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Topic subjecti think the lakers will win 70 games this year.
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70836, i think the lakers will win 70 games this year.
Posted by LBs Finest, Mon Aug-24-09 11:22 PM
65 wins last year with a shitty defense and bynum out half the year? enter artest to improve the defense? please...you can pencil us in for 70 wins WITH a shot at that bulls record.
70837, they have too many potential issues to pencil them in for 70
Posted by mr_graff, Mon Aug-24-09 11:51 PM
1. Bynum gets hurt again

2. Bynum is balling but is mad he's not averaging 20 ppg.

3. PJ decides to quit in the middle of the season.

4. PJ doesn't have the energy to keep Ron Ron in check.

5. Kobe and Artest have an alpha dog competition that messes up the chemistry.

6. Odom reverts to form with the security of a long term contract.
70838, RE: they have too many potential issues to pencil them in for 70
Posted by charlie bucket, Mon Aug-24-09 11:58 PM
>1. Bynum gets hurt again
>2. Bynum is balling but is mad he's not averaging 20 ppg.

either of those could happen

>3. PJ decides to quit in the middle of the season.
>4. PJ doesn't have the energy to keep Ron Ron in check.
>5. Kobe and Artest have an alpha dog competition that messes
>up the chemistry.

i dont think any of those will happen. phil says he feels great and ron seems like he just wants that ring. i dont think he will do anything majorly destructive. i think his toughness will rub off on the team and he will concede to kobe as long as they are winning

>6. Odom reverts to form with the security of a long term

oh odom will disappoint no doubt but the lakers dont need him to show up everynight.
70839, You are really stretching there.
Posted by wallysmith, Tue Aug-25-09 12:08 AM
Not saying I agree with 70 wins, but c'mon.
70840, you should try to be a bit more realistic
Posted by LBs Finest, Tue Aug-25-09 12:12 AM
>1. Bynum gets hurt again

3rd year in a row? i doubt it

>2. Bynum is balling but is mad he's not averaging 20 ppg.

lol so? what, he goes Shaq on us and refuses to rebound or defend because he's not touching the ball every time? the offense doesn't run through him, he knows that and phil damn sure knows that and unlike the dynasty years any lack of effort by his big man and phil can actually afford to bench him.

your third point isn't even worth a reply.

>4. PJ doesn't have the energy to keep Ron Ron in check.

ron will pretty much keep himself in check, he's already sacrificed dollars and shots to come to LA to play on a stacked team when he could have gotten more money along with more scoring opportunites in houston, especially next season with yao out.

>5. Kobe and Artest have an alpha dog competition that messes
>up the chemistry.

lol, riiiight, artest secretly thinks this should be his team...

>6. Odom reverts to form with the security of a long term

reverts to what form? he'll always be inconsistent, whether he's in a contract year or locked up long term.
70841, you should try to be a bit more realistic <-- ironical
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Tue Aug-25-09 11:25 AM
70842, so predicting 70 wins is really that far-fetched? with this team?
Posted by LBs Finest, Tue Aug-25-09 08:10 PM
70843, cmon.
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Tue Aug-25-09 11:17 PM

70844, what?
Posted by LBs Finest, Wed Aug-26-09 04:15 AM
it's a simple 5 game improvement.
70845, simple?
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Wed Aug-26-09 11:56 AM
70846, #5 is utterly stupid
Posted by Basaglia, Tue Aug-25-09 10:30 AM
70847, RE: i think the lakers will win 70 games this year.
Posted by Soul on Fire, Tue Aug-25-09 12:12 AM
i'll go on record and cosign this post.

if they stay focused every game and healthy they got a shot at 72.
70848, minor injuries and lack of focus will keep us from going 80-2
Posted by LBs Finest, Tue Aug-25-09 12:14 AM
so i'll settle for 70 wins.
70849, Go down the schedule. Where are the potential losses?
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Aug-25-09 12:19 AM
This is of course assuming health for your players, naturally... but assuming all are well, where do the losses come from?
70850, we'll probably lose both games at the rose garden
Posted by LBs Finest, Tue Aug-25-09 12:37 AM
boston and orlando will take one from us. so will chris paul and co. as usual utah will get all the calls at home and take one. denver will also get one. then of course we'll come out and give 40% effort and let OKC, charlotte, the kings and indiana each steal a game.
70851, denver's not doing anything next year
Posted by zewari, Wed Aug-26-09 06:50 AM
that team's a hot mess
70852, probably? LOL
Posted by LegacyNS, Fri Aug-28-09 01:12 PM
they be kickin the Lakeshow's @ss in Portland..
70853, No.
Posted by Rick Fox Jr, Tue Aug-25-09 12:28 AM
Look at the division - Kings (should be improved, always give the Lakers a battle); Warriors (should be much improved); Clips (much improved)
Then you got the Blazers for 4 games, Spurs will be improved, and the Mavs, too. Last season was a down year for the West, but if teams stay healthy this season it will be wild again. And Okafor gave the Lakers fits on the Bobcats. So you look at all the playoff teams from last year and you can only say they will be stronger this year.
70854, RE: No.
Posted by Soul on Fire, Tue Aug-25-09 12:31 AM
lol at kings and clips

and no to the rest

their only losses this year will be a couple of random wtf losses
and a few losses to the big time teams celts, mag, cavs, spurs etc.

70855, 82-0
Posted by bshelly, Tue Aug-25-09 12:39 AM
70856, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Posted by osu_no_1, Tue Aug-25-09 05:23 AM
70857, yup
Posted by melmag, Tue Aug-25-09 07:46 AM
70858, And Bynum will average 22 ppg, 17 rpg and 7 bpg
Posted by MadDagoNH, Tue Aug-25-09 11:09 AM
I mean, is there any doubt?

Boston University: 2009 National Champions

2008-09 and 2006-07 Zeno Memorial League Champion
70859, He's gonna average 2.0 MVP trophies a year next year.
Posted by CliffDogg, Tue Aug-25-09 11:24 AM
70860, don't care
Posted by bruceLeroy, Tue Aug-25-09 12:53 AM
just give me the ship. then crown us as the "worst champions in history" like this past season lol.
70861, Nope too old, also NOTHING to prove..that being said.....
Posted by isaaaa, Tue Aug-25-09 01:23 AM
LAKERS vs. CELTS in the finals & I HAVE 0 IDEA WHO WINS.

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70862, I think this post will be upped at least 19 times this season
Posted by ErnestLee, Tue Aug-25-09 01:36 AM
70863, so we're going to win less games this year?
Posted by LBs Finest, Tue Aug-25-09 01:49 AM
70864, Yea
Posted by ErnestLee, Sat Feb-06-10 02:57 AM
70865, Dam, I was way off
Posted by ErnestLee, Tue Mar-30-10 12:37 PM
70866, I don't think they will.
Posted by CliffDogg, Tue Aug-25-09 02:26 AM
70867, ... and the championship?
Posted by ZooTown74, Tue Aug-25-09 03:04 AM
^^^ old reference

And no, I don't believe this will be happening. Sorry, man.
"I am a rewriter. I rewrite a number of times. Imaginative richness is born in rewriting." - Bernard Malamud
70868, championship is a given.
Posted by LBs Finest, Tue Aug-25-09 03:29 AM
>And no, I don't believe this will be happening. Sorry, man.

we can't win 5 more games?
70869, i don't see how they'll lose a game.
Posted by Guinness, Tue Aug-25-09 04:24 AM
they have a dominant big man, two versatile forwards, an aspiring GCOAT and a selfish, misanthropic SG whose grotesque flaws are camouflaged by having the most talented cast in the nba around him.
70870, ^^^ Really angry
Posted by ZooTown74, Tue Aug-25-09 11:00 AM
"I am a rewriter. I rewrite a number of times. Imaginative richness is born in rewriting." - Bernard Malamud
70871, lol@an AI stanley saying anyone is selfish has grotesque flaws
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Dec-10-09 12:02 PM
especially when his sobbing, slobbering ass can't get a job outside of desperate bottom feeders due specifically to his extremely deluded selfishness and the grotesque flaws of his own. hilarious.

oh, i know, you'll come back with some badly insane and out of place "you mad iversons winning" comment, or bombastic will make yet another lame killarmy joke while comically furthering his delusions of grandeur by saying "i'm bored w/you" (who the fuck says shit like that?) in the same post.

it's hilarious to watch you make statements like this about kobe while iverson just got his ass handed to him by the two teams that couldn't wait for him to go. there are so many L's in your post it's absurd.

>they have a dominant big man, two versatile forwards, an
>aspiring GCOAT and a selfish, misanthropic SG whose grotesque
>flaws are camouflaged by having the most talented cast in the
>nba around him.

so... your issue here is that you root for a team with a bunch of retards in management and can't build a team for shit. that's what your saying.
70872, I think the West is a little bit better this year
Posted by MorrisonAdlao, Tue Aug-25-09 05:13 AM
compared to last year...i dont see them getting 70
70873, I don't think they'll hit 70 only bc reg season wins are overrated
Posted by Cenario, Tue Aug-25-09 06:44 AM
Well at least for good proven teams.

I doubt pj will be going for 70 and would rather limit kobe, pau and co's minutes through the season...

They can def win 70 imo but I don't think it'll happen....I think they'll finish just short...say 68
70874, their minutes will be limited regardless
Posted by LBs Finest, Wed Aug-26-09 04:19 AM
do you know how many blowouts we're gonna have?

>I doubt pj will be going for 70 and would rather limit kobe,
>pau and co's minutes through the season...
70875, house money.... I cool with anything from here on out...
Posted by LegacyNS, Tue Aug-25-09 06:51 AM
I doubt they win 70 but it's whateva...

70876, 70 is POSSIBLE if they play hard every night but it's LA so they won't
Posted by auragin_boi, Tue Aug-25-09 09:54 AM
I think they win 67-69.

Teams that will take a game or two from them:
Portland 2
Dallas 1
Orlando 1
Boston 1
The Cavs 1
San Antonio 2
The Clippers (yes, they'll win 1 game vs the Lakers) 1
Indiana (watch) 1
New Orleans 1
Utah 1
Oklahoma City 1 (They'll play above their heads on a 'lazy' night from LA)
Washington 1 (Gil returns to form...drops 42)
Denver 2

15 losses..give or take a few
70877, and the Bobcats will give them 2 more Ls
Posted by jdevolve1, Tue Aug-25-09 04:48 PM
70878, gil is going to drop 70 on kobe
Posted by V3rb, Tue Aug-25-09 06:06 PM

Wretched swine...
70879, RE: 70 is POSSIBLE if they play hard every night but it's LA so they won't
Posted by LBs Finest, Tue Aug-25-09 08:16 PM
>I think they win 67-69.
>Teams that will take a game or two from them:

>Dallas 1

the mavs are getting swept.

>The Cavs 1

no, cleveland can't beat us.

>San Antonio 2

lmao please, it took a miracle shot/bonehead foul for them to get 1 win against us last year. they're getting swept too.

>The Clippers (yes, they'll win 1 game vs the Lakers) 1
>Indiana (watch) 1
>New Orleans 1
>Utah 1
>Oklahoma City 1 (They'll play above their heads on a 'lazy'
>night from LA)

those losses could happen.

>Washington 1 (Gil returns to form...drops 42)


>Denver 2

1 win max.

>15 losses..give or take a few

well you can definitely take a few away because we won't lose more than 12 games.
70880, LOL
Posted by auragin_boi, Tue Dec-29-09 10:36 AM
>>Dallas 1
>the mavs are getting swept.

Dallas L

>>The Cavs 1
>no, cleveland can't beat us.

Cavs L hahahaha

>>San Antonio 2
>lmao please, it took a miracle shot/bonehead foul for them to
>get 1 win against us last year. they're getting swept too.


>>The Clippers (yes, they'll win 1 game vs the Lakers) 1
>>Indiana (watch) 1
>>New Orleans 1
>>Utah 1
>>Oklahoma City 1 (They'll play above their heads on a 'lazy'
>>night from LA)
>those losses could happen.

Utah so far

>>Washington 1 (Gil returns to form...drops 42)
>>Denver 2
>1 win max.

1 down, 1 to go

>well you can definitely take a few away because we won't lose
>more than 12 games.

Didn't count those though they may replace a few of the one offs (Wash, NO maybe)

They need like a 15 game win streak to keep a 70-12 pace. :-D
70881, ^^^^^ Lookin' like a fuckin' psychic right about now...
Posted by jadedeejay, Thu Jan-07-10 02:04 AM
>I think they win 67-69.
>Teams that will take a game or two from them:

>The Clippers (yes, they'll win 1 game vs the Lakers) 1

70882, no
Posted by RandomFact, Tue Aug-25-09 10:11 AM
70883, LMAO! you are SO desperate for willie to be on mike's level its pathetic
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Tue Aug-25-09 10:13 AM
he's not, and 70 ain't gonna happen.

accept it.

70884, RE: LMAO! you are SO desperate for willie to be on mike's level its pathetic
Posted by Li Mu Bai, Tue Aug-25-09 11:18 AM
>he's not, and 70 ain't gonna happen.
>accept it.


my sentiments exactly, shit is disgusting.
70885, I was here
Posted by Amritsar, Tue Aug-25-09 11:18 AM
and I will be back for this L
70886, this L is gonna be simmering for a while.
Posted by 85SOUTH, Tue Aug-25-09 11:26 AM
it's gonna end up good like turkey necks in the crockpot.
70887, Supper is aLmost ready ya'LL.
Posted by 85SOUTH, Tue Feb-02-10 09:25 AM
*lifts the lid and inhales deeply*
70888, c'mon.
Posted by 85SOUTH, Tue Aug-25-09 11:21 AM
ron ron = +5?
bynum don't count cause he's gotta get those gender tests before he's cleared to play.

I can't wait for SA to clean your boy's clocks.
70889, RE: c'mon.
Posted by Li Mu Bai, Tue Aug-25-09 11:33 AM
>ron ron = +5?
>bynum don't count cause he's gotta get those gender tests
>before he's cleared to play.
>I can't wait for SA to clean your boy's clocks.

those new and improved spurs are gonna be a PROBLEM. because the west is stronger i'd actually go out on a limb and say the lakers will lose at least 10 games to squads in their own conference. Not to mention they gotta deal with the Cs, Magic, and Brons back east. 70 wins? Fuck and No.
70890, RE: c'mon.
Posted by PimpMacula, Tue Aug-25-09 12:07 PM

>Not to mention they gotta deal with the Cs, Magic,
>and Brons back east. 70 wins? Fuck and No.

yup, then you got cats like wade and rose who nobody on the lakers can guard for shit.
70891, lol im definitely not worried about the spurs
Posted by LBs Finest, Tue Aug-25-09 02:05 PM
70892, yeah, you would think that...I betcha they don't win as many as they did
Posted by vee-lover, Tue Aug-25-09 12:10 PM
last year...
70893, RE: yeah, you would think that...I betcha they don't win as many as they did
Posted by LBs Finest, Tue Aug-25-09 03:05 PM
>last year...

really? name your price
70894, we can bet dinero or we can bet that the loser NOT post here for 1 month
Posted by vee-lover, Tue Aug-25-09 04:03 PM
It's your call....
70895, 100 bucks
Posted by LBs Finest, Tue Aug-25-09 06:10 PM
70896, scared?
Posted by LBs Finest, Fri Aug-28-09 05:45 AM
70897, lol
Posted by CliffDogg, Fri Aug-28-09 01:16 PM
70898, there's too many pussies here, niggaz open they yap but you see
Posted by LBs Finest, Tue Sep-01-09 04:10 AM
how they truly feel when you demand they put that hard earned money up.

remember when i got laughed at last year in july for predicting the lakers would win easily win the west? you notice how not a damn body was man enough to put their money where their mouth is, even when i offered 3-1 odds. why? because deep down inside everyone else felt the same damn way.
70899, plus sports betting is usually a bad idea
Posted by thoughtprocess, Thu Sep-03-09 05:32 AM
>how they truly feel when you demand they put that hard earned
>money up.
>remember when i got laughed at last year in july for
>predicting the lakers would win easily win the west? you
>notice how not a damn body was man enough to put their money
>where their mouth is, even when i offered 3-1 odds. why?
>because deep down inside everyone else felt the same damn
70900, ^^^laughed at me in july & ended up looking foolish
Posted by LBs Finest, Thu Sep-03-09 05:52 AM
70901, once again, cause i know you like/need this explained to you:
Posted by thoughtprocess, Thu Sep-03-09 07:09 AM
people NEVER disagreed with you about the lakers being the favorites, especially me. i mean find me ONE instance where i disagreed with the lakers being the favorites. all i ever said was your posts were made to early, which they were. just cause you were right doesn't mean those posts were made at a more appropriate time.

people, including/especially lakers fans, disagreed with your discounting the entire west... which WAS stupid to do in july. Then the playoffs started and you did it again. Once again, most agreed the lakers were the clear favorites but thought you looked stupid by discounting the entire west. Lakers fans were still yelling at you for it... but you already know that.

so, just to reiterate the point i've always made: there's a difference between saying someone's the favorite and discounting their entire conference

you looked dumb.

you always have.
70902, you sound dumber every time
Posted by LBs Finest, Fri Sep-04-09 05:45 AM
>people NEVER disagreed with you about the lakers being the
>favorites, especially me. i mean find me ONE instance where i
>disagreed with the lakers being the favorites. all i ever said
>was your posts were made to early, which they were. just cause
>you were right doesn't mean those posts were made at a more
>appropriate time.

more appropriate time? lmao! wtf are you talking about? now there's a specific time to make predictions on the future?

>people, including/especially lakers fans, disagreed with your
>discounting the entire west... which WAS stupid to do in july.

lol why? why would i need to wait until the season started? to see what? i knew what to expect. kobe is kobe, bynum was coming back healthy, so was ariza, gasol was only with the team for a third of the season in 08 and we still got to the finals. a full year under his belt, plus odom coming off the bench...i mean please. too good. forgive me for not thinking another team in the west stood a chance.

you can tell by this thread i dont plan to wait just to meet your dumb requirement for an acceptable moment in time to foresee another dominant conference run.

>Then the playoffs started and you did it again.

lol uh yea, why wouldn't i? at that point everything was going according to plan.

Once again,
>most agreed the lakers were the clear favorites but thought
>you looked stupid by discounting the entire west. Lakers fans
>were still yelling at you for it... but you already know

they probably felt the same way, im just more open with it, they just didn't want to be perceived as cocky or arrogant.

>so, just to reiterate the point i've always made: there's a
>difference between saying someone's the favorite and
>discounting their entire conference

you still dont get it. pay attention. it was never about the rest of the conference. it was about my team, the lakers, who i anticipated as being too dominant for any team not named boston to see in a playoff series. period.

>you looked dumb.
>you always have.

lol oh yea, i sure looked dumb in june when my "premature" prediction came to fruition.
70903, Mofo, I ain't neva scared...lets do this! (LOL)
Posted by vee-lover, Sat Oct-31-09 12:59 PM
70 gms? seriously? nah, no way...

set ya price you want to lose.
70904, ^^^THINK HE SLICK^^^
Posted by El_essence, Sun Nov-01-09 09:55 AM

LOL @ you trying to change the bet parameters on the low
70905, LOLOLOLOL...LB is the one who made the bet & how did I change
Posted by vee-lover, Sun Nov-01-09 01:15 PM
the bet? LB initially said they were going to win 70 gms and break the 1996-97 Bulls record and I say I don't think they'll win as many as they did last season.

And anyway, this between me & LB...who is you? the okaysports mediator? (lol)

>LOL @ you trying to change the bet parameters on the low
70906, lol...I'm just showing you that I see what you did there. tis all good
Posted by El_essence, Mon Nov-02-09 06:05 PM
70907, *looks at Lakers 2008-2009 Championship DVD* - Hmmm...dont care
Posted by Ryan M, Tue Aug-25-09 12:12 PM
70908, base
Posted by LegacyNS, Tue Aug-25-09 03:35 PM

70909, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Posted by El_essence, Tue Aug-25-09 10:49 PM


"Dawg, this is the greatest case of scorned vaginas in OKS history.."

LegacyNS on OKS AI nuthuggers who hate on Kobe and the Lakers.
70910, *checks back... yep... still don't care*
Posted by LegacyNS, Wed Sep-02-09 05:48 PM

70911, *pre-orders 2009-2010 Lakers Championship DVD*
Posted by Ryan M, Fri Jun-18-10 11:27 PM
70912, LOL @ the Bynum caveat, they went undefeated for a month right after
Posted by Bombastic, Tue Aug-25-09 12:13 PM
he went down.
70913, fuck 70. 82 nigga. then 16 mo. 98-0 BITCHES!
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue Aug-25-09 12:13 PM
70914, 16 months?
Posted by CliffDogg, Tue Aug-25-09 05:22 PM
70915, mo as in more
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue Aug-25-09 10:30 PM
70916, the 2009, lb's homage to willie wingman post
Posted by jahlove7, Tue Aug-25-09 01:45 PM
jordan better...deal with it.
70917, basically.
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Tue Aug-25-09 01:51 PM
>jordan better...deal with it.
70918, glass of mad?
Posted by LegacyNS, Tue Aug-25-09 03:40 PM

sorry had too.... anything to get everyone to go back into that post....


70919, LBs cup runneth over w/ mad that willie ain't on mike's level
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Tue Aug-25-09 04:23 PM
that's what this post is about + what drove that other post off the cliffs of insanity.
70920, this reminds me of the Karl Malone/Gary Payton signings 82-0 hype
Posted by Flash80, Tue Aug-25-09 02:13 PM
keep up the string of myopically bad predictions, buddy! lol.
70921, As long as we get the #1 overall seed, I'm good
Posted by LA2Philly, Tue Aug-25-09 04:41 PM
70922, a few minor factors need to be at play, but yes this is realistic
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue Aug-25-09 10:20 PM
1. socks, socks, socks. weknow the drill. he has to show that he can show up and do the thing she was doing each time he went down without going down. this is obvious.

anyhow, if he scores in that 15-18 point range while staying healthy, we're gonna be real hard problem to solve inside with he and pau. defensively if he gets to that 2.5 and up block range with 10 boards per.. yeah. his man to man is suspect though and that needs to be shored up.

2. the bench mob must return to form. jordan and sasha have to fucking show up. lamar will be lamar so expect that. shannon brown getting a training camp and proving effective as he was last year will help us immensely on both ends of the floor. josh powell needs to get some minutes and be more consistent defensively. this unit needs to be the consistent threat it has been in certain periods and do so for the season.

3. ronnies impact remains to be seen. the defensive intensity should go up a few notches. he gives us unlimited rotation options and phils management of that will be a major key. ron and pau, kobe and socks, ron, kobe, and lamar, etc... at any given moment kobe or bron and one of the three main bigs have to be on the floor. there really is no reason they should have all five guys out at once. EVER.

honestly if these things happen then 70 is very possible.
70923, socks will be fine so long as he stays healthy..
Posted by LegacyNS, Wed Aug-26-09 03:15 PM
If he can get back to where he was prior to his injuries the past 2 seasons then we've really yet to see his true impact.

70924, Man I wish the season was played on paper!
Posted by cali_steve, Wed Aug-26-09 02:27 AM
Scratch that. I can't wait to see the first Kobe and Artest feud/ media enduced verbal battle/ proverbial practice scuffle. This will be the best soap opera season yet and I believe the final act is back to back.

Love em or hate em, it really don't matter. Oh and first sign of trouble they will ship Ron in a New York Knick minute but he got way to much on the line to screw this up.
70925, and lol @ everyone saying the west will be better
Posted by LBs Finest, Wed Aug-26-09 04:13 AM
aint that what yall said last year? the 07-08 season was a rare occurrence, you think the west is likely to have a scenario like that again where the conference is so competitive the 8 seed needs 50 wins?

who's improved, outside of san antonio and portland? i dont see how denver's a better team. or new orleans. houston damn sure aint better, neither is dallas or utah or phoenix.
70926, lol @ no one responding to this
Posted by LBs Finest, Fri Aug-28-09 06:00 PM
70927, ^terrible fisherman^
Posted by 85SOUTH, Mon Aug-31-09 08:35 AM
70928, who said that? how could it have improved>?
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Fri Aug-28-09 10:23 PM
it was a lil worse than i expected but no one could have reasonably expected it to be better.

i think it will be about the same next year, maybe a little better. some people are banking on denver and dallas to improve but that seems like wishful thinking, especially vis-a-vis advancing in the playoffs. i could see either or both having a better regular season record but dallas was a fluke to advance at all last year and i cant see denver getting back to the conference finals. like you said i houston way down but the spurs pretty far up, portland up and, if they can get any kind of consistent health, utah should be much improved. new orleans still has no depth. phoenix should be better and oklahoma city will headline the shitty teams that wont make the playoffs but will be a lot more competitive. between the spurs and probably portland/utah and the fact that most of the REALLY lousy team were in the west and will be better, i think it's safe to say there will be at least *some* improvement this year.
70929, lulz
Posted by CliffDogg, Sat Oct-31-09 02:53 PM

>neither is dallas
70930, It would be an embarassing waste of talent and potential if they don't
Posted by radin, Wed Aug-26-09 06:54 AM
70931, RE: i think the lakers will win 70 games this year.
Posted by Beamer6178, Fri Aug-28-09 09:55 AM
you're really bored.
70932, the never-endin' story...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Fri Aug-28-09 12:44 PM

*los angeles lakers: 2009 nba champions*

-the dynasty continues-

..and miles to go before i sleep...
70933, I think they'll win all 82 games this season
Posted by ChuckFoPrez, Fri Aug-28-09 02:24 PM
70934, i'm a fan and i'm thinkin we probably won't win more than 60 or so
Posted by BigJazz, Fri Aug-28-09 06:03 PM
70935, I agree. I'm seeing 60 or 62 games.
Posted by Queal Jay, Wed Sep-02-09 11:37 AM
If the West is indeed better this season, then the Lakers could drop 5-7 more games from that alone.

I get the feeling this upcoming year could be like Year 2 of the 3peat...where LA was angrily inconsistent and at times not even competitive during the regular season, then the playoffs came and they kicked the shit outta er'body.

There are a lot of variables...

Bynum's ability to complete a season and be consistent.

Artest's grasping of the Triangle and buying in (which should be hopefully easy with Kobe & Odom on the team and Ron's respect for Feel Jax)

Bench & Point Guard play (this is CRUCIAL)

Gasol continuing to play with a chip on his shoulder

We'll see. In many ways, this season might be Kobe's biggest challenge of his career. Can he lead and keep himself and the team focused after proving the critics wrong about winning without Shaq?
70936, put your money where your mouth is?
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Fri Aug-28-09 08:45 PM
thought not.
70937, Wanna bet on them winnin 70?
Posted by RaFromQueens, Sat Aug-29-09 10:38 PM
I see you offered one on 65 up there. Let's bet on your og claim.
70938, i'll bet 3-1 odds
Posted by LBs Finest, Sun Aug-30-09 10:08 PM
70939, 1-1
Posted by RaFromQueens, Mon Aug-31-09 08:26 AM
It's your claim and you sound sure nigga.
70940, 1-1 on a feat that's been achieved once in the history of the nba?
Posted by LBs Finest, Tue Sep-01-09 04:04 AM
>It's your claim and you sound sure nigga.

if you think there's no chance it'll happen 3-1 odds should be nothing to you
70941, honestly even somewhere around 7-1 to 12-1 is a fair bet
Posted by J_Stew, Tue Sep-01-09 07:42 AM
i'd give some action betting against
70942, I was just trying to get at you. 3-1 is ok
Posted by RaFromQueens, Tue Sep-01-09 07:08 PM
100 a point
70943, so we on right?
Posted by RaFromQueens, Wed Sep-02-09 02:34 PM
3-1? $100 point?
70944, what does $100 point mean?
Posted by LBs Finest, Wed Sep-02-09 05:20 PM
70945, I lose I pay you $300
Posted by RaFromQueens, Thu Sep-03-09 05:08 AM
you lose you pay me $100.
70946, i'll do 50
Posted by LBs Finest, Thu Sep-03-09 05:53 AM
70947, Done.
Posted by RaFromQueens, Thu Sep-03-09 10:55 AM
150-50. Now that that's out of the way, wanna bet on them winning 65?
70948, No one is seeing a dime off this bet
Posted by radin, Thu Sep-03-09 12:13 PM
70949, I'll pay
Posted by RaFromQueens, Thu Sep-03-09 12:48 PM
and I believe he will too. I don't know why, but I do.
70950, WRONG he paid
Posted by RaFromQueens, Sat Apr-10-10 01:38 PM
70951, I think you're a damn fool
Posted by icecold21, Tue Sep-01-09 09:04 PM
Well, not really, you're just biased.

The West will be better. They'll be lucky to get back to 65.
70952, i know this might be too much to ask, but would you care to elaborate?
Posted by LBs Finest, Wed Sep-02-09 06:20 AM
>The West will be better. They'll be lucky to get back to 65.

outside of the spurs and blazers, i don't see any team who for sure improved. im supposed to believe new orleans is better? or dallas? utah MIGHT be better, can they stay healthy?
70953, There are more than you think
Posted by icecold21, Thu Sep-03-09 12:58 PM
>>The West will be better. They'll be lucky to get back to
>outside of the spurs and blazers, i don't see any team who for
>sure improved. im supposed to believe new orleans is better?
>or dallas? utah MIGHT be better, can they stay healthy?

Spurs and Blazers, yes. Utah will be better if they're healthy, which they should be. Denver will be better, as will the Suns. You never know with Nawlins and CP3. Dallas will be good but they won't do anything remarkable. Even some of the weaker teams will be better, like the Clips and Thunder.

Phil Jackson's health could be an issue too.

Artest is an upgrade over Ariza but nothing's guaranteed. People were saying the same thing in 04. And it's always harder to repeat.
70954, RE: There are more than you think
Posted by LBs Finest, Fri Sep-04-09 06:06 AM
>>>The West will be better. They'll be lucky to get back to
>>outside of the spurs and blazers, i don't see any team who
>>sure improved. im supposed to believe new orleans is better?
>>or dallas? utah MIGHT be better, can they stay healthy?
>Spurs and Blazers, yes. Utah will be better if they're
>healthy, which they should be.

utah can't defend, healthy or not.

>Denver will be better

i don't see it. its the same team. in fact kleiza and jones are gone. regardless i gave them a win against us.

as will
>the Suns.

are you serious? the phoenix suns? lol they will get swept.

You never know with Nawlins and CP3. Dallas will be
>good but they won't do anything remarkable. Even some of the
>weaker teams will be better, like the Clips and Thunder.

hornets will take one from us, dallas doesn't stand a chance, season sweep. i gave the thunder a game along with some other wack teams. but i don't see us losing more than 12 games.

>Artest is an upgrade over Ariza but nothing's guaranteed.
>People were saying the same thing in 04. And it's always
>harder to repeat.

more than likely we're repeating, but what you can for sure bet the mortgage on is us in the finals.
70955, 1 down
Posted by RaFromQueens, Sat Oct-31-09 12:19 PM
11 to go
70956, YES WE CAN!!!!
Posted by CliffDogg, Sat Oct-31-09 12:26 PM
>11 to go
70957, this is going to be even tougher actually:
Posted by thoughtprocess, Sat Oct-31-09 05:42 PM
70958, dont trip, we just gotta work out some kinks
Posted by LBs Finest, Sat Oct-31-09 06:30 PM
70959, 18-1
Posted by D_Tox151, Sat Oct-31-09 02:45 PM
70960, FIXED: 81-1
Posted by LegacyNS, Sat Oct-31-09 03:05 PM
70961, i still believe
Posted by Kungset, Sat Oct-31-09 05:15 PM
70962, ^^^THINK HE SLICK^^^
Posted by El_essence, Sun Nov-01-09 02:17 AM
>65 wins last year with a shitty defense and bynum out half
>the year? enter artest to improve the defense? please...you
>can pencil us in for 70 wins WITH a shot at that bulls


LOL @ you trying to change the bet parameters on the low
70963, damn I must have been half sleep. wrong spot for the above post nm
Posted by El_essence, Sun Nov-01-09 09:54 AM


"Dawg, this is the greatest case of scorned vaginas in OKS history.."

LegacyNS on OKS AI nuthuggers who hate on Kobe and the Lakers.
70964, 2 down
Posted by RaFromQueens, Sat Nov-14-09 04:17 AM
10 to go
70965, i actually had us losing this game
Posted by LBs Finest, Sat Nov-14-09 06:44 AM
i said we'd be 19-2 after 21, didn't expect loss #1 to come to dallas but whatever, i also had no idea gasol would be out this long. we'll win 12 straight and be at 19-2.

Sun, Nov 15 vs Houston (0-0) 9:30 pm EST

Tue, Nov 17 vs Detroit (0-0) 10:30 pm EST

Thu, Nov 19 vs Chicago (0-0) 10:30 pm EST

Sun, Nov 22 vs Oklahoma City (0-0) 9:30 pm EST

Tue, Nov 24 vs New York (0-0) 10:30 pm EST

Sat, Nov 28 @ Golden State (0-0) 10:30 pm EST

Sun, Nov 29 vs New Jersey (0-0) 9:30 pm EST

Tue, Dec 1 vs New Orleans (0-0) 10:30 pm EST

Fri, Dec 4 vs Miami (0-0) 10:30 pm EST

Sun, Dec 6 vs Phoenix (0-0) 9:30 pm EST

Wed, Dec 9 vs Utah (0-0) 10:30 pm EST

Fri, Dec 11 vs Minnesota (0-0) 10:30 pm EST

find me a loss in there.

70966, Well, you could still be 18-3
Posted by RaFromQueens, Sun Nov-15-09 11:51 PM

EDIT: lol @ them losing the first game in your 12 game win streak
70967, lol
Posted by LBs Finest, Mon Nov-16-09 04:59 AM
>EDIT: lol @ them losing the first game in your 12 game win
70968, lol
Posted by Cenario, Mon Nov-16-09 08:52 AM
70969, so much for this one
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Dec-10-09 11:53 AM
we're 17-3 right now, sparky
and if you think we're losing to minny, you're insane
70970, lol @ muhfuckas actively counting and rooting for more than 12 Ls
Posted by ZooTown74, Sat Nov-14-09 12:04 PM
You niggas are pathetic


also on Facebook
70971, lol all you want nigga I'm waiting to get paid
Posted by RaFromQueens, Sat Nov-14-09 12:06 PM
70972, and you expected differently???
Posted by thoughtprocess, Sat Nov-14-09 04:45 PM
bold predictions get upped throughout the season here either way, and when you involve the lakers...
70973, i'm in full agreement with this, for what it's worth.
Posted by Cold Truth, Sat Nov-14-09 08:05 PM
i got no problem with the count down personally, cause i'd do the same exact shit.

half the fun around here is taunting rivals, and if you can dish it out- which we sure as fuck do- we have to take it when it comes our way.

though... a lot of the laker anti's seem to want us to simply enjoy our success quietly, despite the 4 years of incessant ridicule we received prior.
70974, shit i'd do it to celtics or cavs fans.
Posted by Cold Truth, Sat Nov-14-09 08:02 PM
personally i think it's fair to hand out L's on this one.

i've been more in the "legit shot" camp though, not really the definitive "we WILL" camp. either way, this is fair and legit imo.
70975, there defense doesn't impress me at all
Posted by , Sat Nov-14-09 12:40 PM
i see injurys, bruised egos and them getting a rude awakening. hye are good but far from great.

if Magic, Kareem and worthy and them had this watered down league they would have gone 78-4. but not these lakers.
70976, RE: there defense doesn't impress me at all
Posted by CanUooooFeeLiT, Sat Nov-14-09 04:08 PM
Still a top 5 defense. Until the Denver game they were holding their opponent to under 43%. Lead the NBA in steals The Defensive rebounding has been dissapointing though. The D is not perfect but it's still better than at least 25 other teams

Once Gasol gets back this team will be a Top 3 defensive team.
70977, Dont understand your reason for being a Fins fan but ok . . .
Posted by Wordup, Sat Nov-14-09 08:17 PM
70978, 70 wins will prolly never happen again, give that dream up.
Posted by DJ Contact, Sat Nov-14-09 08:25 PM
I fully believe the Bulls record will never be broken, I can't imagine an NBA team going thru a whole season with single digit losses.
70979, RE: 70 wins will prolly never happen again, give that dream up.
Posted by jswerve386, Mon Nov-16-09 03:44 PM
Cavs came pretty damn close last year.
70980, how so? That teams was totally devoid of talent outside of LeBron
Posted by LegacyNS, Thu Dec-10-09 12:52 PM
Or at least that's what ppl were saying when they lost in the playoffs..
<---- but but but the Mayan Calendar said the world will end in 2012!!!!

70981, 3 down
Posted by RaFromQueens, Sun Nov-15-09 11:50 PM
9 to go
70982, jaja
Posted by V3rb, Sun Nov-15-09 11:52 PM
70983, we'll be 18-3 dont trip
Posted by LBs Finest, Mon Nov-16-09 05:00 AM
70984, if you wanted to borrow my name for a post,
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Dec-10-09 12:06 PM
all you had to do was ask!
70985, when the lakers are 25-11 will LB still be riding for this post?
Posted by Cenario, Mon Nov-16-09 08:56 AM
talking about i had them finishing the season on a 46 game win streak?
70986, why do you ask questions you already know the answers to?
Posted by thoughtprocess, Mon Nov-16-09 03:10 PM
70987, i don't know?
Posted by FortifiedLive, Mon Nov-16-09 03:32 PM
why don't we keep asking questions?
70988, lakers - gasol = lottery team?
Posted by Guinness, Mon Nov-16-09 11:58 AM
70989, Sixers with Iverson = Lottery Team!
Posted by LegacyNS, Thu Dec-10-09 12:53 PM

<---- but but but the Mayan Calendar said the world will end in 2012!!!!

70990, lol
Posted by las raises, Thu Dec-10-09 01:47 PM
70991, we still got that bet mofo?
Posted by vee-lover, Mon Nov-16-09 03:08 PM
70 gms my ass....
70992, 10 IN A ROW!! we back on track baby
Posted by LBs Finest, Thu Dec-10-09 04:59 AM
we'll beat minny and be 18-3, so i was off by one on my prediction of the first 21 games.
70993, 4 down
Posted by RaFromQueens, Sun Dec-13-09 01:25 PM
8 to go
70994, 5 down
Posted by RaFromQueens, Fri Dec-25-09 08:22 PM
7 to go.
70995, 6 down
Posted by thoughtprocess, Tue Dec-29-09 08:38 AM
70996, ^^^ What he said
Posted by RaFromQueens, Tue Dec-29-09 12:06 PM
70997, This post will end up being like a Kobe to MJ comparison:
Posted by auragin_boi, Tue Dec-29-09 10:39 AM
Close but not as good.


65-67 wins. 69 is even suspect at this point given their home and opponent friendly record for the first half of the season.

Not to mention the league overall has gotten better:

HOU didn't fall all the way off
PHX returned to form

Not many cakewalks (maybe NJ and Philly)
70998, LMMFAO
Posted by RaFromQueens, Tue Dec-29-09 12:07 PM
>Close but not as good.
70999, lol
Posted by RandomFact, Tue Dec-29-09 10:50 AM
71000, okay bulls record is probably out of reach...but 70 is still attainable!
Posted by LBs Finest, Tue Dec-29-09 11:25 AM
71001, if you guys are halfway to that number of losses
Posted by thoughtprocess, Tue Dec-29-09 11:39 AM
with all the home games you've had??? yeah, it's a wrap.
71002, RE: okay bulls record is probably out of reach...but 70 is still attainable!
Posted by Beamer6178, Wed Dec-30-09 11:52 AM
stand behind your wack bullshit, don't start lameing now...
71003, This post is a small victory for Laker Haters that will BITE them in
Posted by isaaaa, Tue Dec-29-09 02:43 PM
the ASS.

Lakers not gonna win 70, but will still win it all.

http://cockygold.com/ (updated daily)
Get 25% off www.karmaloop.com w/ rep code JR9103 X-Mas SALE!!!!
71004, who cares? this post isn't about defending the title.
Posted by thoughtprocess, Tue Dec-29-09 02:49 PM
71005, ^^^
Posted by Lach, Tue Dec-29-09 04:53 PM
71006, just outta curiousity, how will this BITE them in ASS?
Posted by Bombastic, Tue Dec-29-09 02:54 PM
because it won't be from, you know, actually occurring.
71007, If I get $50 everytime Kobe gets a ring then I hope he passes Bill Russel
Posted by RaFromQueens, Tue Dec-29-09 04:17 PM
71008, no cuz this post is about LBs obsession w/ willie surpassing mj's legacy
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Sat Jan-09-10 12:52 PM
LB doesn't just need LA to win the title this year, he needs them to win 70+ on the way AND then win it all again next year for another three-peat to even be on the same footing as jordan.

and since ain't none of that gonna happen, this post goes down as a lost for ya boy.
71009, phil only wins in threes
Posted by LBs Finest, Sat Jan-09-10 01:12 PM
71010, not happening....but I will take the chip...
Posted by Ink_Spot, Tue Dec-29-09 04:16 PM
71011, All I want to know is...do we still have that bet?
Posted by vee-lover, Tue Dec-29-09 04:50 PM
They ain't getting anywhere close to that record. LOL
71012, You never closed the deal
Posted by RaFromQueens, Wed Dec-30-09 01:35 AM
foh tryin to see my paper
71013, they had the easiest schedule of the league so far
Posted by rl9, Wed Dec-30-09 12:13 PM
to get em off to a good start and have the media talk about them comparing them to the 96 Bulls. Didn't quite work out.
Not that they played terrible but they had their struggles against average teams.
If it wasn't for some close wins they would be battling Dallas and Denver for the #1 spot in the West.
71014, ^
Posted by LBs Finest, Thu Jan-07-10 02:00 AM
just saving time...
71015, 7
Posted by RaFromQueens, Fri Jan-08-10 10:00 AM
lol ty
71016, Four More Til The Dream Is Dead
Posted by Bombastic, Sat Jan-09-10 12:17 AM
71017, technically 5 more
Posted by thoughtprocess, Sat Jan-09-10 10:25 AM
71018, you don't actually believe this shit when you say it, do you?
Posted by celery77, Sat Jan-09-10 01:30 AM
71019, most of his predictions come out of being a fanboy
Posted by thoughtprocess, Sat Jan-09-10 10:17 AM
so i'm not sure if he believes them or not, but the most wrong ones come from the dolphins. to be fair, last year he was right about the fins, and he came relatively close to the "two 1000-yd rushers" prediction this year
71020, we'd have a much better shot if we aint have to deal w/ all these obstacles
Posted by LBs Finest, Sat Jan-09-10 11:22 AM
in the way...broken finger, injury prone bigs, etc ...
71021, it's almost like the same shit that happens to EVERY TEAM
Posted by celery77, Sat Jan-09-10 11:37 AM

which is WHY 70 wins is such a mythic number and rarely accomplished feat.

foh like you're blindsided by a less than 100% healthy roster for all 82 games
71022, RE: we'd have a much better shot if we aint have to deal w/ all these obstacles
Posted by Beamer6178, Wed Jan-13-10 02:53 PM
>in the way...broken finger, injury prone bigs, etc ...
just stop
71023, finish the season 41-3?
Posted by Oak27, Wed Jan-13-10 10:13 AM
71024, this loss don't count, Kobe missed the 4th quarter
Posted by LBs Finest, Wed Jan-13-10 01:04 PM
71025, i will inform the record keepers.
Posted by thoughtprocess, Wed Jan-13-10 02:34 PM
71026, I can't believe I missed this
Posted by RaFromQueens, Fri Apr-09-10 02:20 AM
71027, Does this post really require weekly uppage?
Posted by ErnestLee, Wed Jan-13-10 03:08 PM
It was a hopeless prediction to begin with, made by this boards most delusional fanboy. I just dont see the point.
Posted by abstractionism, Thu Jan-21-10 10:30 PM
71029, technically they can still tie the bulls.
Posted by thoughtprocess, Fri Jan-22-10 12:18 AM
71030, in theory.
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Fri Jan-22-10 10:47 AM
in theory, communism works. in theory. © Homer

71031, Sorry I'm slipping on the updates
Posted by RaFromQueens, Fri Jan-22-10 07:15 AM
can't keep up with the Ls
71032, man u got this sucker to bet shit i would have taken 10-1 action
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Feb-02-10 03:10 AM
because no team is winning 70 any season soon

you gotta be RIDICULOUSLY dominant, mainly because any smart coach is not gonna push his team super hard for the record.
71033, 10-1 almost seems fair
Posted by RaFromQueens, Tue Feb-02-10 09:56 AM
71034, they're gonna have to get hot.
Posted by Guinness, Mon Feb-01-10 10:31 PM
71035, LMAO
Posted by RaFromQueens, Tue Feb-02-10 09:57 AM
71036, paypal: rafromqueens@gmail.com
Posted by RaFromQueens, Tue Feb-02-10 09:58 AM
whenever you're ready sweetheart
71037, ^^^ powerful
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Feb-02-10 09:58 AM
71038, lol, did yall really make a bet?
Posted by Villain, Sat Feb-06-10 12:55 AM
71039, aw yeah you gonna get that good spam now.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Sat Feb-06-10 01:04 AM
lmfao. i'm joking
71040, Change of plans
Posted by RaFromQueens, Sat Feb-06-10 01:48 AM
I'll inbox you a paypal soon
71041, http://i45.tinypic.com/2j632fo.jpg
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Sat Feb-06-10 01:28 AM
71042, did ANYBODY except LB really thing this would happen??
Posted by LAbeathustla, Sat Feb-06-10 03:01 AM
i respect LBs love for them boys ...but man 70 wins is hard as hell to accomplish..let alone 72....good try LB...hope you aint gon lose too much money bruh..its rough out here in cali right now...

71043, RE: did ANYBODY except LB really thing this would happen??
Posted by El_essence, Sat Feb-06-10 11:34 AM
71044, the way this team played in the offs? Hellz no...
Posted by LegacyNS, Tue Mar-30-10 12:32 PM
I mean, I'm glad they won & they really stepped up against Orlando but I never though this team was focused enuff to pull that off. I'll take back-to-back rings if we can pull that one off tho.

<---- but but but the Mayan Calendar said the world will end in 2012!!!!

Posted by LBs Finest, Sat Feb-06-10 05:15 AM
artest will have a season of the tri under his belt and bynum and shannon brown will continue their improvement.

plus the chances of the injury bug hitting us as hard next season as it has this season are pretty slim.
71046, just stop.
Posted by thoughtprocess, Sat Feb-06-10 11:16 AM
>artest will have a season of the tri under his belt and bynum
>and shannon brown will continue their improvement.
>plus the chances of the injury bug hitting us as hard next
>season as it has this season are pretty slim.
71047, cmon dawg (c) phonte
Posted by LAbeathustla, Sat Feb-06-10 12:27 PM
71048, Check PMs LB's Finest
Posted by RaFromQueens, Tue Feb-09-10 03:57 AM
71049, LOL - are y'all even gonna get to 60?
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Tue Mar-30-10 12:26 PM
71050, they'll get 60, this road trip had 3-2 written all over it from the jump
Posted by Bombastic, Tue Mar-30-10 12:58 PM
I probably would have switched the order on which games they lost but the bottom line is if they win in ATL tomorrow night they will have a grand total of one tough road game left on their schedule and considering it's Denver who will have played on the road the night before while the Lakers will have had four days rest & their standing in the West makes it a 'statement' game, I like their chances in that one as well.

6 of 8 gets them 70 and there's at least 3 gimmes in there (Clippers, TWolves, Kings).
71051, NOPE!!!
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Fri Apr-09-10 01:06 AM
71052, I love it when yall re-up this post; this was an L waiting to happen LOL
Posted by vee-lover, Tue Mar-30-10 12:37 PM
I NEVER thought for one second this Laker team would get anywhere close to winning 70 gms.

Not only that, I made a bet with someone about two weeks ago and took the under that they wouldn't even win 60 games this year. I'm on pace to win that bet needless to say.
71053, Lakers fans *smh*
Posted by celery77, Fri Apr-09-10 01:56 AM
71054, can't hang this on all laker fans
Posted by Beamer6178, Fri Apr-09-10 08:29 AM
just number one stan around
71055, That's what I'm saying
Posted by El_essence, Fri Apr-09-10 09:40 AM
this shit was an LB special. I love dude's passion. but not nan one of us was clapping to this shit.
71056, this was beyond passion
Posted by Beamer6178, Fri Apr-09-10 09:57 AM
>this shit was an LB special. I love dude's passion. but not
>nan one of us was clapping to this shit.

more like this:
71057, if the Celtics are old, why are the Lakers only 6 games better?
Posted by Lach, Fri Apr-09-10 08:52 AM
I mean they have a player as good as Jordan on their squad. lol
71058, RE: if the Celtics are old, why are the Lakers only 6 games better?
Posted by CanUooooFeeLiT, Fri Apr-09-10 02:31 PM
maybe because they don't play in a cup cake conference. Maybe because they are DEFENDING CHAMPS and everyone is gunning for them OR maybe 6 games is a lot of games. Take your pick or by all means use them all.
71059, RE: i think the lakers will win 70 games this year.
Posted by RaFromQueens, Fri Jun-18-10 11:05 PM
>65 wins last year with a shitty defense and bynum out half
>the year? enter artest to improve the defense? please...you
>can pencil us in for 70 wins WITH a shot at that bulls
71060, LOL - REALLY?!?!?!?! You just upped this. REALLY?!?!
Posted by Ryan M, Fri Jun-18-10 11:17 PM
71061, YES I DID!!
Posted by RaFromQueens, Fri Jun-18-10 11:20 PM
71062, i considered this as well.
Posted by thoughtprocess, Sat Jun-19-10 08:38 AM
and to be clear this has always been about LBs ridiculous predictions.
71063, well 57+16 = 73 so.....
Posted by Oak27, Sat Jun-19-10 09:49 AM
71064, damn dude... at least have some pride withyour hate
Posted by Cold Truth, Sat Jun-19-10 04:40 PM
this is just sad