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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjectthe lack of racists is a big part of it
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=93913&mesg_id=93964
93964, the lack of racists is a big part of it
Posted by Y2Flound, Thu Aug-23-12 09:45 AM
Not just because you don't have every post dissolve into a race war, but in general racists are not the brightest people.

They are the same people who make other awful posts on other boards like "DA COWBOYZ GUNNA BEAT DEM GIANT HOEZ ASSES"

People here tend to be more educated and use their knowledge to be able to have normal conversations.

There is also a normally well observed guideline about posting. People don't make a new post for every thought they have as they do on other boards...it happens at times on certain topics, but in general if you go to an Eagles board during an Eagles game there are 55 different game related posts by the 2nd quarter so that everyone can have what they had to say seen.

<---- At least we have this