ppl in developing countries to watch the U.S. esp. when it comes to technology and wait a little b4 deciding whether or not u want to implement it.
wow, that was an aside.

back 2 u AFKAP_O_D, how will u relieve yourself of your guilt?

"Be not arrogant because of your knowledge. Take counsel with the ignorant as well as with the wise. For the limits of knowledge in any field have never been set and no one has ever reached them. Wisdom is rarer than emeralds, and yet it is found among the women who gather at the grindstones."
-The Book of Ptahhotep(excerpt)