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Topic subjectWendel!!!
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=4954&mesg_id=5125
5125, Wendel!!!
Posted by the_main_ingredient, Sun Dec-14-03 06:02 AM

if you from Toronto and you knew the time, you can't honestly put Doug over Wendel.
don't get me wrong Doug was that guy, but he has Joe Carter syndrome, did alot but was here a relatively short time.
doug - 5 years, wendel - 11 years.
and wendel got rushmore status love when they honored him at the ACC.

Bower, Keon, Sittler can't really debate. Toronto is the Leafs and the Leafs are Toronto.

.Honorable mentions.
Pinall Clemons (if there was a 5th face, it would be his bounty of teeth)
Joe Carter (the rings)
Doug Gilmour
Tony Fernandez / Dave Stieb (fernandez could be argued as one of the greatest jays ever... stieb, most consistent pitcher... both around for the early years of the franchise)
Mats (if the Leafs keep playin this)
Vince Carter (one day, dare i say)