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Topic subjectHeyward isn't an issue of deserving, he was voted in
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=82180&mesg_id=82190
82190, Heyward isn't an issue of deserving, he was voted in
Posted by Call It Anything, Tue Jul-06-10 10:45 AM
>...they deserve to be there. Heyward doesn't, bottom line.
>There are at least 10 other outfielders having a better first
>half than him.

But 21.2 million people voted and Heyward got more than them.

>How can you argue that fans want to see him?

Because they voted for him more than they voted for other players.

>ESPN is broadcasting every Strasburg start. Washington is selling >out those games, in comparison to the 10,000 they average.

We otherwise average 20,000.

>If its for the fans, wouldn't you rather see Strasburg pitch against
>the A.L.s best for an inning or two?

Yes, but the selection process is different. If pitchers were selected by a fan vote, Strasburg probably would have gone. Charlie Manuel made the decision that he didn't want Strasburg on the team.

You seem to be mad at some unknown entity for electing somebody that the fans overwhelmingly wanted to see but not electing somebody that they were not able to elect in the first place.