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Topic subjectMy rant about North American perceptions of soccer.
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76225, My rant about North American perceptions of soccer.
Posted by denny, Thu Jun-17-10 01:16 AM
Every four years I find myself in this same position....trying to justify the game in the face of ignorance.

I work in sports television in Canada. During an evening Sportscentre update, one of our talent referred to Australia as Austria. It wasn't a slip of the tongue.....he saw the AUS in the scoreboard and thought it was Austria. When his mistake was pointed out to him off-air he responded by saying "noone cares anyway".

I mixed another show that is a panel discussion concept featuring a bunch of prominent sports reporters from various main circulation newspapers. Their little segment about the World Cup was completely dismissive and ignorant. "Soccer is boring"...."There's not enough goals"...."The vevezulas are distracting".

So I feel the need to get a bunch of shit of my chest.

Firstly...I played competitive sports when I was a kid....soccer and hockey were my best sports. I can say from experience that the physical pain endured in soccer far outweighs that in hockey. Many in North America don't understand this.

In soccer, your shoe has a top layer of leather (no padding) with a bottom full of cleats. Getting stepped on or clipped on your feet (very common) is an extremely painful experience but the pain goes away very quickly. This is why players spend time on the grass after getting tackled. It's not because they're not tough.

Diving/simulation is a problem in soccer....granted. But this kind of gamesmanship is present in many North American sports as well....basketball and hockey are good examples. North American sports analysts call it 'veteran smarts' or 'IQ' when a player flops on a charge. But in soccer, it's used as evidence to invalidate the quality of the game.

And about the lack of goals....why is it that Americans can find pleasure in watching a 'pitcher's duel' in baseball but not find pleasure in watching a 1-0 score in soccer? Imagine if a foreigner, unfamiliar with baseball, were to say 'this game was boring because one team got no hits and the other got one hit'? A baseball fan would be quick to point out that a game such as this would probably be very entertaining for those who KNOW about baseball.

Which leads to me to another point. Why does everyone feel the need to throw in their two cents when they clearly don't understand the game in the first place? Personally, I don't like auto-racing and golf. But when the US Open or the Indy 500 take place...I don't go running my mouth off about how inept those sports are. I realize that the reason I don't appreciate those events is because I don't understand the nuances, strategies and histories of those traditions.

The true meaning of ignorance is 'placing judgement on something you don't understand'. This is the character of North American perspectives on soccer. And because these sports 'journalists' need to disguise their lack of familiarity with a sport they're paid to cover....they resort to commenting on the vevezulas, lack of goals and diving. Every four years....same shit.

Rant over.
76226, Look - Fuck You.
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Thu Jun-17-10 01:47 AM
Fuck the plane you flew in on.

Fuck them shoes.

Fuck yo socks with the belt on it.

Fuck yo gay ass Harry Potter accent.

Fuck them cheap ass cigars.

Fuck yo Yuck Mouth teeth.

Fuck yo hair piece.

Fuck yo chocolate.

Fuck Guy Richie.

Fuck Prince William.

Fuck The Queen.


My President is Black and my Lambo is blue, nigga.

Now get the fuck out my hotel room.

And if I see you in the street I’m slapping the shit outta ya.

- Young Reezy
76227, RE: Look - Fuck You.
Posted by Kungset, Thu Jun-17-10 01:56 AM
>Fuck the plane you flew in on.
>Fuck them shoes.
>Fuck yo socks with the belt on it.
>Fuck yo gay ass Harry Potter accent.
>Fuck them cheap ass cigars.
>Fuck yo Yuck Mouth teeth.
>Fuck yo hair piece.
>Fuck yo chocolate.
>Fuck Guy Richie.
>Fuck Prince William.
>Fuck The Queen.
>My President is Black and my Lambo is blue, nigga.
>Now get the fuck out my hotel room.
>And if I see you in the street I’m slapping the shit outta
>- Young Reezy
76228, lol. amazing episode
Posted by Government Name, Thu Jun-17-10 10:00 AM
76229, you think its that bad?
Posted by silentnoah, Thu Jun-17-10 01:55 AM
I don't
76230, Yes.
Posted by denny, Thu Jun-17-10 02:06 AM
Most Americans and Canadians wouldn't know a good soccer match if they saw one.

They'd rather watch a shitty MLS match that had seven goals than the Spain v Switzerland game that had one (thoroughly enjoyable). They don't know what's quality in between goals.

I'm generalizing, of course. But I work for these sports tv things. Trust me....they don't get it. They're also a little scared of it cause it's outside their comfort zones (from programmers to producers to talent). In my country it's all about hockey....the States is more diverse. But neither of em got the least bit of a handle on soccer.
76231, whoops, you just went into soccer elitist mode
Posted by will_5198, Thu Jun-17-10 02:28 AM
76232, just went into? he was there from the post subject line on
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jun-17-10 11:07 AM
76233, Sorry not everyone loves your sport as much as you.
Posted by ncr2h, Thu Jun-17-10 02:31 AM
I don't hear the US Curling Team's wives throwing hissy fits left & right because nobody gives a damn about curling. Shut up and watch your sport. Why do we have to watch it for you to get enjoyment?
76234, most of ur generalizations are dumb, but this one's just patently false
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Thu Jun-17-10 02:42 AM
>They'd rather watch a shitty MLS match that had seven goals
>than the Spain v Switzerland game that had one (thoroughly

americans would actually rather watch the Spain v Switzerland game than any MLS match ever. I mean I get the point you were trying to make, but that was a horrible example.
76235, My bad....
Posted by denny, Thu Jun-17-10 02:59 AM
but your talking about 'soccer fans' in North America. I wouldn't condescend to this group. I belong to it.

I'm talking about the general sports demographic in NA....and the source of my rant is the know-it-all sports guy on tv who constantly dismisses soccer in the form of a defense mechanism cause it's the one sport he doesn't understand. They're aplenty.

76236, Go compare the ratings for Spain-SUI to any MLS match
Posted by magilla vanilla, Thu Jun-17-10 04:59 AM
go on. . .I'll wait.
76237, oh he aint coming back to that awful point, he knows he botched that one
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jun-17-10 12:47 PM
>go on. . .I'll wait.
76238, hohoho.
Posted by magilla vanilla, Thu Jun-17-10 01:27 PM
76239, Dude, we don't care about soccer. Deal with it.
Posted by bignick, Thu Jun-17-10 02:39 AM
76240, INSECURE SOCCER FANS = *Automatic Asshole Grin*
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Jun-17-10 03:00 AM

As in, instantly.

No sports fans get bitchier than soccer fans. And the
first thing they say is "its the most popular sport in
the world."

If its so popular, how come soccer fans care so much about
what everyone else think?

Shouldn't they, by some logic, not give a fuck?

I mean, I don't really fuck with Golf either. I ain't never
heard a Golf fan get MAD AT ME for not liking it. Golf fans
are swaggerific like that...they basically like:

"Oh word? You don't like it? Seriously, who cares. My
dick prolly smaller than yours, and I don't care
about that. Fuck makes you think Ima care about you liking
my sport? Hush, nigga."

Seriously -- Tennis fans, Hockey fans, etc. All can be
defensive at times, but not NEARLY as cry baby and bitchlike
as Soccer fans.

>Firstly...I played competitive sports when I was a
>kid....soccer and hockey were my best sports. I can say from
>experience that the physical pain endured in soccer far
>outweighs that in hockey. Many in North America don't
>understand this.

Odd, just about everyone says this about their sport.

Thankfully, I don't need the sports I like to be more
or less dangerous than any other in order for them to be
enjoyable. I enjoy them because I enjoy them.

>In soccer, your shoe has a top layer of leather (no padding)
>with a bottom full of cleats. Getting stepped on or clipped
>on your feet (very common) is an extremely painful experience
>but the pain goes away very quickly. This is why players
>spend time on the grass after getting tackled. It's not
>because they're not tough.

Odd, because I know soccer purists who bitch and moan
about how pussy a lot of modern players are more than
"north americans" do.

>Diving/simulation is a problem in soccer....granted. But this
>kind of gamesmanship is present in many North American sports
>as well....basketball and hockey are good examples. North
>American sports analysts call it 'veteran smarts' or 'IQ' when
>a player flops on a charge. But in soccer, it's used as
>evidence to invalidate the quality of the game.

No, "floppers" in the NBA actually have a terrible reputation.
Taking a charge can be seen as a good thing when its done at
the right time, but people who consistently fake are not
highly regarded in basketball.

And the consequences of flopping in an NBA game aren't nearly
as great. Ole boy on Uruguay flopped in that South Africa
game and got the goal keeper a RED CARD. That completely
ruins any chances that RSA had(which were slim already)

>And about the lack of goals....why is it that Americans can
>find pleasure in watching a 'pitcher's duel' in baseball but
>not find pleasure in watching a 1-0 score in soccer?

Odd, because most people can't, which is why the juiced
ball era brought so many fans back to the game.

In the rare instances that a pitcher does draw fans, its
usually because he can throw 100 MPH or something physically
amazing like this Strasberg kid

>if a foreigner, unfamiliar with baseball, were to say 'this
>game was boring because one team got no hits and the other got
>one hit'? A baseball fan would be quick to point out that a
>game such as this would probably be very entertaining for
>those who KNOW about baseball.

Actually, AMERICANS complain about baseball all the time.
LOTS of people say its boring and long, etc.

That's what's interesting.

What do Baseball fans do?

They shut the fuck up and keep watching, for the most

The league management did introduce the home run derby,
interleague play, the all star game rule, things like
that to make the sport a bit more exciting.

But overall -- its baseball. Its gonna be baseball.

And in America, its always going to have fans.

>Which leads to me to another point. Why does everyone feel
>the need to throw in their two cents when they clearly don't
>understand the game in the first place? Personally, I don't
>like auto-racing and golf. But when the US Open or the Indy
>500 take place...I don't go running my mouth off about how
>inept those sports are. I realize that the reason I don't
>appreciate those events is because I don't understand the
>nuances, strategies and histories of those traditions.

Sounds like a personal problem. If you work with dickheads,
change jobs. If you hang with dickheads, maybe you need
to think about why that is.

>The true meaning of ignorance is 'placing judgement on
>something you don't understand'. This is the character of
>North American perspectives on soccer. And because these
>sports 'journalists' need to disguise their lack of
>familiarity with a sport they're paid to cover....they resort
>to commenting on the vevezulas, lack of goals and diving.
>Every four years....same shit.

Fam, if I don't feel it, I don't feel it.

I'm not saying its lesser, but I'm not gonna act like
I enjoy some shit out of some cultural relativism

When it comes to Soccer, I watch some world cup games,
usually in social settings where I can drink and act

I've caught some EPL matches. I can dig a lot of those.

I would, never, ever, ever, watch a soccer game by myself
if I wasn't doing some shit along with...I'd have to be
writing, or reading the paper, catching up on e-mail, or

And if it comes up in conversation (my views on Soccer, that is),
Ima tell you how I feel, B. It ain't hate. Its my opinion.

Those are the breaks.

You ain't gotta be mad. Just do you.

I'm gonna do me.


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "Cosmic Slop"
76241, hohoho.
Posted by denny, Thu Jun-17-10 03:48 AM
This is an opus... I'll try to respond but no promises.

>If its so popular, how come soccer fans care so much about
>what everyone else think?
>Shouldn't they, by some logic, not give a fuck?

It's not that I'm complaining of north American's not watching soccer. It's the disrespect and critique...on air....in the industry...by people who don't know the game. The Sport Media industy in France don't cover the US Open (golf) and than criticize it every year. They ignore it. Nothing wrong with that. But in NA, I've never heard a tv journalist openly critize any sport EXCEPT for soccer.

>Odd, because I know soccer purists who bitch and moan
>about how pussy a lot of modern players are more than
>"north americans" do.

Same in American football, basketball, hockey. But alot of tv sports

>No, "floppers" in the NBA actually have a terrible
>Taking a charge can be seen as a good thing when its done at
>the right time, but people who consistently fake are not
>highly regarded in basketball.

Yah...flopping is when you exagerate the impact. But even 'taking a charge' is a form of simulation/diving. You plant your feet...wait for someone to bump into you....and then let youself fall backwards without moving your feet to recover balance. So.....you're rewarded for letting yourself fall down. hohoho.

Face it...simulation is a part of charging fouls in basketball. If a defender tries to stay on his feet...shuffling his feet to keep his balance...he's called for blocking. These are the kind of observations a non-basketball fan might make to dismiss the sport's legitimacy. It would be bullshit then and it's bullshit when it's done to soccer.

My post was a response to hate. Not an instigation.

>Actually, AMERICANS complain about baseball all the time.
>LOTS of people say its boring and long, etc.

Your not clever in your substitution of context. There is a big difference in NA perception of baseball and soccer and you know it.

>And if it comes up in conversation (my views on Soccer, that
>Ima tell you how I feel, B. It ain't hate. Its my opinion.

You don't HAVE an opinion cause you don't know it. (see: ignorance)
76242, the only real difference btw soccer and baseball is their history
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jun-17-10 04:52 AM
it's a huge difference

but it's the only one.


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
76243, Explain.
Posted by denny, Thu Jun-17-10 05:51 AM
Cause soccer is simple, instinctual and universal.

Baseball got numbers within numbers between numbers.

Example....'The score is 5 to 3. We're in the bottom of the sixth...there's two out....runners on first and third....the count is 1 and 2....

There's a quantifiable way of explaining the state of things in a given game. In soccer, the momentum of a game isn't quantifiable in the same way. You have to 'watch'.
76244, The run of play is very different in those sports
Posted by smutsboy, Thu Jun-17-10 07:57 AM
In baseball (and in Amer. football) there's nothing happening literally 80-90% of the time.

76245, Baseball's a lot more numbers-driven than soccer
Posted by Marauder21, Thu Jun-17-10 08:28 AM
76246, And better to watch
Posted by The Real, Thu Jun-17-10 09:56 AM


XBox 360 Live gamertag - Keystonejenks
76247, whoa whoa
Posted by LiShang52, Thu Jun-17-10 11:03 AM
Baseball is better to watch? It's a nice sport to have on in the background, but a random baseball game (ie two teams I don't care about) cannot keep my interest for an entire game. And I love baseball.
76248, But the World Cup does?
Posted by The Real, Thu Jun-17-10 12:36 PM


XBox 360 Live gamertag - Keystonejenks
76249, This is a completely subjective and dumb point.
Posted by smutsboy, Thu Jun-17-10 01:25 PM
76250, this is perhaps the stupidest shit ive read on OKS in years nm
Posted by Binlahab, Thu Jun-17-10 02:23 PM
76251, post over, archive
Posted by bshelly, Thu Jun-17-10 10:09 AM
76252, man O_E bodied that thing so completely I damn near teared up
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jun-17-10 11:39 AM
76253, Oh ya?
Posted by denny, Thu Jun-17-10 03:38 PM
He's gonna be at Woody's tonight if you want to meet him.

He's the guy with the moustache.
76254, ^^^Damn, Even This Cat's Snark Game Is Pussy
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jun-17-10 04:21 PM
76255, You have no wit.
Posted by denny, Thu Jun-17-10 05:20 PM
Don't blame me. The words 'pussy' and 'bitch' aren't funny in themselves.

'This guy's a pussy'

'This guys' a bitch'

'He got bodied'

'OE....I'll see you tonight.'

76256, ^^^Tender In Toronto
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jun-17-10 06:20 PM
76257, Just call me cupid....
Posted by denny, Thu Jun-17-10 07:23 PM
Wishing the best that life has to offer for you two.
76258, ^^^Overcompensating In Ontario
Posted by Bombastic, Fri Jun-18-10 07:07 PM
76259, Oh, the alphabet game.
Posted by denny, Sun Jun-20-10 01:28 AM
Save these icebreakers for your wedding.

76260, ^^^Can't Let Go In Canada
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jun-24-10 02:32 PM
76261, sorry I cant get into a sport
Posted by RobOne4, Thu Jun-17-10 03:20 AM
where 50% of the game is lost in passing back in forth midfield, and NOBODY is attacking the goal. This is how half of the opening round games of the world cup have gone. This is the best of the best?
76262, halfback passes to the center, back to the wing, back to the center.
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Thu Jun-17-10 03:37 AM
center holds it, holds it... holds it *sigh*

- Kent Brockman

76263, hohoho.
Posted by denny, Thu Jun-17-10 03:58 AM
I laughed.

But I like watching soccer like that. Position shifts in the field. Possession and Control. Spacing and Stretching. OLE!

A good example of an element of soccer that NAs don't really understand or appreciate.
76264, You can't really see that on TV though.
Posted by MEAT, Thu Jun-17-10 10:04 AM
76265, Hey, just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand! © Homer
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Thu Jun-17-10 10:35 AM
>A good example of an element of soccer that NAs don't really
>understand or appreciate.
76266, it's not the best of the best
Posted by LiShang52, Thu Jun-17-10 11:10 AM
Which is a very common misunderstanding. I mean, these aren't even the 32 best national teams in the world--not close.

But like most sports, the best games are in the best pro leagues. Champions League soccer is soccer at it's best.
76267, it's easy to tell why watching soccer sucks for the unfamiliar
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jun-17-10 04:49 AM

baseball and football are made for TV.

you get a break every play.

you look away in soccer once in 60 minutes, you might miss THE ONLY SCORING PLAY IN THE GAME

if you're not already a huge fan and understanding the sport, that's a huge request on your attention span.

you can watch for a half hour and see maybe two or three real scoring opportunities, and 7 guys rolling on the turf clutching something.

it is what it is.


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
76268, good point.
Posted by smutsboy, Thu Jun-17-10 07:58 AM
76269, RE: it's easy to tell why watching soccer sucks for the unfamiliar
Posted by KCPlayer21, Thu Jun-17-10 09:35 AM
76270, I want to come in here and back you up
Posted by IceburgSmurf, Thu Jun-17-10 06:07 AM
but as i mostly say whenever this topic comes up in OKS the rest of the world loves football we don't really need the US to like it. I do however understand why you're ranting, being surrounded by non football fans. Im a londoner so i don't have to deal with your problem but trying to force convince these people is pointless.

Its kind of similar to the rants people have in the lesson about why nobody loves their favourite indie/underground artist. Your enjoyment of something shouldn't be dependent on that of your peers.
76271, I don't NEED Canada or US to like it.
Posted by denny, Thu Jun-17-10 06:23 AM
I just want these glorified script-readers to refrain from the misinformed editorial comments about the legitimacy of soccer.

If you don't know about it....don't try to comment. Simple.

76272, My rant about European perceptions of American football.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Jun-17-10 06:52 AM
Oh wait. I couldn't give a shit what other people think about the sports I love. Their loss if they don't like it.
76273, this is really not a good look
Posted by nighttripper, Thu Jun-17-10 07:01 AM
and this is coming from a european guy, who's learned to love american sports, but whose primary love will always be for soccer/futbol

if you like the game, just enjoy it, period.
it's really not that difficult to ignore he haterzzz
I understand you might be more exposed in your field of work, but suck it up

plus, you gotta admit, the beginning of this world up hasn't exactly been an entertainment bonanza
this Argentina/South Korea game is doing more than its part to change the trend though
76274, lol, so the vevezula complaints are only coming from North America?
Posted by thoughtprocess, Thu Jun-17-10 07:53 AM
also I think its common practice to hate on a sport you don't understand. YOU might not partake in that, but it is common practice. as popular as racing is, most people in America say "What's the point? It's just a bunch of car going around in a circle."
76275, no, only from faggots worldwide
Posted by calminvasion, Thu Jun-17-10 10:25 AM
76276, From my experience, most soccer players are pussies
Posted by Mignight Maruder, Thu Jun-17-10 08:09 AM
(well, at least American players) I played for 7 or 8 years as a kid - very competitively (select teams and what not).....I vividly remember being told I was too aggressive several times when I played and it frustrated the hell out of me bc that's just my nature - I can't be passive in sport.

I really wish Soccer would have been a Spring sport so I could have continued to play in high school. One of my best friend's growing up got a full ride to play Div 1 soccer and I was much, much better imo at soccer than him. Plus, I just loved playing and the sport is tailor made for my skill set (explosive speed/power w/ a low center of gravity and plenty of endurance).

I think soccer is a sport that is much more enjoyable to play than watch....I am enjoying the hell out of the world cup - but it's hard for me to follow soccer outside of the World Cup. I am gaining more interest tho....

But like others said, your rant does you and your sport no service...
76277, no, most American PARENTS are, though
Posted by magilla vanilla, Thu Jun-17-10 08:28 AM
Soccer's become the "everyone gets a trophy!" sport for a lot of parents- it was one of the first where the whole asinine "we're not keeping score" trend emerged.
76278, nah the parents give more of a fuck than the kids tbh
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Jun-17-10 10:17 AM
i've been in/to games where they had to call it early because the parents were about to/did fight. and the kids are looking like wtf?
76279, Chuck Klosterman had a good piece about Soccer in the suburbs
Posted by KosherSam, Fri Jun-18-10 10:44 PM
basically saying that the reason it was so popular with parents and kids alike is because in youth soccer, kids can literally go the entire game without having an opportunity to look bad.

they dont have to get an at bat, where the entire game's attention is focused on their ability to hit the ball.

they dont have to shoot a basket, where everyone is watching them shoot.

they can run around in the mob, back and forth, occasionally kicking something, and never have to get embarrassed.
76280, What's obnoxious is how some Americans make hating it a hobby
Posted by smutsboy, Thu Jun-17-10 08:10 AM
I don't really care if this country doesn't care about or understand soccer. In fact, in many ways I prefer it.

But there's always that sports columnist, or tv talking head, or guy in the bar, who likes nothing more than to ignorantly rank on soccer for minutes on end, using the same tired points over and over again.

I don't like or understand cricket or auto racing, and I'll certainly make jokes about both. But never would I spend the time these assholes do harping on their hate incessantly.

76281, This is a good point
Posted by Marauder21, Thu Jun-17-10 08:22 AM
The World Cup makes a lot of soccer haters ANGRY. Like visibly dismayed and sotrming out of the bar angry.

I don't understand this. I don't know any non-racing fans (which is like everyone I know except a couple people) who get like this during the Daytona 500.
76282, Soccer was invented by European ladies to keep them busy while
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Thu Jun-17-10 10:48 AM
their husbands did the cooking.

Bobby Hill: Why do you have to hate what you don't understand?

Hank Hill: I don't hate you, Bobby.

Bobby Hill: I was talking about soccer.

Hank Hill: Oh. Oh, yeah, I hate soccer. Yes.

76283, what's also obnoxious is thinking that not being enthralled by soccer
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jun-17-10 11:19 AM
somehow means you don't understand it.

I grew up playing that game from 4 through 14, I *understand* the way the game is played & it's rules, it's actually maybe the simplest spectator sport to understand there is.

If you showed baseball, hockey, basketball, football, or soccer to someone who just landed on this planet which do you think they'd be able to grasp the overall concept of first?

I understand it, I just don't happen to find it that interesting outside of some World Cup or maybe a bit of EPL but like O_E said I wouldn't choose to watch a random game on TV with my full undivided attention ever.
76284, LOL! How is your reply in any way related to the post
Posted by calminvasion, Thu Jun-17-10 11:48 AM
you replied to?

76285, it was piggybacking the 'understand' concept, what don't you understand?
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jun-17-10 12:16 PM
76286, That was a throwaway word, the whole post
Posted by calminvasion, Thu Jun-17-10 12:34 PM
was about investing so much energy in something you hate. If that ain't you, no need to give us a history of your childhood.

76287, the thing you're not understanding is that his post was the catalyst
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jun-17-10 12:45 PM
for my point, since the 'understand' concept gets trotted out regularly (as it has several times in this post).

My reply was a general response to that thought more than me speaking to smuts individually.

This is something that happens fairly frequently in this & other forums on OKP with often much looser connections than in this example.

Posted by calminvasion, Thu Jun-17-10 12:54 PM
this got pointless after reply 2, maybe earlier, my bad
76289, Glad we've reacheda this level of UNDERSTANDing *tips cap*
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jun-17-10 01:08 PM
76290, As a fairly recent American futbol convert
Posted by Marauder21, Thu Jun-17-10 08:27 AM
I agree with your post in principle, but this is just too emo.

Some obnoxious TV personality is completely ignorant regarding a game you love? Who cares? If I gave a shit about what any Sportscenter personality thought about a sport I like, I'd spend way too much time being mad for no reason.

I understand it might be tougher in your line of work, but you aren't going to change anyone's mind by getting so emotional about it. Just let them jerk off to the World Junior Championships or Degrassi reruns or whatever and do you.
76291, bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Posted by okaycomputer, Thu Jun-17-10 09:48 AM

I had a few people I was ready to convert, but they're checking out quickly.

1. Day 1 ties didn't help (their words, not mine)

2. See post subject

3. Almost impossible to get wrapped up when the entire Cup is during normal working hours.

I'm actually thinking that the Game 3s are the best time to introduce new people. Nearly every game has tangible stakes and there will be several gut-wrenching outcomes. You're able to tell them that Team A needs this, this and this to happen in order to move on and that certainly helps in making them realize how crucial every possession is.
76292, Anyone that can't drown out a constant noise ... I consider dumb.
Posted by MEAT, Thu Jun-17-10 10:07 AM
It's not like it's changing inflections or coming and going. At some point it just becomes part of the background.
I feel like people that are tuning out because of those things are just making excuses to be annoyed.
Have conversations, start chants, drink, play drinking games ... You don't have to be tuned into soccer 100% of the time.
It's a fun sport, and there has been much less flopping than I've traditionally seen.
The first match I saw was crap, I think it was France, but other than that, it's been fair play (that I've seen).
76293, I'm just saying that for those on the fence, the excuses are there.
Posted by okaycomputer, Thu Jun-17-10 11:25 AM
More often than not it's a game of nuance that takes a fair amount of concerted effort for the uninitiated to get into.

ABC/ESPN has done their part to hype this up, but on the other side all of those could-be-fans have been hearing is "Just wait until the World Cup, you're all gonna become FUTBOL fans!" IMO week 1 hasn't given the uninitiated American sports fan much to chew on aside from a 1-1 draw with England.

The horns are the horns, yeah you can ignore them. But what is lost are the songs/chants. The horns aren't going to turn me away, I'm already a fan, but in '06 (when I knew nothing) the songs and chants were one of the key reasons I kept watching in the beginning...I envied and respected that passion as a sports fan.

I honestly think people were ready to watch. I'm hoping for a big American win tomorrow that'll drag people into the 3rd games and hook a few fans for life.
76294, We're not picking up fans unless we're in knock out rounds
Posted by MEAT, Thu Jun-17-10 02:20 PM
76295, i gave up on converting folks into soccer fans a long time ago
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Jun-17-10 10:01 AM
If you aint got it you aint got it, the theory is brilliant. some folks just dont have the capacity to enjoy it. i cant enjoy baseball cause theres more or less nothing happening.

i mean you got folks that consider a 13-10 football game entertaining. that shit'll damn near drive me nuts and its basically the genesis of the Titans (my favorite team) style. so its really whatever.
76296, so your rant is actually about broadcasters being idiots?
Posted by thejerseytornado, Thu Jun-17-10 10:09 AM
no shit. sportscenter couldn't even pronounce iniesta right.

but really, when it gets us media attention, then they do stupid shit to try to improve it's US media share and that'd be bad. let soccer be soccer. it's not like the players are hurting for money or the leagues for competitiveness (well, they are, but they just need more soccer fan/bazillionaire owners and less american business men taking over).

mas que un club

08-09 Survivor Champion.

"I mean, I can pigeonhole people because I'm close-minded. But I'm special and different." (c) Walleye

"on the other hand 100% of the Islamic terrorists are Muslims." A f*cking congressman. smh.
76297, I HATE the pitcher's duel comparison
Posted by Y2Flound, Thu Jun-17-10 10:11 AM
A pitcher's duel is a dominating performance by 1 man. He goes out there with the ball in his hand and strikes out 12 and doesn't let anyone sniff a base.

In a 1-0 soccer game the game was not dominated by a great goaltender (usually) he will have what 6 or 7 saves in a 1-0 win?

A 1-0 game is usually controled in the midfield with constant changes of posession and nobody able to advance the ball far enough to score. Sure this is probably dominance in it's own right, but it is nothing you can compare to 1 pitcher going out and just dominating a team by himself.

76298, is it really though?
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Jun-17-10 10:22 AM
>A pitcher's duel is a dominating performance by 1 man. He
>goes out there with the ball in his hand and strikes out 12
>and doesn't let anyone sniff a base.

i mean a dominating pitcher is as much him as it is the field players behind him making plays. is it really that much different than a goalie and the guys playing in front of him
76299, RE: is it really though?
Posted by Y2Flound, Thu Jun-17-10 10:29 AM
In a dominating pitching performance the pitcher rises above, see my below example about an NHL game where the goalie makes 45 saves.

In most 1-0 soccer games the pace is slow and nobody is really advancing anything.

I'm not saying that most 1-0 baseball games are exciting, they can be boring too. But I can usually point to a clear and dominating player that caused that where as in soccer I feel it was more because nobody really did anything.

Yes I know that comment reeks of ignorance about the game, but you ask why people don't like a 1-0 game and it is because it appears like nothing exciting ever happens. 10 strikeouts + are exciting, goalie saves standing on thier heads are exciting, and I just don't see that stuff in most soccer games.

76300, strike outs are really not that exciting to a baseball outsider
Posted by nighttripper, Thu Jun-17-10 10:32 AM
it's one of my favorite things now, but believe me, if you take somebody to a baseball game for the first time (or even for the second, third, fourth or fifth time), they're not giving a shit about strike outs
76301, RE: strike outs are really not that exciting to a baseball outsider
Posted by Y2Flound, Thu Jun-17-10 10:37 AM
I can't speak well enough on that because I have always known baseball, but I wonder this

If I took someone to a game and Stephen Strasberg struck out 20 and I explained that has only been done twice before and this guy is just a rookie so it is a really big deal.

Then they took me to a soccer game that ended 0-0 and explained, this midfielder is really good at not letting people get near the goal. He steals the ball kicks it down field the other team gets it brings it back down and repeats.

I just don't see how they are on the same level. Obviously my soccer comparison is sarcastic in it's own way, but I'm trying to compare the 2 and just don't get how that is exciting to see in a soccer game. I have really tried and I just can't see it.

76302, they would have to explain more than just this
Posted by nighttripper, Thu Jun-17-10 10:48 AM
team organization and what not, the right technique to tackle, etc...

to compare to another sport, 3-and-outs are boring in football until somebody takes the time to explain to you everything the defense has to do to make them happen

and trust me on this, no first time baseball viewer will be enthralled by a 20 strike out game. The only way it gets exciting to them is if they see people running. Otherwise, they're like, what the fuck kind of lazy sport is this?
76303, see its the same to me.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Jun-17-10 10:40 AM

>I'm not saying that most 1-0 baseball games are exciting, they
>can be boring too. But I can usually point to a clear and
>dominating player that caused that where as in soccer I feel
>it was more because nobody really did anything.

i guess cause i'm used to it, its obvious to me who the best player on the field was.
76304, heh...I don't get your distinction
Posted by nighttripper, Thu Jun-17-10 10:22 AM
the point is, if you understand soccer, you can enjoy watching good defense (organization, tackling) and good goal-tending, just as you enjoy watching good pitching & good defense if you understand baseball

what I would say about this is that sometimes a 1 run baseball game is not really happening because it's a pitcher's duel, but rather because you're watching 2 inept offenses (the recent Cubs/Sox game with Lilly & Floyd comes to mind). And it's the same thing in soccer...some low scoring games are enjoyable because they're due to outstanding defensive performances, even though the offenses played well too (Argentina/Nigeria, say), but some of them are just poor display of offense (a lot of the first games in this cup).
76305, And fans of each sport know the difference
Posted by Y2Flound, Thu Jun-17-10 10:25 AM
I know the difference between 2 offenses just messing up, and a pitcher who is on fire that night.

But yes I think the distinction is there again, I would compare it to an NHL goalie making 45 saves in a shutout, that game is more exciting than a 1-0 hockey game that was 1-0 because nobody really did anything or took serious shots.

www.twitter.com/EveryPhillyFan -
76306, but there is a parallel to be made, is my point
Posted by nighttripper, Thu Jun-17-10 10:29 AM
it's not a stupid comparison, imo

as for hockey...I don't know shit about it, but I would imagine a hardcore hockey fan may enjoy a defensive game even when the goalies don't have a lot of work if they like watching good defense by the 'field' players (hits and whatnot)
76307, See I don't think Hockey fans would like that
Posted by Y2Flound, Thu Jun-17-10 10:32 AM
I think about the mid 90s devils and the trap they played, they bored everyone.

Hits are nice yes, but in a game where the score is low simply because nobody can advance the puck the fans are not excited. Maybe I'm wrong on that but I think everyone outside NJ hated the Devils for that.

76308, didn't bore me! They were winnin'!
Posted by magilla vanilla, Thu Jun-17-10 04:51 PM
76309, its a terrible comparison... a pitchers duel is very different
Posted by rjc27, Thu Jun-17-10 02:33 PM
any given pitch can change things... soccer the goals seem to take forever to form... that is just such an off comparison

76310, Plus a 1-0 baseball game is fast
Posted by MagJayRan, Thu Jun-17-10 05:23 PM
Even if it's not exciting, it doesn't take very long.
76311, shortest baseball game is longer than a soccer match
Posted by thejerseytornado, Thu Jun-24-10 11:42 AM

mas que un club

08-09 Survivor Champion.

"I mean, I can pigeonhole people because I'm close-minded. But I'm special and different." (c) Walleye

"on the other hand 100% of the Islamic terrorists are Muslims." A f*cking congressman. smh.
76312, i'm about to make pissing soccer fans an agenda
Posted by bshelly, Thu Jun-17-10 10:15 AM
and I LIKE soccer.

OE said it best.






76313, it seems the only fan you're going to piss off is the O.P.
Posted by nighttripper, Thu Jun-17-10 10:24 AM
76314, you know who sucks? WC only fans
Posted by thejerseytornado, Thu Jun-17-10 10:27 AM
or, in other words, don't talk shit to me about spain being perennial chokers if you didn't watch the euro 2008 tournament.

who played soccer in middle school or high school and watch a game with you and scream out "switch!" or other basic tactical things and then smirk when it happens (no shit they try to switch the ball from one side to the other) or get condescending about how they knew what the professional players (whose names, by the way, they don't know) should have done.

Nevermind, of course, that they were just screaming for a team's superstar to pass it completely across the field to a defender who is out of position and actually needs to run back into a better position to protect against a counterattack.


edit: basically, either like it and be a fan, or don't like it and shut the fuck up about it. either is cool. but know-it-alls who don't actually watch except for the world cup are infinitely more annoying than anyone else.
mas que un club

08-09 Survivor Champion.

"I mean, I can pigeonhole people because I'm close-minded. But I'm special and different." (c) Walleye

"on the other hand 100% of the Islamic terrorists are Muslims." A f*cking congressman. smh.
76315, huh...Spain are perennial chokers, sorry
Posted by nighttripper, Thu Jun-17-10 10:30 AM
one win in the EC doesn't change this fine, long-standing tradition

(and yes, I realize I might be setting myself up for an epic fail here, but fuck it)
76316, wow. i succeeded quicker than i thought!
Posted by bshelly, Thu Jun-17-10 10:33 AM
76317, heh...jersey is perpetually mad
Posted by nighttripper, Thu Jun-17-10 10:36 AM
Spain chokerie probably has much more to do with this outburst than your little darts
76318, i know. i'd be mad if i rooted for soccer's buffalo bills
Posted by bshelly, Thu Jun-17-10 10:38 AM
i mean, even greece won a Euro.
76319, actually, this rant was inspired by the "friend" who hosted
Posted by thejerseytornado, Thu Jun-17-10 11:05 AM
a watch party i had to go to for the england vs. us game.

mas que un club

08-09 Survivor Champion.

"I mean, I can pigeonhole people because I'm close-minded. But I'm special and different." (c) Walleye

"on the other hand 100% of the Islamic terrorists are Muslims." A f*cking congressman. smh.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Jun-17-10 11:05 AM
76321, i assumed he purposefully forgot that spain won the 08 euro
Posted by thejerseytornado, Thu Jun-17-10 11:07 AM

mas que un club

08-09 Survivor Champion.

"I mean, I can pigeonhole people because I'm close-minded. But I'm special and different." (c) Walleye

"on the other hand 100% of the Islamic terrorists are Muslims." A f*cking congressman. smh.
76322, NOPE! just putting your "accomplishment" in context
Posted by bshelly, Thu Jun-17-10 11:58 AM
76323, uruguay's won two world cups.
Posted by thejerseytornado, Thu Jun-17-10 12:11 PM
but, i understand.

mas que un club

08-09 Survivor Champion.

"I mean, I can pigeonhole people because I'm close-minded. But I'm special and different." (c) Walleye

"on the other hand 100% of the Islamic terrorists are Muslims." A f*cking congressman. smh.
76324, RE: i'm about to make pissing soccer fans an agenda
Posted by all stah, Thu Jun-17-10 10:41 AM
I know what tournament I did watch, and that
was The Confederation Cup, and they were murdered.

I know we go at it every year, and I'm not trying to snark on you,
but come on man, Spain is overrated, like I've been saying for the past 2 years.

76325, you don't even know which response to reply to.
Posted by thejerseytornado, Thu Jun-17-10 11:07 AM

mas que un club

08-09 Survivor Champion.

"I mean, I can pigeonhole people because I'm close-minded. But I'm special and different." (c) Walleye

"on the other hand 100% of the Islamic terrorists are Muslims." A f*cking congressman. smh.
76326, RE: you don't even know which response to reply to.
Posted by all stah, Thu Jun-17-10 11:13 AM

continue to be a child .

the result is still going to be the same.
76327, cute, i've got a legit groupie
Posted by thejerseytornado, Thu Jun-17-10 11:39 AM
and now groupie's mad.

maybe you should just take my name out your mouth when you post about soccer? like the messi mention from argentina's first game, or this here. you pop off, i make fun. you cry. we've been here many, many times before.

mas que un club

08-09 Survivor Champion.

"I mean, I can pigeonhole people because I'm close-minded. But I'm special and different." (c) Walleye

"on the other hand 100% of the Islamic terrorists are Muslims." A f*cking congressman. smh.
76328, RE: cute, i've got a legit groupie
Posted by all stah, Thu Jun-17-10 11:57 AM
the difference between me and you is you're a girl

Messi just started playing well, this tourney, for his national team.
He had 8 shots in the first match and scored on none of them,2
were because of great goalkeeping, the rest were off point ....He was not
surgical. period

Today he was the MVP...I'll admit that. He was terrific.....

I mean dude, you are an american rooting against your own
country..you're not Spanish.You don't speak it, and you don't live there

No L in the world is bigger than that.

During the confederation cup, you acted like a pussy, saying the
tourney didn't mean shit.....but now teams are using usa's blueprint
to beat spain

quit being a little bitch, bitch
76329, see, here you are again trying to make this about me.
Posted by thejerseytornado, Thu Jun-17-10 12:17 PM
>the difference between me and you is you're a girl

damn, dude, if it gets you that mad, i'll stop making fun of you.

>Messi just started playing well, this tourney, for his
>national team.

yes, and you took pot shots at him AFTER HIS FIRST GAME. a game in which he played WELL.

>He had 8 shots in the first match and scored on none of
>were because of great goalkeeping, the rest were off point
>....He was not
>surgical. period

not surgical? that's you're biggest critique? you called me out by name in a post because he wasn't "surgical." LMMFAO.

>I mean dude, you are an american rooting against your own
>country..you're not Spanish.You don't speak it, and you don't
>live there

Puedo hablar castellano, puta. And now you need to live in countries? I don't even root against the US (except vs. spain, be mad). I did it on the board's because of a hilarious back and forth with buck.

>No L in the world is bigger than that.

lulz. wut?

>During the confederation cup, you acted like a pussy, saying
>tourney didn't mean shit.....but now teams are using usa's
>to beat spain

this is where the concept of "logic" fails you. The confeds cup doesn't mean shit (true). A team used the US's method to beat spain (also true). (key word: A. not multiple. A single team. And i posit that has more to do with the terrible lineup by del bosque, but switzerland also played its ass off).

so yeah, the US came up with a great strategy to beat spain. and del bosque being the bad tactical coach he is, he didn't do anything to beat it (if they're going to clog the middle, go wide and bring in an extra striker). We'll see if they react well to it. but if you don't think spain will beat honduras, just LMAO. and if you don't think spain will likely beat chile also, well, i'd put money on it.
>quit being a little bitch, bitch

quit being a dumbfuck, you dumbfuck.

mas que un club

08-09 Survivor Champion.

"I mean, I can pigeonhole people because I'm close-minded. But I'm special and different." (c) Walleye

"on the other hand 100% of the Islamic terrorists are Muslims." A f*cking congressman. smh.
76330, RE: see, here you are again trying to make this about me.
Posted by all stah, Thu Jun-17-10 12:43 PM
rooting against the US to make
people mad?

what type of dumb shit is that?....

stop dude....just stop
76331, on the interwebs, people can playact and pretend
Posted by thejerseytornado, Thu Jun-17-10 03:35 PM
like my anti-america stance in the confeds cup.

like we all had hoped was this whole all stah alias till we found out it was real.

mas que un club

08-09 Survivor Champion.

"I mean, I can pigeonhole people because I'm close-minded. But I'm special and different." (c) Walleye

"on the other hand 100% of the Islamic terrorists are Muslims." A f*cking congressman. smh.
76332, RE: you don't even know which response to reply to.
Posted by all stah, Thu Jun-17-10 11:13 AM

continue to be a child .

the result is still going to be the same.
76333, RE: i'm about to make pissing off soccer fans an agenda
Posted by Brother Grifter, Thu Jun-17-10 10:42 AM

I'm getting tired of these soccer fans going full-Tebow trying to convert people...and I fucks with the footie

Set your alarm for 4am, wake up, screw the haters, and enjoy the pinnacle of your sport. It's not happening again for 4 years.
76334, Dumb, unneccasary post
Posted by calminvasion, Thu Jun-17-10 10:24 AM
76335, ^ this
Posted by sfMatt, Thu Jun-17-10 11:10 AM
(except spelled right)

76336, I'm just happy I had spaces between words
Posted by calminvasion, Thu Jun-17-10 11:51 AM
I got spoiled by the auto spell feature in firefox. But I have to use IE on my work laptop, that also has a bad space key.

This is a preemptive pleacop for all future mispelling and lack of spacing
76337, lol
Posted by sfMatt, Thu Jun-17-10 01:12 PM
76338, I laughed at Sportscentre
Posted by Call It Anything, Thu Jun-17-10 10:36 AM
76339, Hint 1 was when he said "North Americans"
Posted by HowieDooem, Thu Jun-17-10 11:02 AM
76340, Not counting Mexicans?
Posted by Marauder21, Thu Jun-17-10 02:17 PM
76341, I've never heard someone of Mexican heritage call himself North American
Posted by HowieDooem, Thu Jun-17-10 03:39 PM
It's a crafty Canadian trick to throw the word "American" in somewhere to try to ride the awesome thunder that is the USA.
76342, Good detective work.
Posted by denny, Thu Jun-17-10 08:25 PM
Perhaps Hint 2 was the second sentence in which I wrote:

"I work in sports television in Canada".

Not sure how subversive this comes across but.....
76343, Meh, I don't give a fuck if any of you watch it or not
Posted by theothursdays, Thu Jun-17-10 11:27 AM
But I don't know where the reputation comes from that us "soccer people" are knocking on their doors day and night trying to convert them into soccer fans.

Pretty sure that's never happened on this board, yet some people are clearly enraged that this sport they can't stand is on their ESPN.

This post is a bad look and should've gone inside an existing post, but in general if you think it sucks and you think it's boring so bees it. You wanna learn about it, I'll explain, but I'm not having the same old arguments 40 times every 4 years, especially when the sport is played year round every year and the World Cup is hardly ever the most competitive games out there

76344, My perception based on this post is that you're a bit of a whiny bitch
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jun-17-10 11:32 AM
that may be an unfair generalization or may not but that's certainly the impression created.

Try not to post so pussy the next time if that's not actually the case.
76345, lmao
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Jun-17-10 11:44 AM
76346, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9jjEqRfqoM
Posted by The Real, Thu Jun-17-10 12:50 PM


XBox 360 Live gamertag - Keystonejenks
76347, I have nothing against soccer, I just don't watch it
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Thu Jun-17-10 11:34 AM
It was kinda fun playing it in P.E. during Middle School, but I'm not a fan...I'm sure it's just cultural. I was one of the few Black kids that liked Hockey for a year or two back in the day, but overall, I grew up playing/watching Basketball n (American) Football. I can feel you that folks are ignorant about it, but it's all about what you grew up to enjoy.
76348, *Dead* @ this part
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Jun-17-10 12:57 PM
>It was kinda fun playing it in P.E. during Middle School

Why is that like the only memory a lot of Americans have
about Soccer?


I was gonna say the same shit in my post


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "Cosmic Slop"
76349, Our PE teachers dedicated 2 weeks to soccer during middle school
Posted by Radio Rahim, Thu Jun-17-10 01:57 PM
the white boys was happy as hell and I remember scoring a header lmao. thats the only time i every played soccer
76350, Fam, I couldn't NOT use my hands.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Jun-17-10 02:30 PM

I wanted to grab the ball and start jukin niggas


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "Cosmic Slop"
76351, I wish I hadn't clicked this post
Posted by B9, Thu Jun-17-10 12:58 PM
Only thing I'll say is, like Smuts, I'm fine if people don't like the sport and I don't think everyone should or those that don't like it "just don't get it", I'm just annoyed by people that go out of their way to make it known that they don't like it or take pot shots at it. Makes me think they are increadibly insecure about something, what that is, I don't know, but it does make me wonder.
76352, what does grown men making crying-ass threads like this make u think?
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jun-17-10 01:14 PM
just out of curiosity.
76353, that they need to get over it
Posted by B9, Thu Jun-17-10 01:34 PM
If someone can't get over why other people don't love or respect soccer, life is going to be very frustrating for them.
76354, This should have been your first and only reply.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Thu Jun-17-10 02:31 PM
>If someone can't get over why other people don't love or
>respect soccer, life is going to be very frustrating for them.



O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "Cosmic Slop"
76355, but people that go out of their way to slam it, whats with that?
Posted by B9, Thu Jun-17-10 02:35 PM
screams "phobia", and I don't know what there is to fear about it.
76356, this bitchy post was wearing a big 'Kick Me' sign on it though
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jun-24-10 02:35 PM
so anyone going in here I understand completely.
76357, Wow. This is like arriving late to an accident scene.
Posted by Buck, Thu Jun-17-10 02:04 PM
Like, what in hell happened here?
76358, And now that I've reconstructed it, the OP really pisses me off.
Posted by Buck, Thu Jun-17-10 02:30 PM
The irony of giving that definition of "ignorance."

Fuck you, ignoramus.
76359, it is a super canuckien post
Posted by B9, Thu Jun-17-10 02:40 PM

and just imagining Canadians pronouncing Austria or Australia...that was worth the read.
76360, And provincial as fuck.
Posted by Buck, Thu Jun-17-10 02:45 PM
Double meaning intended.

As in, "I live in Toronto, and therefore my experience here speaks for all citizens of the entire continent of North America."

I can't even blame Canadians here, and I loooove to blame Canadians! This bitch is just ignorant.
76361, americans have an intrinsic need to feel superior.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Thu Jun-17-10 02:32 PM
it's just part of who we are.

so the fact that futbol is the most popular sport EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD except here means that we *have* to berate it and belittle it and claim that "we could dominate it if we really wanted to".

we have no choice. it's the american way.
76362, c'mon dula, let AI & Bron play soccer, fuck you think happens?
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jun-17-10 04:15 PM
"we could dominate it if we really
>wanted to".
76363, RE: My rant about North American perceptions of soccer.
Posted by all stah, Thu Jun-17-10 02:33 PM
world cup= no warring

everyone, just chill and watch the matches

So called futbol heads trying to prove their superiority
over American futbol watchers

Americans dissing the sport,
and other kinds of petty shit

Just chill with all of that......

Enjoy this shit and be peace

76364, lol, i'm in a bar full of mexicans right now watching el tri get busy.
Posted by dula dibiasi, Thu Jun-17-10 02:45 PM
these niggas straight lost it after that last goal
76365, RE: lol, i'm in a bar full of mexicans right now watching el tri get busy.
Posted by all stah, Thu Jun-17-10 03:31 PM
when they win, they let niggas know

If Mexico wins the world cup,

all the mexicans in America will go berserk,
that shit might start an immigrant revolution.

76366, hand clap. I like the new, mature allstah
Posted by calminvasion, Thu Jun-17-10 04:22 PM
76367, can't believe I just wasted time reading this
Posted by rjc27, Thu Jun-17-10 02:34 PM
this post sucks

76368, LA, 5-beer lunch @ a bar watchin cholos celebrate Mexico beats France?
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jun-17-10 04:20 PM
far stronger endorsement of the sport than this pussy who created this post could ever muster.

76369, which bar u hit up?
Posted by mykonsept, Thu Jun-17-10 05:00 PM
76370, The Tavern, shit I forgot you were right near me
Posted by Bombastic, Thu Jun-17-10 06:20 PM
76371, Like all things in life
Posted by Rick Fox Jr, Thu Jun-17-10 04:35 PM
can't let BS distract you from what you enjoy. I learned this when I was 12.
76372, this post got beat with a brick... change username to reginald denny
Posted by soundsop, Thu Jun-17-10 05:43 PM
76373, The truck driver right?
Posted by denny, Thu Jun-17-10 07:02 PM

That's funny and I'll consider it.

I'm just kind of shell-shocked right now. Bitch? Faggot? Pussy? The hatred runs deep here.

Doesn't change the fact that would I said is true. Sports journalists in NA are so insecure in their understanding of soccer that their defense mechanism becomes misinformed critique.

We did have one reporter admit he didn't understand the allure of the game....he also said he didn't know the difference between a boring match and an entertaining one. Good on him.
76374, You made an ignorant criticism of "North Americans"
Posted by Buck, Thu Jun-17-10 07:30 PM
And you're surprised when a bunch of North Americans call you out for it?

Just type, "I was wrong," take your L, and move on.
76375, I did no such thing.
Posted by denny, Thu Jun-17-10 08:15 PM
I know alot about sports journalism in NA. I'm employed by it.

How can I be ignorant? It's my profession.

And my characterization is true. Sports Journalists in NA are not knowledgeable about soccer (on average). When they get assigned to cover it...the insecurities in their own lack of familiarity take the form of misguided criticism as a defense mechanism.

76376, Oh, so now it's just about journalists?
Posted by Buck, Thu Jun-17-10 08:18 PM
Because the original post casts a considerably wider net than that.
76377, RE: Oh, so now it's just about journalists?
Posted by denny, Thu Jun-17-10 08:31 PM
Reread the first couple paragraphs that I wrote.

It's pretty clear to me that it's a response to NA sports journalists and the critiques they espouse about soccer.

I know these guys...they're palms get sweaty before they do soccer hilites cause when you can't pronounce the name of one of the most popular athletes in the world.....it's embarrassing and you look like an amatuer. This anxiety is what prompts the criticism.
76378, RE: Oh, so now it's just about journalists?
Posted by Buck, Thu Jun-17-10 08:32 PM
Reread the last three paragraphs. Who are those about?
76379, I'm no writer....
Posted by denny, Thu Jun-17-10 08:46 PM
and perhaps it isn't as clear as it should be.

But those paragraphs are responses to critiques of soccer made by NA journalists. All fair game to me. I've read posts complaining about the quality of lots of sportscasters in a lot of contexts.

I find it hard to believe that your an American soccer fan...and you've never been critical of the soccer coverage your provided with.

But by all means...pile-on.

76380, RE: I'm no writer....
Posted by Buck, Thu Jun-17-10 09:03 PM
"why is it that Americans can find pleasure..."

"Why does everyone feel the need..."

"This is the character of North American perspectives..."

That's what you wrote; the word "journalist" does not appear in those sentences.

I don't really care either way--I'm just watching the NBA finals with my laptop on the couch, and I'm happy to keep this conversation going until I find something better to do. But to suggest that you were somehow misunderstood, and to refuse to take responsibility for your own words...that's why people are calling you a pussy. Ain't complicated.
76381, RE: I'm no writer....
Posted by denny, Thu Jun-17-10 09:24 PM
Yes, by extension...many American sports fans have these same misconceptions about soccer. And yes, there is no reason to care about that.

But journalists are fair game for criticism. And it's not beyond reason that people on sports message boards will talk about the quality of journalism they watch on tv.

You've taken those snippets out of context. All of those talking points....amount of goals, diving, I addressed were established as being said by a journalist in my post.

Can't believe Boston's winning....but with about 5 minutes left in the second quarter of tonights game 7, a producer walks up to the desk and asks Magic, Steve, etc what they what to talk about during the half. Magic say's 'I'll take Boston D....Steve says 'I'll do Ray allen shooting' etc.

Here's my experience this week. Doing a show called 'The Reporters'. 4 guys on a panel. They had to do around 11 minutes on soccer cause of the World Cup. Noone had watched any matches.....so one guy said 'I'll do the vevezulas'...next guy said 'I'll do diving'...next guy said "have there been alot of goals?" Producer: 'no'. "Okay, I'll do that." The producer asked if anyone wanted to talk about Germany's game (the day before) and shoulders were shrugged. The fourth guy gets my respect cause he basically admitted he didn't know soccer, didn't like it and therefore has nothing to offer in terms of opinion.

So they go on air and basically rip into the World Cup....again, without any of them even having watched a match.

That, sir, is IGNORANCE and I see no controversy in pointing it out on a sports message board.
76382, Then your beef is with "The Reporters."
Posted by Buck, Thu Jun-17-10 09:28 PM
And has nothing to do with "North Americans."
76383, No.
Posted by denny, Thu Jun-17-10 09:41 PM
I work on about 15 different shows. Same shit everywhere. And I'm sure that these attitudes are prevelant over at ESPN too. Other than those that specialize in soccer....it's mostly a chore for these sportscasters.

We've owned the rights to the World Cup since the 70's but this year we lost them to a public broadcaster. (we traded them for the Olympics) So unfortunately I don't get to work on it. Our soccer reporters are great though....and also share my sentiments about other journalists/coverage.
76384, so you'd love for soccer to reach the journalistic excellence
Posted by will_5198, Thu Jun-17-10 09:57 PM
that football, basketball and baseball enjoy in North America? and you decided to complain about it on OKP, of all places?

lol. yes, we need ESPN to cover soccer like they do college football -- biased airheads constantly slobbering over USC, getting into shouting matches without any insight on personnel, and repeating basic stats as if they were informative ("He threw 32 touchdowns. He's good!").

Peter King is at the World Cup right now, and his reporting is hardly different from what he offers about the NFL: random musings through the prism of a middle-aged white man. King doesn't know anything more about football than a HS coach.

anyway, I'm not sure why you're so shocked and appalled that the Canadian/US sports media has given only passing regard to soccer. nobody cares about it here!

and that's never going to change. so you might want to move to another country if this bothers you so much; I'm sure there's a kid in Spain who hates the fact hockey is shit on by his countrymen.
76385, Americans want drama
Posted by OldPro, Thu Jun-17-10 05:56 PM
And soccer is lacking in real drama.... you're up 2-0 with 10 minutes left... what's the real chance of a comeback? Not only that a team can't go from winning to losing on one kick. No 3 run home runs down 2 ... no last minute 3s ... no hail marys. I mean I have no problem with people enjoying Soccer but they need to stop acting confused about why the rest of us don't.
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76386, I completely understand that
Posted by nighttripper, Thu Jun-17-10 06:48 PM
but I wouldn't say that there is no drama in soccer...it's just that drama happens much less often. However, when drama happens, it's a stronger fix than any other sport. At least, that's my opinion (and I like all the major sports, except maybe hockey).
76387, I always shave before I visit my parents
Posted by Walleye, Thu Jun-17-10 07:56 PM
As a gentleman of leisure, I'm beholden to none* for my facial hair decisions. Since the late nineties passed, and an unfortunately era-necessitated flirtation with a goatee passed along with it, I've come to gather a lot of useful information about my face in the even, objective manner of trial and error. I'll spare you the details but one: I look spectacular with a beard.

If asked to make a guess about how I'd look with a beard before I ever tried to grow one, I'd have almost certainly insisted it was a terrible idea. Outside of charm and intelligence, genetics has blessed me with a really solid jawline/cheekbone combination. Covering up my best# feature sounds like a non-starter, but I never would have known unless I tried it. And "trying" it wasn't a simple whim. The period of time between simply "unshaven" and legitimately "bearded" is awfully itchy, but I soldiered through it like somebody with a genuine interest in learning something new about the ways in which I could be good looking.

The problem, however, is that I see my parents about once or twice a year on visits to my hometown and they, particularly my father, mock me pretty relentlessly if I appear even slightly unshaven. There's a curious double standard in effect because my brother doesn't get any of the same treatment in spite of nearly bending over backwards in both dress and grooming to look like a doofus. The only conclusion I can draw is that my parents haven't really put forth the effort to understand how good I look with a beard and, worse, would prefer to maintain their intellectually vacant position without making the effort to learn the obvious, contrary truth.

*except my wife
#outside of my eyes, but those don't really factor heavily into this decision
76388, Opaque, but effective.
Posted by Buck, Thu Jun-17-10 08:19 PM
76389, You spelled Sportscenter wrong.
Posted by Kira, Thu Jun-17-10 08:58 PM
American football is still more exciting than Futbol deal with it.

You on that ******.
76390, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noOHdTQd6H8
Posted by Overqualified, Thu Jun-17-10 10:10 PM
76391, lol
Posted by Mr Teeth, Thu Jun-17-10 10:46 PM
76392, i made this whole long reply
Posted by jrocc, Fri Jun-18-10 09:35 PM
but Wikipedia explains it better...


that pretty much covers any point i was going to make.
76393, soccer, on paper, is a terrible, terrible spectator sport
Posted by The Damaja, Fri Jun-18-10 09:59 PM
most of the action is inconsequential
the ball is not actually in play for about 40% of the allocated time
teams can time waste so easily
diving is rife
only a few teams in the whole world play 'beautiful' football (barca)
some of the rules aren't enforced properly
goals are rare

oh and the fans are scum. whole swaths of people trying to conflate their own self-esteem with some millionaires running about in coloured tops

but the thing is people still like watching it because it's so widely played

and as a sport for playing it's without equal
especially compared to ridiculously impractical sports like american football, basketball and (lol) hockey

edit: so yeah what i'm saying is i wouldn't EXPECT you to think much of soccer unless you grew up playing it. although a lot of women portend to be into soccer who never play it... but i have a personal theory they just like the celebrity gossip aspect of it
76394, oh wow, what a mind blowing revelation
Posted by nighttripper, Sat Jun-19-10 06:54 AM
>although a
>lot of women portend to be into soccer who never play it...
>but i have a personal theory they just like the celebrity
>gossip aspect of it

such a deep thinker you are
76395, i dont give no fuck abt birds / fish / soccer.
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Fri Jun-18-10 10:17 PM
76396, i agree. the rest of the world loves soccer, and we should too.
Posted by Cold Truth, Sat Jun-19-10 09:34 AM
wait, no i don't, what the fuck?

most of you pansies invite nearly every ounce of trash talk they get to hear on the subject, especially when you start telling us how hard it is and how painful it can be. that's all good and well but that doesn't make it fun to watch, and that's the issue. and a handful of you fruit booties will invariably come up with the "whole world loves it" nonsense and that's when we get to licking our chops and get reeeal ignorant on the matter. "hey, maybe if we all grew up on a dirt farm, we'd play soccer too- CAUSE THAT'S ALL THE FUCK WE'D HAVE!!"

so all the pussies like you who are so deeply hurt
by the fact that americans aren't saving up all their finances and vacation time so they can have time off during this snoozer of an "event" that you guys are trying so hard to push on us can go cry yourselves to sleep because it won't do a damn thing to sway anyone.
76397, Who are you even talking about?
Posted by Marauder21, Sat Jun-19-10 02:31 PM

>so all the pussies like you who are so deeply hurt
>by the fact that americans aren't saving up all their finances
>and vacation time so they can have time off during this
>snoozer of an "event" that you guys are trying so hard to push
>on us can go cry yourselves to sleep because it won't do a
>damn thing to sway anyone.
76398, yes, you are as stupid as i think you are
Posted by Cold Truth, Sat Jun-19-10 04:30 PM
i'll save you the trouble of asking
76399, I don't get it
Posted by Marauder21, Sat Jun-19-10 06:41 PM
Who are "you guys" that "are trying so hard to push"
something on you? I ask again, who are you even talking about?

This might have been what smuts was referring to, when he said it is confusing why some people put so much energy into hating something instead of just ignoring it.

The OP made a dumb assertion about (North) Americans, which you decided to follow up with something that was even dumber. Congrats, you have won this post!

I don't really care what sports you like to watch or don't like to watch, but you seem angry, at soccer? For . . . existing? I don't really know, which is why I asked the question in the first place.

OE has a nice response on how to handle people and sports you don't personally like. It's like, inches below this reply. Maybe it will bring you some happiness, at least until Kobe Doin Work gets it's own 24 hour network in July of 2013.
76400, god you really are stupid.
Posted by Cold Truth, Sat Jun-19-10 07:16 PM
>Who are "you guys" that "are trying so hard to push"
> something on you? I ask again, who are you even talking

lol. REALLY? you want me to name names? ok, unfold your arms, deflate your chest, and i'll do you a solid. for starters, dummy, the op. or antonio at my job. or 90% of the soccer loving world i have ever come into contact with, with one major exception of my good friend jairo who is the biggest soccer nut in the universe, who i actually shoot the shit with on the subject because he isn't a hypersensitive pussy on the matter, much like op and yourself.

i find it comical that everyone is hating on this guy the same way i have, and you get all uppity with mine. of course, you've had a hard on for my username since game 7 of a sport that's actually entertaining to watch got your panties in a bunch so i get that.

>This might have been what smuts was referring to, when he said
>it is confusing why some people put so much energy into hating
>something instead of just ignoring it.

no, because my post wouldn't have existed without his crying session. and, AHEM, dipshit, i wasn't standing around hating on soccer and he just happened to call me out on it, which is usually what happens. soccer heads get all defensive before they've even said a word and even if you don't give a rats ass on the subject, they want you to know how much they hate that people hate it- even if the people they are ranting to haven't said a word on the subject, lol. so once people get on these dumbass rants for no actual reason, i like to be an asshole and hate on it just because it's fun at that point. much like rest of this post, which you've apparently ignored. lol.

>The OP made a dumb assertion about (North) Americans, which
>you decided to follow up with something that was even dumber.
>Congrats, you have won this post!

ok! score one for you! lol. how does my ass taste, faggot?

>I don't really care what sports you like to watch or don't
>like to watch, but you seem angry, at soccer? For . . .
>existing? I don't really know, which is why I asked the
>question in the first place.

no, not angry, not at all. just being an asshole to an idiot for making an idiot post and nothing more. learn the difference and i think you'll do ok on the board.

>OE has a nice response on how to handle people and sports you
>don't personally like. It's like, inches below this reply.
>Maybe it will bring you some happiness, at least until Kobe
>Doin Work gets it's own 24 hour network in July of 2013.

or i can just do what i do and be perfectly happy and you can get off my nutts. that works too. just sayin.
76401, ??????
Posted by Marauder21, Sat Jun-19-10 10:35 PM
>>Who are "you guys" that "are trying so hard to push"
>> something on you? I ask again, who are you even talking
>lol. REALLY? you want me to name names? ok, unfold your arms,
>deflate your chest, and i'll do you a solid. for starters,
>dummy, the op. or antonio at my job. or 90% of the soccer
>loving world i have ever come into contact with, with one
>major exception of my good friend jairo who is the biggest
>soccer nut in the universe, who i actually shoot the shit with
>on the subject because he isn't a hypersensitive pussy on the
>matter, much like op and yourself.
>i find it comical that everyone is hating on this guy the same
>way i have, and you get all uppity with mine. of course,
>you've had a hard on for my username since game 7 of a sport
>that's actually entertaining to watch got your panties in a
>bunch so i get that.

I don't understand why you're so angry, and this does not really clarify anything.

I have no personal problem with you. Sorry the people at your job are assholes, maybe? Your anger just confuses me. I'm not sure why you were so mad at other people, on the internet, when the Lakers won a chip. Other Laker fans did not seem to be so ornery. I was wondering what your problem was, with winning. You're probably a rational human being, which makes this all the more strange. I wasn't as angry at the draft lottery as you were after your team won a chip. And I know it's not because I'm well-adjusted, because if that was the case I probably wouldn't be responding to this.

And your reply wasn't anything like any of the others on here, because those people mostly made sense, and were not making actually crazy accusations of imaginary people.

Read my replies in here and you'd see I didn't really agree with the OP's emotions and generalizations, like, at all. But your foaming-at-the-mouth rage is something else entirely, so go with that. It seems to be bringing you . . . internet fame? Yes, you have won all the internet fame. Congrats.

>>This might have been what smuts was referring to, when he
>>it is confusing why some people put so much energy into
>>something instead of just ignoring it.
>no, because my post wouldn't have existed without his crying
>session. and, AHEM, dipshit, i wasn't standing around hating
>on soccer and he just happened to call me out on it, which is
>usually what happens. soccer heads get all defensive before
>they've even said a word and even if you don't give a rats ass
>on the subject, they want you to know how much they hate that
>people hate it- even if the people they are ranting to haven't
>said a word on the subject, lol. so once people get on these
>dumbass rants for no actual reason, i like to be an asshole
>and hate on it just because it's fun at that point. much like
>rest of this post, which you've apparently ignored. lol.

Your hate comes from the hate, of hate? Did I get that right? Or was that incomprehensible garbage?

>>The OP made a dumb assertion about (North) Americans, which
>>you decided to follow up with something that was even
>>Congrats, you have won this post!
>ok! score one for you! lol. how does my ass taste, faggot?

Ummmm, what?

>>I don't really care what sports you like to watch or don't
>>like to watch, but you seem angry, at soccer? For . . .
>>existing? I don't really know, which is why I asked the
>>question in the first place.
>no, not angry, not at all. just being an asshole to an idiot
>for making an idiot post and nothing more. learn the
>difference and i think you'll do ok on the board.

Okay, well you're right, it did read like something an asshole would right. So yes, you were correctly being an asshole. Gold star for you? Is that what this is about?

>>OE has a nice response on how to handle people and sports
>>don't personally like. It's like, inches below this reply.
>>Maybe it will bring you some happiness, at least until Kobe
>>Doin Work gets it's own 24 hour network in July of 2013.
>or i can just do what i do and be perfectly happy and you can
>get off my nutts. that works too. just sayin.

But I don't really know you, or care to. Hell, I've probably agreed with you in the past, on topics relating to sports. It is a sports message board, it's not that serious dude.

So to review, soccer fans at your job are annoying, the OP made an emo post, and you made a blanket post angrily lashing out at imaginary straw men for televising/talking about a sport you do not care for.

None of what you said made any sense, but I hope the soccer fans at your job all become Real Americans, and start calling random people faggots, on the internet, so you can find peace.
76402, The only people in Canada that care about soccer are
Posted by Shaun Tha Don, Sat Jun-19-10 10:25 AM
1st/2nd generation European immigrants and non-Whites. I'm non-White, and I have only a cursory interest in it. I'm more apt to watch baseball, football, hockey and basketball since that's what I grew up watching (and actually played as a kid).
76403, also lol @ the pain in soccer vs ice hockey
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jun-20-10 02:03 AM
like, by what measure? soreness? or pain from contact? i've heard soccer fans push the whole more pain argument vis a vis american football and hockey before, it usually boils down to some oddly inclusive argument about endurance and leg wear and tear when the level of contact and severity/commonality of upper body injury and head injury is WAY higher in the actual contact sports.
76404, Well, in Canada, that's an extremely large segment of the population
Posted by HardRom, Sun Jun-20-10 02:09 AM
And, therefore, makes the broadcaster's off camera remarks of 'noone cares'even more ignorant than his initial Austria/Australia mistake.

76405, In Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver, indeed.
Posted by Shaun Tha Don, Sun Jun-20-10 10:18 AM
But pretty much after that, Canada is as vanilla as they come.
76406, and btw, soccer is doing just fine in the US
Posted by bshelly, Sat Jun-19-10 10:38 AM
that's one of the things that piss me off. all of the kids that played soccer in the first wave grew up, and they like this shit now. i mean, especially the upper class. all of my nerd friends wake up to follow the premier league are unbelievably crunk for the world cup.

not to mention our latino brothers and sisters.

the biggest complaint of hardcore soccer fans seems to be that there aren't more americans like them--that they don't get offsides, that they complain about not enough goals, etc.

but guess what?

that's every sport.

do you know how many dumb casual american football fans we have?

soccer's a fifth sport here. it's not major, but neither is hockey, and basketball is borderline. there are plenty of people who like it, especially since the major leagues play at least a four hour time difference from us.

76407, Most young African Americans dislike baseball more than Soccer.
Posted by Orbit_Established, Sat Jun-19-10 03:06 PM
Because most young African-Americans don't care about
soccer, don't see soccer. Baseball, on the other hand,
is shoved down every American's throat. I love baseball,
so its all good to me, but I know youngish African Americans
who can't stand baseball, as in, hate it with an absolute
passion. 90% of these cats don't even mention Soccer.

Difference between me and the cat making this post is that
when brothers start talking bad about baseball,
those of us who do like baseball don't get our panties
in a bunch and cry.

We don't give a fuck what you have to say. I mean, it
actually does not hurt my fuckin feelings.

I've heard niggas skewer baseball for the strange terms,
to the fact that the managers wear actual uniforms(which
is funny, when you think about it...65 year old niggas
in jerseys? LOL), to the fact that goodness is predicated
on rare achievements (a "good" hitter gets a base hit 30%
of the time up...valid point, nothing to say).

I just laugh with them, concede the few points that
are valid, playfully debate the others, and then just
chalk it up to difference of opinion.

I can't, for the life of me, understand why someone would
get upset about it.

Like I said before -- you can't tell a rich white boy that
golf is wack. I've tried. They looked through my black ass
like I wasn't even there, then damn near told me that I could
carry their bags for them next time they played, and I loved
every second of it. They ain't give a fuck what I thought.

In fact, I respected them so much that its made ME respect
Golf more.

(the green activist in me still ain't all with the building
massive golf courses when there's no "space" for schools in
the hood, but that's a debate for a different day and has nothing
to do with the *sport* itself...I can find political reasons
to hate every sport).


O_E: "Acts like an asshole and posts with imperial disdain"

"I ORBITs the solar system, listenin..."

(C)Keith Murray, "Cosmic Slop"
76408, something that pisses me off abt hypocritical US sports fans
Posted by Binlahab, Sat Jun-19-10 07:05 PM
dude scores in soccer...he gets to fucking wild out. his whole squad...wild out. play stops...WHILE they wild out. etc...its considered part of the game. its cool.

let that shit happen in america.

OHHHH poor sportsmanship! ACT LIKE U BEEN THERE BEFORE! etc


nothing really matters to meeeeeeee

bin's super soulful song of the week (5/25 update): http://tinyurl.com/236r4dh
76409, co-sign
Posted by rjc27, Thu Jun-24-10 11:53 AM
76410, well, that's cuz those other sports got NEGROES in'em
Posted by kayru99, Thu Jun-24-10 02:44 PM
like, american black folks.

A black dude from cote d'ivoire with blond dreads and a dyed red goatee could take his dick out on the field during a DC United game, and white folks would be str8, cuz soccer in America is STILL a suburban white folks game.

The moment it gets dominated by American Black men, moral lectures will break out for everything
76411, soccer players get a pass
Posted by sfMatt, Thu Jun-24-10 03:02 PM
because goals are so much more difficult to come by

and so few and far between in a match

the emotional weight of a goal in soccer is much greater than most scoring moves in the traditional American sports...
76412, yeah? well i am fucking sick of soccer fans pushing this shit like ...
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Sun Jun-20-10 01:59 AM
it's fucking brain surgery multiplied by orchestral performance from a world class symphony or that being the most popular sport means being the best sport. coca cola is a popular fucking drink. it's nothing special.

i don't think that many americans love pitcher's duels either and the ones that do could probably appreciate a good low-scoring match as well. the problem in soccer is that you can literally play for a scoreless draw. that is not true in any other sport, really. one could argue it is in ice hockey but in reality it is not a strategy, only a possibility. in soccer, it's more than that.

i'm sorry but that IS boring and that is not the uninformed view of someone who doesn't understand the sport.
76413, No, it's not.
Posted by smutsboy, Thu Jun-24-10 11:38 AM
>i'm sorry but that IS boring

See what I did there?
76414, lol yeah watch the caps play to have 10-shot 1-0 shootout wins and see
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Thu Jun-24-10 11:57 AM
if you think hockey is half as interesting.

watching two good teams play a tactical game is fun but shit teams that play 4-4-2 and crowd the box with NO aspirations of generating a scoring chance for 90 minutes could make even a purist want to blow his brains out. i've been to games like that, i've seen them on TV, they suck and they greatly limit the appeal of the sport. in literally no other sport can your strategy be to drop back and play to a scoreless draw.
76415, That's kinda moral relativism
Posted by smutsboy, Thu Jun-24-10 12:21 PM
Within the context of how soccer seasons are structured, champions crowned, and distribution of wealth/talent, ties have a completely different meaning than if you simply compared them to ties in the NBA or most other North American sports.

If you can't stomach watching a game that might end in a tie, especially intentionally on the part of the inferior team, that's your prerogative, but it's not an inherent, objective flaw in the sport.

76416, actually, I LOVE a pitcher's duel. Wanna know why?
Posted by magilla vanilla, Thu Jun-24-10 11:54 AM
because that means the game isn't FOUR FUCKING HOURS of managers channeling Tony La Russa in an attempt to stop the bleeding. And it makes every ball in play crucial. 'Swhy I much prefer NL ball to AL ball.
76417, do you think that represents the average baseball fan?
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Thu Jun-24-10 11:59 AM
pitchers duels are my favorite types of games when they involve the defense. a pitcher who is on getting a few balls hit hard at guys who make great plays is the kind of game i'd pay double to see.

that said, most baseball fans want more offense than that.
76418, I'd say 5-3/6-4 is around the perfect score
Posted by magilla vanilla, Thu Jun-24-10 12:34 PM
and I think you'd find agreement from a lot of fans on that. Once you get past that, unless the majority of scoring happens in the late innings, the game starts to grind.