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Topic subjectDimensions of Racism at Duke
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=38732
38732, Dimensions of Racism at Duke
Posted by 3X, Tue Mar-28-06 11:16 AM
has there been a lot of media attention given to this story on espn? is it safe to say that wealthy whites make up the most of the lacrosse team? - 3X







This is just as much the Reality

of college sports

as the carefully choreographed images

we are Fed all the Time

What happened just off campus at Duke University early in the morning of March 14th when the celebrated nationally recognized Duke Lacrosse Team assembled for a party, to have "some fun" and hired a young Black woman to Dance for Them.

The result

These young white athletes and students some from the finest and wealthiest families from around the country with professional parents many leading citizens in their communities in business, civic affairs, law, medicine, etc. up to 46 of these cultured white young men first verbally abused this Black woman, then savagely beat her then gang raped her.

The ONLY member of the Duke Lacrosse team not implicated

the ONLY one not at this Rape "party"

the ONLY player not required to take a DNA test

the ONLY Africa American on the Team

the ONLY one on the 47 member Team

Freshman Goalie Devon Sherwood

from Baldwin High School

Long Island, NY

The Police investigation of this brutal crime against this Black woman has only begun. But beyond the horrible pain and suffering of this young African American woman and the aggressive prosecution and jailing of the perpetrators, Duke University's responsibilities go FAR beyond cooperating with the criminal investigation.

FAR FAR Beyond

Beginning by expelling every student who participated in this "party" whether or not they are indicted for the actual beating and rape. If they even 'simply' stayed and "enjoyed" the party and did not report the crime they must be EXPELLED. There is nothing further to be discussed about them. Other than immediate Expulsion.

That is just for Starters.

So far the team has forfeited its next two games.

Big Deal.

The current team must be Disbanded at once

Likewise Duke University President Richard Brodhead's official statement is a travesty of understatement which can lead to the Concern he will do everything possible to minimize the impact of both the Crime and the Incident.

Duke President Brodhead in his own words

when installed as President .....

"Duke is also a place that takes seriously its role in the wider community -- Durham and the Triangle in particular and North Carolina more generally. Duke's roots run deep, and its students share a strong tradition of service, a sense of connection with our increasingly global society and a love of the social experience of college -- as evidenced by their justifiable enthusiasm for our teams. "

Now here is his Statement about the Incident ...

"The facts are not yet established, however, and there are very different versions of the central events. No charges have been filed, and in our system of law, people are presumed innocent until proven guilty. We also know that many members of the team, including some who were asked to provide DNA samples, did not attend the party."

Here is the Reality

President Brodhead

For starters with a Lacrosse team that has 46 of 47 players who are WHITE and the only African American is a Freshman, says volumes about the Climate at Duke and as reflected through the NCAA colleges. There is NO policy of inclusion and diversity at Duke. Which fosters a Climate where dozens of WHITE students, members of the Lacrosse team find it quite acceptable to hire a Black woman to dance for them for their amusement and hurl ugly racial slurs at her.

Whether or not all of them beat and raped her.

There is a pervasive reality as we have documented in the Box again and again and at BASN that other than in football and basketball and a few track sports African American students are clearly UNWELCOME in the vast majority of the Sports played at most Colleges. Lacrosse is a "perfect" example.

The very fact that University President Brodhead can tolerate a Lacrosse team with 46 of 47 players being WHITE underscores the Depth of the Problem. And it runs very Deep. What Duke is doing is "educating" (sic) these students athletes that it is fine to live and play in a virtually all WHITE world and as we just saw for the zillionth time ..

..... that leads to dehumanizing African Americans to the Point that these "students" believe it is acceptable and even "fun" to "enjoy themselves" verbally assaulting a Black woman then some of them beating and raping her.

Not a WHITE woman President Brodhead as

terrible as that would be but

they specifically chose a BLACK woman

to degrade and savage

these cultured white college students

" from the best families "

Unless Duke University should be judged as Dirt forever more where no one other than Racists should send their Children if not Mr. Brodhead you need to quickly announce an ACTION Plan for Duke beginning with a high quality panel of White and Black leaders from beyond the Duke "family" to investigate the climate at Duke and make binding recommendation for Duke to Change.

Let them begin with a very simple analysis

determine how many African American

male and female students are

players on every team

at Duke

What will they Find when they do

President Brodhead ?

Whenever you want to reach us with comments
or better yet an idea for a topic for the Box.......

Published on March 28, 2006

For More BlackBox Stories Visit Our Archives
38733, wtf is this, a haiku?
Posted by DonKnutts, Tue Mar-28-06 11:18 AM
38734, Did you read the entire article?
Posted by 3X, Tue Mar-28-06 11:50 AM
38735, sic is used wrong
Posted by cereffusion, Tue Mar-28-06 11:57 AM

Refusing to Let Go:
OkayBlowhards Champ 2004

Real Man Talk:
38736, Alright, these guys are scumbags...
Posted by MadDagoNH, Tue Mar-28-06 11:58 AM
Whoever did that to the girl is just trash, flat out.

But the attack on the school for having virtually all white players undermines the real issue. Lacrosse is still a white-dominated sport when it comes to numbers. Black players seem to have emerged somewhat, but by no means are the numbers going to be like basketball or football.

This is like saying Wisconsin's hockey team is racist because they have only one black guy.

As far as the rape goes, I completely agree. Anyone involved, anyone who knew should be gone, yesterday. If that means all the white guys on the team, then they all should go. If its saying that any white guy on the team, even if some weren't involved, should be gone, than that's wrong.

RIP Puck
There'll never be anyone else quite like Kirby Puckett.
38737, i look forward to your so-called posts
Posted by KosherSam, Tue Mar-28-06 12:00 PM
it says right in the article that many of the players asked to submit to dna testing were not at the party, so the claim that the black guy was the only one who wasnt there is immediately false.

secondly, the reason why he was the only one not implicated is because the victim said that her attackers were white, so testing the black guy is a waste of time.

thirdly, did it occur to you that perhaps 46 of 47 of duke's players are white because lacrosse isnt very popular in the black community?

quick, name 5 black lacrosse players.

quicker, name 2 lacrosse players, period.

i wont comment on specifics of the case because charges havent even been filed yet, and i believe that people are innocent until proven guilty. witness last year, when members of the st. john's basketball team were accused of rape, only to later be exhonerated by video evidence.

but mostly, i just love How these So-Called articles are Written, especially the Random capitalization of Words.
Posted by cereffusion, Tue Mar-28-06 12:10 PM
The University of Florida Candlepin Bowling team has only 1 black person on it!

Refusing to Let Go:
OkayBlowhards Champ 2004

Real Man Talk:
Posted by KosherSam, Tue Mar-28-06 12:21 PM
38740, POINT, WINNER!!
Posted by bshelly, Tue Mar-28-06 12:27 PM
38741, there was at least 2 in my highschool.
Posted by cereffusion, Tue Mar-28-06 01:09 PM

Refusing to Let Go:
OkayBlowhards Champ 2004

Real Man Talk:
Posted by KosherSam, Tue Mar-28-06 01:26 PM
38743, What High School is that?
Posted by MadDagoNH, Tue Mar-28-06 01:27 PM
And if you say anything outside of Manchester or Nashua High, I'm callin bullshit.

RIP Puck
There'll never be anyone else quite like Kirby Puckett.
38744, Salem.
Posted by cereffusion, Tue Mar-28-06 03:12 PM

Plus, Salem has a growing latino population. Mass overflow.

Refusing to Let Go:
OkayBlowhards Champ 2004

Real Man Talk:
38745, Nashua's like the diversity capital of NH
Posted by MadDagoNH, Tue Mar-28-06 06:44 PM
We too have a growing Latino population and a bunch of Brazilians. And we actually have like 100 bona fide African Americans.

It's like the Granite State's answer to the United Nations.

Actually, as an Italian-American, I may be more of a minority (so to speak...I know I'm still white) than the blacks and the Latinos. This place is still French-Canuck central.

RIP Puck
There'll never be anyone else quite like Kirby Puckett.
38746, Nashua had at least 6 ESL classes, you can't beat that.
Posted by okaycomputer, Tue Mar-28-06 07:26 PM

you're from Nashua?

NHS '01 grad here.

38747, haha Trashua
Posted by cereffusion, Tue Mar-28-06 08:06 PM
SHS '99

Refusing to Let Go:
OkayBlowhards Champ 2004

Real Man Talk:
38748, Dude, Salem?
Posted by MadDagoNH, Tue Mar-28-06 08:37 PM
I mean, greyhounds and Canobie Lake?

You got the white trash down better than us, ya know?

(Although you do have the Icenter, which is a pretty amazing facility)

Can we bring this guy's heart back?
38749, Take it easy
Posted by cereffusion, Tue Mar-28-06 09:27 PM
but Salem is better.

Refusing to Let Go:
OkayBlowhards Champ 2004

Real Man Talk:
38750, I saw about a bunch of Somali refugees settling in NH on 20/20 or something
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Tue Mar-28-06 08:31 PM
showed the women wearing their headscarves and all walking down a picturesque little New England town street - one of the odder things I've seen in some time.
38751, there is a TON of refugee relocation going on in NH
Posted by okaycomputer, Tue Mar-28-06 08:46 PM
talk about culture shock.
38752, and Maine
Posted by cereffusion, Tue Mar-28-06 09:26 PM
Maine more so far...Lewiston and Portland specifically.

There was a big problem 2 years ago with skinheads going up to Maine and raising a ruckus with the Somalians.

Refusing to Let Go:
OkayBlowhards Champ 2004

Real Man Talk:
38753, How about a more objective account
Posted by TurkeylegJenkins, Tue Mar-28-06 12:00 PM
Will the Associated Press do?

Link: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/12050859/

Duke lacrosse team accused of gang rape

Exotic dancer says was surrounded by dozens of players at bachelor party

Updated: 11:15 a.m. ET March 28, 2006

DURHAM, N.C. - DNA samples taken from 46 Duke lacrosse team members in the investigation of an alleged rape arrived Monday at a state crime lab, which agreed to work quickly on the case.

An exotic dancer told police she and another dancer were hired March 14 to perform at a small bachelor party, but found themselves surrounded by dozens of men at a house near Duke’s East Campus.

The dancer, a student at North Carolina Central University, said she was pulled into a bathroom, sexually assaulted and beaten. No one has been arrested or charged.

Authorities took DNA samples last week from 46 members of the team. Police said team members have refused to cooperate with their investigation; players have told school administrators the woman was not assaulted.

“I think the students would be well advised to come forward. They have chosen not to,” Duke provost Peter Lange said.

DNA samples collected by Durham police reached the State Bureau of Investigation’s crime lab late Monday, said Noelle Talley, a spokeswoman for the attorney general’s office. She said the lab has agreed to expedite their work on the case.

The school said the team would forfeit two games — Saturday’s home match vs. Georgetown and a Tuesday game vs. Mount St. Mary’s — for conduct at the party that was inappropriate, including serving alcohol to underage students and hiring women from the escort service.

But so far the school has declined to take additional action, saying it is waiting for results of the investigation.

Durham lawyer Bill Thomas said he was hired by the family of one team member and that there was “no corroborated evidence at this point that anything happened to give rise to any liability — civil or criminal — with the possible exception of alcohol violations.”

Duke University spokesman John Burness said the three players who lived in the house had moved out. Burness also said other students had hired lawyers who advised them not to talk about the party.

There have been campus protests for the past three days, including a Saturday night candlelight vigil and a group of about 100 people banging pots and pans Sunday morning outside the home where the dancer said she was raped. One carried a sign that read, “All rapes deserve outrage.”

Students kept up the demonstrations with a Monday protest in front of the campus administration building.

“It happens to too many people and it’s time to say something about it,” student Nina Ehrlich said after speaking at the rally.

Duke played in the national title game last year and lost to Johns Hopkins.

38754, first off, this is a huge story in north carolina
Posted by bshelly, Tue Mar-28-06 12:17 PM
you can't read about anything else.

secondly, there is one circumstance where i can see kicking the whole team out. one of the allegations is that next door neighbors heard racial slurs while this was happening. now, if they heard that next door, then damn well everybody in the party knew what was happening, and they should all be booted.
38755, can you post any news articles or video links from north carolina?
Posted by 3X, Tue Mar-28-06 12:51 PM
i would like to see and read the news coverage on this from north carolina
38756, RE: can you post any news articles or video links from north carolina?
Posted by bshelly, Tue Mar-28-06 01:15 PM
link to duke student newspaper: http://www.dukechronicle.com/

link to durhman newspaper: http://www.herald-sun.com/
38757, thanks
Posted by 3X, Tue Mar-28-06 01:29 PM
are there any pictures of the accused criminals?
38758, you fuckin kidding? it's the lacrosse team...go to duke's sports page
Posted by Basaglia, Tue Mar-28-06 02:15 PM
38759, RE: you fuckin kidding? it's the lacrosse team...go to duke's sports page
Posted by Uncle Ben, Tue Mar-28-06 02:24 PM
Duke took the roster down according to this article:

Team's DNA results may be ready in week

Mar 27, 2006 : 10:57 pm ET

DURHAM -- DNA samples from Duke University's lacrosse team arrived Monday afternoon at the SBI lab in Raleigh and results may be available next week to help determine if players were involved in an alleged gang-rape.

Several lawyers described the turnaround as lightning speed for the agency's chronically backlogged laboratory.

Noelle Talley, spokeswoman for the state Department of Justice, confirmed that the SBI lab "stands ready to work the case and has agreed to rush it."

Also Monday, District Attorney Mike Nifong said he personally would handle the case.

Nifong said it was important to move quickly because the lacrosse players might leave town at the end of the current academic year, making them harder to find.

"Every rape is a serious case," Nifong said. "But some speak to the community in a different manner. This is one of them."

The racial aspect, he said, is "particularly abhorrent" -- a reference to slurs white players allegedly made to the black woman who has accused three team members of raping her at a March 13 party where she was hired to dance. The woman, an N.C. Central University student, also alleges that the three sodomized, beat, kicked and strangled her.

The allegations are felonies. As of Monday, no one had been charged with a crime.

Nifong defended taking DNA samples from 46 of the 47 team members. The player not required to give a sample was the team's only black member. The woman said all her attackers were white.

Nifong said he was told that everyone at the alleged rape scene was a member of the lacrosse team.

"We don't know who the assailants are, but we know they came from this group," he said. "It's perfectly logical that we concentrate our efforts on this group."

But veteran Durham lawyer Tom Loflin, recognized across the state as a constitutional scholar, on Monday branded the broad DNA sampling as a "dragnet fishing expedition" that is "mammothly unconstitutional."

"It's sad because they're invading the privacy of a whole lot of innocent people," Loflin said. "Even if everybody at the party was a lacrosse player, it doesn't give you suspicion against all of them."

Loflin predicted that a judge eventually would throw out the DNA results.

"If they match any DNA, the defendant is going to have a wonderful motion to suppress evidence," he said. "I don't think they'll be able to use any DNA evidence even if they hit a home run with it."

Meanwhile, another veteran Durham attorney, Bill Thomas, said Monday he had been hired by the family of one of the lacrosse players.

Thomas said his client and the other players "have been forthcoming and have given detailed statements to the Duke administration."

But Thomas said he would be remiss if he didn't "strongly advise" his client not to speak to police.

"I think the results of the DNA tests will be quite enlightening," he said. "There simply is no corroborated evidence at this point that anything happened to give rise to any liability -- civil or criminal -- with the possible exception of alcohol violations. Right now, you have a lot of innocent people under a cloud of suspicion. But once all the evidence is in, we believe it will be clear to the public that there was absolutely no merit to these allegations."

Police spokeswoman Kammie Michael said Monday that several factors contributed to the delay of more than a week between the woman's report of the rape and the broad DNA testing.

Officers interviewed the alleged victim, developed "probable cause" to investigate the alleged attack, then made arrangements for the players voluntarily to give DNA samples, Michael said. When the players did not cooperate, she said, police got the "non-testimonial" order threatening punishment if they didn't respond.

Michael declined to say whether another woman hired to dance was harmed in any way, saying that information cannot be released because it is part of the ongoing investigation. For the same reason, Michael also declined to name the escort service for which the women reportedly were working or to discuss why the alleged victim called police from a supermarket more than a mile from the scene of the alleged attack. She also would not answer questions about what police found on cameras taken from the house.

Also Monday, as national media attention about the alleged attack continued to mount, Duke officials repeated what they've said since the DNA tests: The university will wait for police to finish their investigation before taking any action.

"At this point it isn't clear that there's any action we can take," said John Burness, senior vice president for public affairs and government relations.

One action someone at Duke did take Monday was to remove the player roster from the lacrosse team's Web site.

Burness did say Monday that the three players who lived at 610 N. Buchanan Blvd., where the alleged attack occurred, have "chosen to move out" of the house.

Duke recently bought the house, along with more than a dozen others, some of which have been scenes of wild student parties. The residents asked to void their lease, and Duke agreed, Burness said.

Once the criminal investigation is complete, the university could undertake its own judicial process, with a range of possible penalties that includes expulsion, he said.

Duke has had "conversations" with some of the students, who have "categorically denied" the allegations, he said. He indicated that the players have hired lawyers who have advised them not to talk about the party.

Duke wants to give police free rein to investigate but takes a grave view of the allegations, Burness said.

"If we were to do different things that might impede that investigation in any way, that would be very dangerous," he said.

Still, he said, Duke athletic officials made an appropriate decision to forfeit Saturday's and today's home lacrosse games. Players did acknowledge that illegal underage drinking occurred at the party, which can be a disciplinary matter. As of Monday night, however, a Saturday match at Ohio State was set to be played, said Duke sports information director Art Chase.

On the Duke campus Monday morning, a large crowd of students and others gathered on the lawn of the Allen Building, home of Duke's administrative offices, to protest the university's response to the alleged attack.

Student reaction to the alleged gang-rape ranged from shock to satisfaction with Duke's response to a wait-and-see approach.

"Most people are just waiting to see it play out, waiting until some of the players come clean," said Duke junior Brian Hanson.

Matthew Falvey, a first-year graduate student, said the university's response so far has been "perfect."

"The underage drinking warranted suspension, but they haven't kicked anyone off the team yet, which is good since the investigation is still under way," he said.

Junior Sam Lee said he understands the university's cautious approach.

"No one has been convicted yet," he said. "After they get charged, I'm sure the university will take action and it will be serious."

Hanson said the allegations didn't surprise him because the lacrosse team has a reputation on campus of "being its own fraternity, like a frat straight out of a movie."

Duke graduate Jill Hopman says she witnessed some of that behavior Saturday night at Charlie's Pub and Grill on Ninth Street near the Duke campus.

Hopman said nearly 20 men she recognized as members of the lacrosse team were sitting at a nearby table, downing shots of alcohol and chanting "Duke Lacrosse! Duke Lacrosse!"

Some, she said, talked about the alleged rape.

"They were saying things like, 'This is ruining our season,' " she said in an interview Monday.

Hopman said she couldn't blame anyone for "blowing off steam," but that she thought the men's actions were tasteless in light of the investigation.

"They need to act like they're under a microscope because they are," she said.

At NCCU on Monday, most people interviewed said there was little talk on campus about the incident. Some said they had not heard of it.

"I don't hear as many people talking on campus about it as I do in the community, said Sherrod Laws, a junior. "If it was here, it'd be a different story."

Donna Lisker, director of the Women's Center at Duke, said the publicity about the lacrosse team party and assault allegations will heighten awareness during this year's Sexual Assault Prevention Week, an annual event on campus that started Monday.

It's also likely that the Women's Center, which offers counseling and other services, will hear more tales of sexual assault, Lisker said.

"It's always the case that a lot of survivors of sexual violence come out of the woodwork because of it," she said.

Dina Helderman, the Durham Crisis Response Center's director of community outreach, agreed.

"What we find is when something like this kind of assault is in the news, others are more likely to be reported by people as well. We want them to know we're here to help," Helderman said.

The crisis line at 403-6562 is open 24 hours a day. People also can call the agency's office to volunteer at 403-9425.
38760, post the link you fuckin clown
Posted by 3X, Tue Mar-28-06 02:30 PM
38761, ^^^^will ya look at this lazy fuck
Posted by Basaglia, Tue Mar-28-06 02:32 PM
i don't wanna see them. i could give a shit. i pointed your dirty ass in the right direction. you go.
38762, you DID NOT point me in the right direction
Posted by 3X, Wed Mar-29-06 11:14 AM
there aint no photos on the duke website IDIOT
38763, news links and full roster here:
Posted by Uncle Ben, Tue Mar-28-06 02:51 PM
38764, RE: news links and full roster here:
Posted by SirLau, Tue Mar-28-06 05:45 PM

Damn, like half these cats are from Long Island in New York. Not surprising because Long Island is to lacrosse like Texas is to football. Every school comes to LI to recruit for lacrosse. I'm a black dude who played lacrosse for one year and I was getting letters of interest from schools, it's that serious.

Now whoever said this is not a race problem, they are wrong. Sure a lot of athletes wild out, but once the racial slurs came into play that took it to a different realm.

Looking at the high schools these kids went to (at least the LI ones), they all come from very priveleged backgrounds. Not middle class, we're talking about kids living next door to EF Hutton. Put it like this Susan Lucci (Erika Kane from the soap operas) lives in Garden City.

Rich white dudes have a sense of privelege, that they can do things and get away with them because they have money. I know because I went to school with these types of dudes. Dudes who would come to school and talk about getting a chick drunk and having sex with them. This was in high school, mind you. Sad story all around, very sad...
38765, hold up there's a town called Chevy Chase, Maryland?
Posted by veritas, Tue Mar-28-06 06:24 PM
38766, he's named after the town, not vice versa
Posted by KosherSam, Tue Mar-28-06 06:30 PM
38767, bizarre n/m
Posted by veritas, Tue Mar-28-06 07:51 PM
38768, Chevy Chase (comedian) to Gerald Ford: You're a very funny President
Posted by Marauder21, Wed Mar-29-06 01:30 AM
Ford: You're a very funny suburb.
38769, word, they got brothers from syosset on there too
Posted by KosherSam, Tue Mar-28-06 06:30 PM
im from plainview, so i saw those towns and felt like i knew those guys already.
38770, RE: first off, this is a huge story in north carolina
Posted by Uncle Ben, Tue Mar-28-06 01:59 PM

>secondly, there is one circumstance where i can see kicking
>the whole team out. one of the allegations is that next door
>neighbors heard racial slurs while this was happening. now,
>if they heard that next door, then damn well everybody in the
>party knew what was happening, and they should all be booted.

The neighbor heard a lot of the racial slurs being yelled,
including one of the players yelling, "thank your grandma for picking the cotten for my shirt." among other things.

The season should be cancelled, imo.
38771, yeah, there were racial slurs, plus most of those guys
Posted by jahlove7, Tue Mar-28-06 03:25 PM
were troublemakers to begin with. a good number of them have been afoul of the law with cases for underage drinking to disturbing the peace in their neighborhood. actually, their dorm house has been a blight in the community for awhile; the lawn is littered with beer cans and the police are called their almost weekly. the wild part about it is, as soon as one of the dancers was getting ready to strip, one of the players pulled out a broom and told her they were going to plug her with it. she walked out, and tried to convince her to come back in before just taking her back in by force. it's gonna be interesting to see how duke handles this.
38772, here's a link:
Posted by jahlove7, Tue Mar-28-06 03:31 PM
38773, and another one:
Posted by jahlove7, Tue Mar-28-06 03:34 PM
38774, i don't know the specifics at all
Posted by veritas, Tue Mar-28-06 06:25 PM
>were troublemakers to begin with. a good number of them have
>been afoul of the law with cases for underage drinking to
>disturbing the peace in their neighborhood. actually, their
>dorm house has been a blight in the community for awhile; the
>lawn is littered with beer cans and the police are called
>their almost weekly.

but be careful using this as your argument. i know a lot of dudes like this who aren't rapists.
38775, RE: i don't know the specifics at all
Posted by jahlove7, Tue Mar-28-06 08:21 PM
>but be careful using this as your argument. i know a lot of
>dudes like this who aren't rapists.

actually this supports my argument for this particular situation. the fact is the duke administration has excused lacrosse team's misdeeds for some time now. it's come to a head now, but this could've been avoided a long time ago.
38776, Iwonder if ErnestLee feels a "depraved sense of satisfaction" about this
Posted by Wonderl33t, Tue Mar-28-06 03:59 PM
<-- the future's so bright, I gotta wear shades

absence, Al_Tru_Ist, BreezeBoogie, dank_reggae, Drewmathic, Ir_Cuba, jacksonwonderland, LBs Finest, LML, Lord_Vingtune, MIAthinker, Robert, Roofdogg10, Sandbox194, Supnakga, thafuture, wonderl33
38777, This entire school is currently a fucking mess.
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Mar-28-06 04:56 PM
First of all, let me say that Brodhead hasn't said anything because no one has pressed charges yet. But believe me, they're looking into it.

This is big. I'm surprised you all haven't heard of it yet. I saw it in USA Today, on CNN, on Cold Pizza yesterday morning they were talking about it.

Bottom line that you may not know from the national press release: 3 members of the team allegedly raped, sodomized, robbed, and feloniously STRANGLED the girl.

Now, I've been to a few parties at the lacrosse house, mostly getting dragged there by friends. Those dudes are fucking animals. In my opinion, they should kick off more than 3.

They've already forfeited the next 2 games, and as long as the investigation is under way the team will continue to forfeit games. Odds are VERY strong that they are going to forfeit the remainder of the season.

Duke is normally zero-tolerance about this kind of shit. After the truth about our baseball coach offering steroids to the kids came out, he was gone. These kids who will receive the charges (which the University would definitely like to pin this on someone) will be suspended from school and will face them in the State of North Carolina courts. If convicted, they could be seeing serious jail time.

The bad thing for the members of the lacrosse team that weren't accessories is they ALL have one lawyer. NONE of them are talking about the party, even those who may not have been involved. They are all wearing all of their Duke University Lacrosse memorabilia around campus as a sign of "solidarity." Pretty much everyone at this school wants to toss all of those fuckers, with the exception of the black goalie (which, in response to the original poster's allegations of racism in Duke's lacrosse department...are there any teams with many black lacrosse players? Isn't this like saying "The NHL should be ashamed that they don't have more black hockey players!" Perhaps I'm just mistaken, but in North Carolina AND Florida I've been led to believe it's a sport consisting of predominantly rich white kids).

Media is everywhere. I wouldn't be surprised if a shot of me walking around campus made it onto CNN.

It's been a rough week for Duke athletics.

It's just so sad and disgusting, and
38778, i was waiting to see you weigh in on this
Posted by KosherSam, Tue Mar-28-06 05:00 PM
how are people reacting to seeing someone walk by with a lacrosse jersey on?
38779, They're getting verbally berated or the look of death everywhere
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Mar-28-06 05:05 PM
But the thing is, a friend of mine saw some girls yelling at them, and they were just smugly smiling, brushing it off.

HUGE protests have been occurring on campus, calling for the lacrosse players with information to come forward.

It's been a crazy day and a half since this story broke.
38780, eventually one of them is gonna crack.
Posted by KosherSam, Tue Mar-28-06 05:09 PM
if the cops threaten them with obstruction of justice charges, their parents will put the squeeze on them.
38781, And the even sadder story is at UNC Central.
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Mar-28-06 05:01 PM
I've heard that the school is not backing up the girl at all (she's a single mother of two who works as an escort to pay the tuition). They don't want to be seen as a school filled with prostitutes and people paying their way by doing dirt, so they've basically turned their backs on this girl and aren't supporting her in any way.

She was gangraped, sodomized, strangled, robbed, and thrown out of the house with no shoes on. She then had to walk from the lacrosse house off of Buchanan to the Kroger on Hillsborough to use the phone to call the cops. This has got to be at least a 3 mile walk in the 35 degree night weather in Durham without shoes on having just been raped and strangled. Her school won't back her up, she likely can't pay for an expensive lawyer, and odds are the lacrosse team's lawyer uses the old "she was on cocaine and passed out, she's unreliable" defense. And she's gotta keep taking care of her kids during all of this.

Keep her in your prayers.
38782, RE: And the even sadder story is at UNC Central.
Posted by Colonel Sanders, Tue Mar-28-06 05:27 PM
>I've heard that the school is not backing up the girl at all
>(she's a single mother of two who works as an escort to pay
>the tuition). They don't want to be seen as a school filled
>with prostitutes and people paying their way by doing dirt, so
>they've basically turned their backs on this girl and aren't
>supporting her in any way.

damn, thats sad.

>She was gangraped, sodomized, strangled, robbed, and thrown
>out of the house with no shoes on. She then had to walk from
>the lacrosse house off of Buchanan to the Kroger on
>Hillsborough to use the phone to call the cops. This has got
>to be at least a 3 mile walk in the 35 degree night weather in
>Durham without shoes on having just been raped and strangled.

wow, I didnt know this.

being from Durham, that is a long ass walk.
just crazy.

this story just gets worse and worse the more I hear about it.
its terrible.


"my uncle's Colonel Sanders..."
-Kool Keith

** StL OKP's™ **

** OkayWood Hall of Fame™ **
38783, Where are the brothers on campus?
Posted by Fisticuffs, Tue Mar-28-06 05:43 PM
If this shit happened at Pitt while I was there those crackers wouldn't be wearing no lacrosse jackets advertising their presence.
38784, Good point, but it's Duke.
Posted by Buck, Tue Mar-28-06 05:46 PM
North Carolina: 21% black
Duke: 11% black
38785, Lacrosse team is only 46 deep
Posted by Fisticuffs, Tue Mar-28-06 06:07 PM
38786, where the fuck is unc central?
Posted by jahlove7, Tue Mar-28-06 05:50 PM
you must mean NC CENTRAL, just across town. that's going to happen. nc central is one of those black schools that has forgotten their original mission. to provide sistas like the one that was raped an opportunity for an education. it's gonna be one of those "if she was a stripper, we don't know her" kinda deals by the administration at nccu.
38787, Yeah, I hope its NC Central
Posted by ChampD1012, Wed Mar-29-06 01:17 PM
>you must mean NC CENTRAL, just across town. that's going to
>happen. nc central is one of those black schools that has
>forgotten their original mission. to provide sistas like the
>one that was raped an opportunity for an education. it's
>gonna be one of those "if she was a stripper, we don't know
>her" kinda deals by the administration at nccu.

Yeah, thats true. And its a shame. NC Central needs work, they have a long way to go.
38788, RE: And the even sadder story is at UNC Central.
Posted by ChampD1012, Wed Mar-29-06 01:06 PM
>I've heard that the school is not backing up the girl at all
>(she's a single mother of two who works as an escort to pay
>the tuition). They don't want to be seen as a school filled
>with prostitutes and people paying their way by doing dirt, so
>they've basically turned their backs on this girl and aren't
>supporting her in any way.

Being an A&T Alum, I will only say that its fucked up that Central isn't trying to help her out. Regardless of the image that they are afraid of. I've been getting calls about this and when they were showing this on CNN this morning, I got funny looks at my job. As if they were afraid to say something, b/c i'm from down there.

>She was gangraped, sodomized, strangled, robbed, and thrown
>out of the house with no shoes on. She then had to walk from
>the lacrosse house off of Buchanan to the Kroger on
>Hillsborough to use the phone to call the cops. This has got
>to be at least a 3 mile walk in the 35 degree night weather in
>Durham without shoes on having just been raped and strangled.
>Her school won't back her up, she likely can't pay for an
>expensive lawyer, and odds are the lacrosse team's lawyer uses
>the old "she was on cocaine and passed out, she's unreliable"
>defense. And she's gotta keep taking care of her kids during
>all of this.
>Keep her in your prayers.

Yeah I will, from what I was told, its been very tense racially.

38789, As much as this satisfies the Duke hater in me....
Posted by Buck, Tue Mar-28-06 05:23 PM
...this is not a Duke problem, or a racial problem. The whole thing is sickening, but it's a D-1 atheltics problem. This kind of shit happens because of folks' obsession with college athletics, and it happens more than it gets reported. At certain schools, if you're varsity, you're a god. I see it around me all the time, and I saw it when I was an undergraduate too. And when they're treated like gods, a lot of kids think they ARE. Even with lacrosse. I've seen guys rowing crew who thought they could step out the boat and walk down the river. This shit happened because these fuckers thought they could get any with anything, which isn't surprising because they probably always have--and that's because we worship them. It's particuarly galling because it IS Duke, with all their holier-than-thou-look-at-our-fucking-graduation-rate-while-you-suck-off-coach-K bullshit, but this isn't confined to them. Lock these fuckers up, then change the hero-worshipping culture.
38790, You're right about the athletics part...
Posted by LegacyNS, Tue Mar-28-06 05:30 PM

However, let's be honest. If this was an all-black team hurling racial slurs & allegedly raping 2 or 3 white girls, this shyt would be all over the news.

This culture has promoted that idea ( ie King Kong ) w/o any justification whatsoever. You know they'd promote it if it actually happened ( esp in the form of a gang rape ).

"I am the ballot in ya box, the bullet in the gun, the innerglow that lets you know to call your brother sun..." © Asheru

"Knowledge:.. when the mind accepts facts, on this plane of living, knowledge be the key black..." © Q-Tip

38791, it IS all over the news
Posted by KosherSam, Tue Mar-28-06 05:31 PM
38792, Nationally?
Posted by LegacyNS, Tue Mar-28-06 05:34 PM
I haven't heard anything about it until now...

I'm talking "Susan Smith , a black man took my kids" all over the news.

"I am the ballot in ya box, the bullet in the gun, the innerglow that lets you know to call your brother sun..." © Asheru

"Knowledge:.. when the mind accepts facts, on this plane of living, knowledge be the key black..." © Q-Tip

38793, It was in USA Today, on CNN, on ESPN's Cold Pizza, on Fox News...
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Mar-28-06 05:39 PM
...unless they change their programs to fit certain locations, it's pretty damn national.
38794, I didn't see it..
Posted by LegacyNS, Tue Mar-28-06 05:44 PM
but then again I wasn't looking for it...

Of course, I wasn't looking for Susan Smith but I hear about it every dayum day.

I didn't see it on ESPN or haven't seen it on any sports websites..

Has this been a running national story on any of those news outlets?

Are you saying that this is receiving as much attention as it would if the athletes were black & the girls white?

Shyt, if that was the case this would top OJ! ( ok,let's not get crazy ) but it would be a strong #2!!!!

"I am the ballot in ya box, the bullet in the gun, the innerglow that lets you know to call your brother sun..." © Asheru

"Knowledge:.. when the mind accepts facts, on this plane of living, knowledge be the key black..." © Q-Tip

38795, It's not being reported heavy
Posted by Fisticuffs, Tue Mar-28-06 06:11 PM
Susan Smith was THE national story. This is getting mentioned but if they were black this would be bigger then any current news.
38796, Ok, that's what I was saying
Posted by LegacyNS, Tue Mar-28-06 06:16 PM
because I hadn't heard anything..

AND, I KNOW I would have heard something had the scenario been as I described..

"I am the ballot in ya box, the bullet in the gun, the innerglow that lets you know to call your brother sun..." © Asheru

"Knowledge:.. when the mind accepts facts, on this plane of living, knowledge be the key black..." © Q-Tip

38797, Just checked espn.com, si.com, sportingnews.com, sportsline.com
Posted by Buck, Tue Mar-28-06 06:22 PM
Not on the front page of any of them except for a tiny line near the bottom of sportsline. There ya go.
38798, That's kinda my point tho
Posted by LegacyNS, Tue Mar-28-06 06:30 PM
I don't think I'd have to search for it if the situation was as I described.

"I am the ballot in ya box, the bullet in the gun, the innerglow that lets you know to call your brother sun..." © Asheru

"Knowledge:.. when the mind accepts facts, on this plane of living, knowledge be the key black..." © Q-Tip

38799, Wasn't arguing against--was arguing FOR your point
Posted by Buck, Tue Mar-28-06 06:32 PM
38800, Gotcha....
Posted by LegacyNS, Tue Mar-28-06 06:35 PM

"I am the ballot in ya box, the bullet in the gun, the innerglow that lets you know to call your brother sun..." © Asheru

"Knowledge:.. when the mind accepts facts, on this plane of living, knowledge be the key black..." © Q-Tip

38801, I agree entirely--but that's consequence and reaction, not the crime.
Posted by Buck, Tue Mar-28-06 05:37 PM
>However, let's be honest. If this was an all-black team
>hurling racial slurs & allegedly raping 2 or 3 white girls,
>this shyt would be all over the news.

Yes it would. It's a racist world, and (worse) it's the south.

>This culture has promoted that idea ( ie King Kong ) w/o any
>justification whatsoever. You know they'd promote it if it
>actually happened ( esp in the form of a gang rape ).

Yep--but again, team's refusal to speak + Brodhead's pathetic pussiness + relative lack of media attention = everything that happened afterward. Of course, I don't doubt that half that team are racist sons of bitches--clearly, they are--but the crime itself...they probably woulda done the same thing is she were white, or they black, or any color combination you want. Arrogance is arrogance.
38802, that's why I agree about the athletics thing
Posted by LegacyNS, Tue Mar-28-06 05:38 PM

minus the racial slurs, the same thing would have happened to 2 or 3
white girls in that situation.

"I am the ballot in ya box, the bullet in the gun, the innerglow that lets you know to call your brother sun..." © Asheru

"Knowledge:.. when the mind accepts facts, on this plane of living, knowledge be the key black..." © Q-Tip

38803, definitely.
Posted by smutsboy, Tue Mar-28-06 05:40 PM
>However, let's be honest. If this was an all-black team
>hurling racial slurs & allegedly raping 2 or 3 white girls,
>this shyt would be all over the news.

but the fact remains that this shit happens in athletics (college & pros) all the time.

the occurrence of sex offenses among athletes of contact sports such as football, hockey and lacrosse is astronomically higher than it is for the male population as a whole.

38804, This is a white frat boy problem
Posted by Fisticuffs, Tue Mar-28-06 06:37 PM
When I was at Pitt any block with frat houses or just a group of white students was on some animal house shit from Thursday to Saturday. Not that they were racist rapists but they would fight, leave beer cans on lawns, harass people, etc. Meanwhile, cops would be waiting in full force w/dogs outside the student union whenever a black organization's party ended. Those clowns got away w/all types of shit. The black students rarely got into trouble like that. The blocks where black students lived were clean and safe. If there was a party 5-0 shut it down at the 1st sound of loud music.

I lived on a nice block until some white frats boys moved across the street. These motherfuckers were always loud, fighting, and drunk. They made racist remarks to one of my Middle Eastern roommates. They threw eggs onto my female roommates window. They never fucked w/me or my boys (we're all black). One night the white kid who ran the house was arguing w/one of them. I had enough and got involved. He got out of pocket on some "who are you" shit and I checked his bitch ass. I told him if they ever got out of line me and my boys was bringing beef to their door. I'm like 5'9'' 145 but dude fell back and we had no more problems. Oddly enough the Pitt lacrosse team was two houses away from them and weren't trouble makers.

Universities completely ignore how theses kids act. They need to start handing out serious punishments and take ownership of properties near campus.
38805, yeah..
Posted by LegacyNS, Tue Mar-28-06 06:57 PM
And, it's probably not just a white frat problem..

I'm sure it's a male fraternity/athlete problem...

"I am the ballot in ya box, the bullet in the gun, the innerglow that lets you know to call your brother sun..." © Asheru

"Knowledge:.. when the mind accepts facts, on this plane of living, knowledge be the key black..." © Q-Tip

38806, true but
Posted by Fisticuffs, Tue Mar-28-06 07:05 PM
black frats are relatively minor at a non hbcu and black students have less leeway.
38807, Well...
Posted by Buck, Tue Mar-28-06 08:19 PM
>I lived on a nice block until some white frats boys moved
>across the street. These motherfuckers were always loud,
>fighting, and drunk.

In the interest of full disclosure, I WAS a white frat boy, and we drank all the time, fought all the time, and generally raised hell whenever possible. For the most part we were left alone, but there was also a line that we didn't cross, which was usually the line between misdemeanor and felony. When you participate in a gang rape, you're way over that line, obviously. That's not white frat boy, that's criminal.

>Universities completely ignore how theses kids act. They need
>to start handing out serious punishments and take ownership of
>properties near campus.

Well, you're talking about serious punishments for being 19, drunk, and stupid. I'm not sure that's useful. I apologize for white frat boys everywhere for ruining your neighborhood, but we're still a long way away from gang rape.

Now, I agree that black students get less leeway (your post below)--I wasn't aware of it then, but now I'm back on a major-college campus, older and wiser, and I see it all the time. But that's institutionalized racism, which isn't the same as the vicious criminal acts of spoiled Dukies (though you could certainly argue that the lax players were products of that system, and therefore that there is a cause-effect here). So I hold to my original point, that those who get the MOST leeway are those wearing athletic uniforms, and it seems to me that THAT directly translates into what happened in Durham.

None of this is to diminish the racial component of the situation--I'm simply trying to distinguish between the motivation/causes behind the violent crime itself and the obviously racist downplaying/ranks-closing that's going now. There's no excuse for either, but I think they should be understood and treated separately.
38808, I know what you mean
Posted by Fisticuffs, Tue Mar-28-06 09:08 PM
for the most part it's drinking and fights. I'm not suggesting gang rapes are weekly events but athletes tend to hang out/ live together like frats. Anytime you allow people to get away with something repeatedly they'll push the limits. Those lacrosse dudes were crazy to even think of doing this.
38809, um, no. it's a man problem. i played d-1 athletics. nobody was
Posted by poetx, Wed Mar-29-06 12:11 PM
gangraping chicks. (although quite a lot of felonious shit went down, no doubt).

your point about hero-worship culture is well taken, but trumped in this case by basically, males with no supervision and sense of accountability. this shit is much more commonplace, you'll find, with frat houses and the like.

in this case this was an athletic apartment with a frat house type of vibe.

at the university of maryland, on frat row, all types of shit like this went down. campus rape is so underreported, it's crazy. but a whole LOT of white jawns used to go to those parties on frat row, get drunk, and get raped.

fraternities, in general, *can* breed this kind of anything goes mentality, and white fraternities, in particular, seem to be afforded the lattitude where something like this can jump off. (at maryland, there were no black 'frat houses' where these animal house type escapades could go down).

that's a function of the guys themselves, and also the surrounding communities and authorities. case in point, damn near every black club that opens up in raleigh gets shut down. because eventually folks call 5-0 because they don't like a bunch of loud black folks anywhere near their neighborhoods at 2am. i can't conceive of a situation (hbcu folks may have some contrary input) where black folks are allowed to congregate and drink, publicly, en masse, without frequent police actions and the whole shit being shut down.

peace & blessings,


sigless for the summer, y'all.
38810, I have no problem with anything you've said here
Posted by Buck, Wed Mar-29-06 03:31 PM
>gangraping chicks. (although quite a lot of felonious shit
>went down, no doubt).
>your point about hero-worship culture is well taken, but
>trumped in this case by basically, males with no supervision
>and sense of accountability. this shit is much more
>commonplace, you'll find, with frat houses and the like.
>in this case this was an athletic apartment with a frat house
>type of vibe.
>at the university of maryland, on frat row, all types of shit
>like this went down. campus rape is so underreported, it's
>crazy. but a whole LOT of white jawns used to go to those
>parties on frat row, get drunk, and get raped.
>fraternities, in general, *can* breed this kind of anything
>goes mentality, and white fraternities, in particular, seem to
>be afforded the lattitude where something like this can jump
>off. (at maryland, there were no black 'frat houses' where
>these animal house type escapades could go down).
>that's a function of the guys themselves, and also the
>surrounding communities and authorities. case in point, damn
>near every black club that opens up in raleigh gets shut down.
>because eventually folks call 5-0 because they don't like a
>bunch of loud black folks anywhere near their neighborhoods at
>2am. i can't conceive of a situation (hbcu folks may have some
>contrary input) where black folks are allowed to congregate
>and drink, publicly, en masse, without frequent police actions
>and the whole shit being shut down.
>peace & blessings,
>sigless for the summer, y'all.
38811, meanwhile, these idiots are going on like nothing happened....
Posted by Colonel Sanders, Tue Mar-28-06 05:57 PM
from the Durham Herald-Sun:

Lacrosse players party on

Saturday night, I was at a bar when half the Duke lacrosse team arrived. They ordered rounds of shots, slamming them down and cheering "Duke Lacrosse!" Comments flew from "How does Duke not have them under lockdown?" to "Do they realize what unremorseful snobs they look like?" They had no idea that customers, reporters, and cops were watching them, nor did they seem to care. While they became loud and drunk, the bar looked on with derision and repulsion. Their actions conveyed the sense that the severity of the situation is lost on them. While nothing has been proven and no formal charges have been pressed, I can't help wondering how they had the audacity to go out and celebrate after these allegations have blown up nationally and they had to forfeit games as a result. I don't blame anyone for blowing off steam and having fun. Most shouldn't be penalized for what their teammates may or may not have done. Duke lacrosse is a team they should otherwise be proud of, but Saturday night reflected so badly upon their program and their school. As a woman, a Duke graduate, and a future women's and child advocacy lawyer, I was disappointed, and to be frank, disgusted by their behavior. What happened doesn't only affect the individuals involved but everything and everyone that they represent. I hope that the situation is quickly resolved, but until then, it is behavior like this that perpetuates the seemingly negative reputation that Duke sometimes has.

March 28, 2006



"my uncle's Colonel Sanders..."
-Kool Keith

** StL OKP's™ **

** OkayWood Hall of Fame™ **
38812, Ugh. Disgusting.
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue Mar-28-06 07:01 PM
38813, wow
Posted by bshelly, Tue Mar-28-06 08:21 PM
38814, sometimes i'm a death penalty advocate
Posted by soundsop, Tue Mar-28-06 06:34 PM
Posted by CliffDogg, Tue Mar-28-06 06:41 PM

This shit blew up on T.V. like a fucking firecracker...shut up.
38816, Maybe locally but not nationally
Posted by The Real, Tue Mar-28-06 06:59 PM
I JUST heard about this in fact do a serach on ESPN and see how fast you find it. AND even then the headline (when you find it) says "Duke has to forfeit 2 games."


Cheeeeeesburger, Doomsday Defense!
38817, I think part of it is collectivly the US gives two shits about Lacrosse.
Posted by CliffDogg, Tue Mar-28-06 08:31 PM
But it was discussed on all the afternoon sports shows (PTI and whatnot), so it's not like it's being ignored. Needless to say if it was JJ Redick and Mcroberts doing this, it would be an all out scandal.
38818, No, the US gives two shits about black women being violated.....
Posted by KCPlayer21, Tue Mar-28-06 10:27 PM

<---- KCPlayer21 Jr.
38819, Zactly
Posted by LegacyNS, Tue Mar-28-06 11:53 PM

as minor a sport as lacrosse is in the minds of most sports fans, black men gang-raping a white girl would be on the front page of every newspaper & website in the nation.

"I am the ballot in ya box, the bullet in the gun, the innerglow that lets you know to call your brother sun..." © Asheru

"Knowledge:.. when the mind accepts facts, on this plane of living, knowledge be the key black..." © Q-Tip

38820, Just to prove how much this is not being covered
Posted by The Real, Tue Mar-28-06 06:43 PM
I just heard about this story TODAY 3/28/2006 @ 6:30 pm.

38821, i didn't hear about it until today
Posted by smutsboy, Tue Mar-28-06 06:49 PM
but i only really have two sources of news: the NYTimes and Washington post
38822, N.Y. Times All the News That's Fit to Print
Posted by BISON CLASS of 97, Tue Mar-28-06 07:32 PM
38823, Unfortunately TO's antics and covering Barry Bonds everyday
Posted by Mignight Maruder, Tue Mar-28-06 08:22 PM
are far more important and news-worthy....In a Just World these guys who commtted the crime should get their faces on the cover of SI and be villified-..But u know it won't go down like that...

38824, Duke cancels Lacrosse season until case is resolved (swipe)
Posted by CliffDogg, Tue Mar-28-06 08:58 PM


Duke Cancels Season Until Case Resolved
by neil on March 28, 2006

Durham, N.C. -- Duke University President Richard H. Brodhead announced Tuesday that the university is suspending future games of the men’s lacrosse team until there is a clearer resolution of the legal situation involving team members.

FAQ on Situation Involving Men's Lacrosse Team
Statement of Duke Men's Lacrosse Team Captains

* Campus News/Working at Duke
* Sports and Athletics

The action, made in response to a request from team members, follows allegations of a sexual assault of a woman hired as a private dancer at a party attended by team members March 13 at 610 N. Buchanan Blvd. Durham police are currently looking into the allegations, but no charges have been filed.

Brodhead issued the following statement:

“This past weekend, Duke University’s Director of Athletics Joe Alleva decided to forfeit last Saturday's and today's scheduled men’s lacrosse games. His decision, which I fully supported, was based on facts team members have acknowledged about their March 13 party. A majority of the team members attended the party, which included underage drinking and the hiring of private party dancers. This conduct was wholly inappropriate to the values of our athletics program and the university. Forfeiting two games was a substantial penalty for a team that hoped to compete for the national championship. Director Alleva made clear that this move was not a punishment for pending allegations that team members deny and that remain unresolved.

“As we move past the period of the two forfeitures, the question arises what to do now. This afternoon the captains of the Duke lacrosse team notified Mr. Alleva and me that the team wished to suspend competitive play until the DNA results come back. I met with the captains this morning and they expressed regret for their errors of judgment and the embarrassment they had caused themselves, their families, the athletic department and the university. They repeated their denial of the criminal allegations that have been widely reported against three of the players.

“Athletics Director Alleva and I welcomed these initiatives from the students. We believe that suspension of play is the right course of action, and we also see the importance of their taking responsibility for their conduct. In a slight modification, I have decided that future games should be suspended until there is a clearer resolution of the legal situation. I shared the decision this afternoon with the trustees, who fully support it.

“Let me explain my own thinking about the suspension of team play. Physical coercion and sexual assault are unacceptable in any setting and will not be tolerated at Duke. As none of us would choose to be the object of such conduct, so none of us has the right to subject another person to such behavior. Since they run counter to such fundamental values, the claims against our players, if verified, will warrant very serious penalties, both from the university and in the courts. The university community is based on mutual respect among all its members and for those in the larger community. We are all obliged to live up to these values to create the world where we all can thrive.

“I feel these things deeply; but there is another principle at stake as well. The facts of the March 13 episode remain unclear and there are very different accounts of the central events. No one has been charged by the police, and we know that many members of the lacrosse team, including some who were asked to provide DNA samples, did not attend the party. To determine responsibility, we need to learn the full truth as quickly as possible. While I have urged and do urge everyone to cooperate with this inquiry, unavoidably, we have to look to the Durham police to take the lead in the investigation. Duke does not have the power to compel testimony from citizens of this city, and it lacks access to warrants, DNA records and other confidential information. I have confidence in the authorities to find the truth and to take whatever legal steps are necessary in the best interests of the community.

“While we await the results of the investigation, I remind everyone that under our system of law, people are presumed innocent until proven guilty. One deep value the university is committed to is protecting us all from coercion and assault. An equally central value is that we must not judge each other on the basis of opinion or strong feeling rather than evidence of actual conduct.

“In this painful period of uncertainty, it is clear to me, as it was to the players, that it would be inappropriate to resume the normal schedule of play. Sports have their time and place, but when an issue of this gravity is in question, it is not the time to be playing games.”

Please do not comment on this story -- we will be deleting threads and banning users that post. There's no one who can add anything other than pure speculation to this story.
38825, good
Posted by bshelly, Tue Mar-28-06 09:12 PM
38826, Good move by Duke.
Posted by CliffDogg, Tue Mar-28-06 09:49 PM
I'd hate to see their reaction if this was one of their marque sports, like men's basketball.
38827, i wonder why the players haven't been suspended from school
Posted by AZ, Tue Mar-28-06 10:29 PM
regardless of whether anyone's been charged yet, the fact that they refuse to cooperate w/ police should be worthy of suspension
38828, I say you toss any player who was at the party.
Posted by CliffDogg, Tue Mar-28-06 10:51 PM
38829, if they're not being cooperative w/ the investigators
Posted by LegacyNS, Tue Mar-28-06 11:51 PM
I might have to agree..

"I am the ballot in ya box, the bullet in the gun, the innerglow that lets you know to call your brother sun..." © Asheru

"Knowledge:.. when the mind accepts facts, on this plane of living, knowledge be the key black..." © Q-Tip

38830, his name is Dick Brodhead?
Posted by KosherSam, Wed Mar-29-06 11:15 AM
38831, a.k.a. the greatest name EVAR (c)
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Mar-29-06 11:16 AM
38832, LOL...My school's lacrosse coach's name is Tony Semen
Posted by Mignight Maruder, Wed Mar-29-06 12:52 PM
what funnier is our old basketball head coach's name, Mike Hunt....
38833, Holy shit! LOL!!!
Posted by CliffDogg, Wed Mar-29-06 11:43 PM
I just noticed that.
38834, Currently one of the top links on ESPN and front page of NYT Sports section
Posted by JungleSouljah, Wed Mar-29-06 09:27 AM
Let's stop pretending that no one cares about black people. That shit just continues to perpetuate the racial divide in this country. Shit happened in Durham, at a lax party, at Duke of all places. You think there aren't enough Duke haters in the media that wouldn't love to slather this all over the national media?

I think there are.

The story took a while to break for one reason or another, but let's not continue to say it's only because she was black. That solves nothing. That just continues to point fingers at moving shadows. Who does that help? Does that help the woman who was raped? No. Does that help black people? No.

I am by no means proud of this as a Duke alum. It's beyond reprehensible and I'm ashamed to be affiliated with a group of people who would be involved in such acts. I hope they find out who did it, I hope the silence is finally broken by the members of the team who didn't do this, and I hope that lax players possibly learn something from all of this. They had this same problem when I was at Duke. I hate stereotypes, but I watched that team and Pi Phi do the same shit every weekend. More drugs, more naked girls, and more parties. It's unfortunate that a few assholes have to ruin a nice season for the rest of the team, but maybe it's time everyone on that team was made to understand that their actions have consequences.
38835, so let's stick our head in our asses becuz
Posted by kayru99, Wed Mar-29-06 09:26 PM
"it solves nothing?" C'mon man. NO WAY would this shit NOT Be on some ol "our society has gone to shit since niggers got scholarships/monkey" if these were white women and black men. Everybody pretty much knows this is true, but we should play along because racism is still a simple "card" to simple ass o'fays?

Ummm...fuck and no
38836, I saw Bill O'Reilly and Geraldo Rivera last night talking about this
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Mar-29-06 09:32 AM
and I softly wept.
38837, I saw this too.
Posted by Uncle Ben, Wed Mar-29-06 10:06 AM

and Bill OReilly asked, "why is this a racial issue?".

38838, are you fucking serious?
Posted by bshelly, Wed Mar-29-06 10:33 AM
i mean, there's evil, there's exxon level evil, and then there's twisting the rape and stangulation of a girl to fit your own political agenda.

did he mention the making my shirt comment? did he explain how that wasn't racial?
38839, SPIN!
Posted by LegacyNS, Wed Mar-29-06 11:16 AM
I'm trying to find a video clip of it.. no dice..

"I am the ballot in ya box, the bullet in the gun, the innerglow that lets you know to call your brother sun..." © Asheru

"Knowledge:.. when the mind accepts facts, on this plane of living, knowledge be the key black..." © Q-Tip

38840, Why did they bring up Marcus Vick? This dude gets blamed for
Posted by scoundrelinheat, Wed Mar-29-06 10:14 AM
38841, lol
Posted by NYC upt JUX, Wed Mar-29-06 11:27 AM
38842, The NY Times article from the front of the Sports Section (swipe)
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Mar-29-06 10:51 AM

Rape Allegation Against Athletes Is Roiling Duke

Published: March 29, 2006

DURHAM, N.C., March 28 — Duke University suspended the season of its nationally ranked men's lacrosse team Tuesday while the authorities investigated allegations that a woman from a nearby college who had agreed to dance at a private party attended by many team members had been sexually assaulted.

The incident on March 13, which occurred at an off-campus house owned by the university, has brought into sharp relief long-simmering tensions between the private university and the city. The woman is black, most of the team members are white and law-enforcement officials say they are investigating allegations that racial epithets were shouted at the woman.

Residents, students and faculty members have staged at least five protests in the last four days, including one Tuesday night outside the building where Duke's president, Richard H. Brodhead, was holding a news conference. They are upset with the silence of team members and the university's handling of the case.

Mr. Brodhead's announcement that the team's season was being suspended came five days after 46 of 47 members of the Blue Devils lacrosse team provided DNA samples to Durham police investigators. The team's roster includes 26 players from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut high schools. Mr. Brodhead said that he met with the team's captains Tuesday morning and that they apologized for the embarrassment they had caused themselves, their families, the athletic department and the university. They also denied the allegations made by the woman, who said she had been assaulted in a bathroom by three team members.

Michael B. Nifong, the Durham County district attorney, criticized team members for not coming forward.

"The thing that most of us found so abhorrent, and the reason I decided to take it over myself, was the combination gang-like rape activity accompanied by the racial slurs and general racial hostility," Mr. Nifong said Tuesday in a telephone interview.

"There are three people who went into the bathroom with the young lady, and whether the other people there knew what was going on at the time, they do now and have not come forward. I'm disappointed that no one has been enough of a man to come forward. And if they would have spoken up at the time, this may never have happened."

Officials are investigating the incident as first-degree forcible rape, common law robbery, first-degree kidnapping, first-degree sexual offense and felonious strangulation. Mr. Nifong said it was unlikely the investigation would be completed in time in time for Duke to resume its season; the team's last scheduled game is May 7.

A statement attributed to the team's captains — Matt Zash, David Evans, Dan Flannery and Bret Thompson — said the team had cooperated with the police. "We have provided authorities with DNA samples," it said. "The understanding is that the results of the DNA testing will be available sometime next week. The DNA results will demonstrate that these allegations are absolutely false."

Since the March 13 incident became public, the authorities have said members of the team have not cooperated, and protests have arisen in this college town of 210,000 residents because of the alleged violent nature of the attack and its possible racial elements. The News and Observer of Raleigh, N.C., reported that the woman was a mother of two and a student at North Carolina Central University, also in Durham. She was hired with another female dancer to perform at the party.

The Duke lacrosse team has benefited from the sport's surge in popularity in recent years. The team has been ranked as high as No. 2 in the nation this season and lost in the N.C.A.A. championship game to Johns Hopkins last spring. The Blue Devils were expected to contend for another title this season.

Joe Alleva, the Duke athletic director, had decided to forfeit the team's games on Saturday and Tuesday night as a penalty for the party.

The woman told the police that she and another woman went to the house expecting to dance for 5 men at a bachelor party and instead found more than 40, according to The News and Observer. Public records list the house as the residence of Mr. Zash and Mr. Flannery.

She said that almost immediately upon performing, the men started taunting them with racial epithets. The women left shortly thereafter, according to a report of the incident in a search warrant that was granted on March 16. But they were persuaded to return after one of the men apologized.

According to the application for the search warrant, two men pulled the woman into a bathroom after she returned to the house. "Someone closed the door to the bathroom where she was and said, 'Sweetheart you can't leave,' " the report said.

Jason Bissey, a chef who lives near the house, said he saw the woman that night from his porch and told the police that he heard men harassing the women.

The police did not take a DNA sample from the only African-American player on the team because the woman said the three assailants were white, the police said.

Among 30 items seized by the police, according to Mr. Nifong and the search warrant, were five acrylic fingernails, cellphones and $160 in $20 bills that the woman said had been stolen from her.

Some of the players and Robert C. Ekstrand, a lawyer who is representing many of them, did not return telephone calls Tuesday.

John Danowski, the father of a star player for Duke, Matt Danowski, and a longtime coach of Hofstra's lacrosse team, would not comment on particulars of the incident and refused to say if his son was at the party.

The incident has cast an unflattering light on a university that has a track record for success and integrity in athletics rivaled only by its highly regarded academics.

In his statement, Mr. Brodhead addressed the turmoil the allegations brought to the Duke community, but balanced it with a reminder that no one had been charged.

"While we await the results of the investigation, I remind everyone that under our system of law, people are presumed innocent until proven guilty," Mr. Brodhead said in his statement. "One deep value the university is committed to is protecting us all from coercion and assault. An equally central value is that we must not judge each other on the basis of opinion or strong feeling rather than evidence of actual conduct."

Duke officials said they allowed the team members to vacate the house, and on Tuesday, signs reading "Where Are They" and "Outraged Duke Alum," littered its yard.

"How can I be surprised at the outrage?" Mr. Brodhead said. "If the things alleged are verified, they're outrageous."
38843, The NY Times and Wash. Post finally reported on it today
Posted by smutsboy, Wed Mar-29-06 11:39 AM
38844, Follow-up: It made the front page of the NYTs the next day
Posted by smutsboy, Tue Apr-04-06 10:49 AM
(march 30)
38845, If this were the NC Central basketball team and a White Duke student...
Posted by ingrame06, Wed Mar-29-06 12:40 PM
...would they be in jail already?
38846, Yep!!!
Posted by ChampD1012, Wed Mar-29-06 01:20 PM
But of course, the national media would ever compare it.....

38847, Hell, no...
Posted by Marbles, Wed Mar-29-06 03:31 PM

They'd have been castrated before dawn...


*** MARBLES ***
38848, right?
Posted by will_5198, Wed Mar-29-06 06:29 PM
the school would be burnt down by now
38849, more joyous developments
Posted by bshelly, Wed Mar-29-06 12:54 PM
excerpted from http://media.www.dukechronicle.com/media/storage/paper884/news/2006/03/29/News/Police.Release.911.Tapes.Players.Deny.Sex.Of.Any.Kind.With.Dancer.At.Party-1763517.shtml?sourcedomain=www.dukechronicle.com&MIIHost=media.collegepublisher.com

The Durham Police Department released tapes Tuesday of 911 calls recorded in the early hours of March 14 during and after a party at which members of the men's lacrosse team allegedly gang-raped, sodomized and strangled an exotic dancer.

In the newly released 911 tapes, a female caller who was driving past 610 N. Buchanan Blvd.-a residence leased by three members of the lacrosse team and the scene of the party where the alleged rape occurred-reported that a white man yelled racial slurs at her from in front of the residence.

"He just hollered out n- to me, and I'm just so angry I didn't know who to call," she said to the 911 operator.

Athletic Director Joe Alleva said at the press conference he has seen "no evidence of any racial problems with the lacrosse team."

In the second call released by DPD, recorded at 1:22 a.m. March 14, a security guard at the Kroger grocery store on Hillsborough Road said a woman in a car-the alleged victim-refused to exit the vehicle, which did not belong to her. The caller also said the woman seemed "intoxicated" or "drunk."

A woman in the background, who identified herself as the owner of the car, confirmed that the alleged victim was "fairly drunk."
38850, God damn them
Posted by JungleSouljah, Wed Mar-29-06 05:09 PM
These assholes just keep the hits coming.

Cancel the season. Now.
38851, If the defense can paint her as a drunk, unreliable witness...
Posted by Frank Longo, Wed Mar-29-06 05:58 PM
...goddammit, I really don't want these guys to get off. There are gonna be RIOTS on campus if those boys get off free.

38852, So they polarizing the campus that much, now?
Posted by Mignight Maruder, Wed Mar-29-06 06:29 PM
I mean, does the Lacrosse team (outside of the lone black guy on the team) have anyone on their side ? Or do you think the overwhelming majority of students at Duke (like yourself) want them punished severely? Just curious since you're an insider on this....

Even tho I'm good friends w/ several lacrosse players at my school, I'd say fuck em too....and good riddance...
38853, Well, there was a protest on campus tonight.
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Mar-30-06 12:07 AM
...and I saw at least 500 people there. And those people are only the people who are reacting right now. There are many (like me) who are waiting to see what happens.

But yeah, the lacrosse team basically only has the "innocent until proven guily is the American way" people on their side. But even those people are turning towards anger with each new bit of damning evidence.
38854, Don't you have papers to grade?
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Mar-30-06 12:03 AM
38855, lol
Posted by Ceej, Fri Mar-31-06 12:59 PM
38856, Email from Duke President to Alumni
Posted by TurkeylegJenkins, Fri Mar-31-06 12:57 PM
My sister is an alumnus of Duke (Class of 1991). Yesterday she received the following email from University President Richard Broadhead:

Dear Duke Alumni,

Many of you will have heard by now news accounts about allegations against the Duke lacrosse team, which the captains of the team deny. Yesterday evening, Director of Athletics Joe Alleva and I met with members of the news media to discuss the situation. My statement announcing the suspension of lacrosse games and a supplementary statement amplifying on a question from the press conference are available on a special website: http://www.dukenews.duke.edu/mmedia/features/lacrosse_incident/. I invite you to read them so that you will be better informed about what is happening at Duke.

It's understandable to feel badly when terrible things may have happened at a place you love, and I've heard from many of you who have expressed sadness, anger, outrage, and frustration about the lacrosse situation. Let me also say that as painful as these times are, the test of a school is not preventing bad things from ever happening, but in addressing them in an honest and forthright way. In my meetings with students, faculty, and administrators, I believe Duke is doing just that. I urge you to keep informed of developments by checking the website as the days go by.

Sincerely yours,
Richard H. Brodhead


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38857, no, the test of a university
Posted by bshelly, Fri Mar-31-06 01:06 PM
is taking steps to make sure bad shit doesn't happen again. and no one i've talked to has any faith that duke is willing to take those steps.
38858, How do you plan to stop rape and racism in America
Posted by JungleSouljah, Fri Mar-31-06 10:10 PM
Because I'd like to know. A lot of the women I see in the ER would like to know too. The fact is that these guys are scum of the earth and that you can do as much jabbering away at the mouth as you want, but bad shit is gonna happen. You can't protect against rapists and racists during the admissions process at any school. Do I think they need to do a better job with the lacrosse team? Hell yes. But I don't think you are going to know during admissions that these guys are racists and rapists. They're good liars in public. Trust me, I went to school with them.

Now if you want to say that something should have been done beforehand when they got into other trouble, I would agree. But is that a Duke problem or the culture of college/pro athletics in this country problem? Sports players getting off for misdemeanors seems to be the norm this year as it is most years. Maybe if there was an all out assualt on this kind of behavior it would send the message that it's unacceptable and that you are NOT above the law just because you have exceptional talent in a GAME. I'd be more than happy to see this start at Duke, but it can't stop there, because then it just rears it's ugly head somewhere else.
38859, sexual assault runs rampant among male athletes
Posted by smutsboy, Mon Apr-03-06 11:11 AM
both professionally and collegiately.

This is not the first girl to be raped and assaulted by the lacrosse (or football, or basketball...) team, and it won't be the last.

Duke's president can write all the bullshit emails he wants. But his words mean nothing as long as this shit continues to happen.

If he had done something about girls who got raped in the past, maybe this wouldn't have happened. We'll be saying the same thing the next time this happens at Duke. That is, if we even hear about it next time.

Duke bears a major responsibility for the actions of its "students". They could put together a real effort to stem this type of stuff. Or they can impose cosmetic changes and sit around blaming American society.

38860, As a former Collegiate Lacrosse Player
Posted by 9duce7, Fri Mar-31-06 02:33 PM
This makes me want to puke. Cancel the season, kick out everyone who was there. 46 guys in a house and nobody does anything?? WTF!!!

I will say my team was full of pot smoking, beer drinking racists. Slurs were very common at team functions.

This is a horrible event, and it sucks to get such bad press about the game of lacrosse.
38861, Tensions mount: There are threats of gang-related drive-by shootings
Posted by Frank Longo, Fri Mar-31-06 10:44 PM
on the lacrosse house.

I just got an email from the vice president of student affairs warning the student body to take precautions tonight around the lacrosse house, because Durham Police heard from sources that the lacrosse house was going to be shot up.

Shit is INTENSE here in Durham right now.
38862, theres already one shooting today, i dont know if it was related or not
Posted by guitarnp, Fri Mar-31-06 10:53 PM
shit could get bad
38863, The email said there was no evidence to prove any correlation
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat Apr-01-06 01:41 AM
but that could just be police talk for "we think it is, but we don't have solid ground for it."
38864, any links?
Posted by 3xKrazy, Fri Mar-31-06 11:16 PM
38865, It was an email.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat Apr-01-06 01:41 AM
38866, this article talks about it:
Posted by Colonel Sanders, Sat Apr-01-06 10:25 AM
from espn.com:


"my uncle's Colonel Sanders..."
-Kool Keith

** StL OKP's™ **

** OkayWood Hall of Fame™ **
38867, does it make me a bad person
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sat Apr-01-06 02:11 PM
that I actually WANT the house to get shot up?
38868, if there's no one in the house, burn the fucker down
Posted by bshelly, Sat Apr-01-06 02:44 PM
38869, They're talking about the email on sportscenter
Posted by guitarnp, Sat Apr-01-06 11:34 AM
38870, The Smoking Gun has the full search warrant....
Posted by Colonel Sanders, Sat Apr-01-06 02:43 PM
plus items seized, etc:



"my uncle's Colonel Sanders..."
-Kool Keith

** StL OKP's™ **

** OkayWood Hall of Fame™ **
38871, damn
Posted by bayoubyyou, Sat Apr-01-06 03:33 PM
i didnt know she gave 3 names
38872, and could they be any whiter
Posted by bshelly, Sat Apr-01-06 04:38 PM
38873, bret, matt, adam
Posted by bayoubyyou, Sat Apr-01-06 04:48 PM
i wonder if the brets, matts, and adams on the team are being looked at more than the rest

38874, Only one Adam and only one Bret on the team.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat Apr-01-06 08:29 PM
38875, RE: Only one Adam and only one Bret on the team.
Posted by Colonel Sanders, Sat Apr-01-06 08:37 PM
36 Adam Langley ATTACK 5-9 165 So. Glenview, Il. (Glenbrook South)
24 Bret Thompson MIDFIELDER 6-0 185 Sr. Chevy Chase, Md. (Georgetown Prep)
10 Matt Zash MIDFIELDER 5-11 190 Sr. Massapequa, N.Y. (Massapequa)
38876, Georgetown Prep...
Posted by Lightfoot, Sat Apr-01-06 09:00 PM
Always seemed to me like a breeding ground for this type of shit.

Are there any Landon kids on the Duke team?
38877, yeah, a bunch
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sat Apr-01-06 09:27 PM
>Are there any Landon kids on the Duke team?

and you can pan all the rosters of the top lax schools, all these mothefuckers are from the same damn schools and from the same damn towns. it's gonna be interesting to see how stigmatizing this shit is gonna be for lacrosse players in the future. damn near everyone from every town and every school across the nation plays football or basketball, etc....so if an athlete from those respective sports acts a fool, nobody is necessarily quick to label "all bball players are evil"....but from talking to people and reading all the articles and shit, it seems as if the entire sport of lacrosse is getting thrown under the bus. almost as if the sport itself is just one big elitist white boy social club.
38878, see, it is
Posted by bshelly, Sun Apr-02-06 12:07 PM

>elitist white boy social club.

now, i can't say that all lax players would do this shit. that's not what i'm saying. but if you want a bastion of white privilege, hang out around a men's lacrosse team. i don't know if i've ever met any one group that has a higher proportion of assholes. that's a generalization--there are some decent guys on lacrosse teams--but generalizations come from somehwere.
38879, co-sign
Posted by smutsboy, Tue Apr-04-06 10:48 AM
>>elitist white boy social club.
>now, i can't say that all lax players would do this shit.
>that's not what i'm saying. but if you want a bastion of
>white privilege, hang out around a men's lacrosse team. i
>don't know if i've ever met any one group that has a higher
>proportion of assholes. that's a generalization--there are
>some decent guys on lacrosse teams--but generalizations come
>from somehwere.

I went to high school in Maryland near a lot of these private schools. I got to see these kids first hand.
38880, Glenbrook? Are you kidding me? (swipe inside)
Posted by JungleSouljah, Sun Apr-02-06 11:41 AM
Does anyone remember this story from back in 03? It was a Glenbrook North not South, but I find it interesting either way.


NORTHBROOK, Illinois (CNN) -- Authorities Wednesday were investigating what started as a touch football game between high school junior and senior girls but escalated into violence on the younger girls, sending five to a hospital.

Amateur videotape shot at the scene, of what was supposed to be an initiation for Glenbrook North High School junior girls, shows several students huddled together on the ground while others throw objects at them, including large plastic buckets.

One girl walks behind the seated girls and slaps them on the back of the head. Another girl holds up what appears to be an intestine. At least one girl reported having a pig's intestine wrapped around her neck.

Five girls were treated and released at Glenbrook Hospital, spokeswoman Karen Ganz told CNN Wednesday. Ganz declined to describe their injuries because the patients are minors.

"Basically it started out as a fun hazing like our initiation into our senior year," one girl who had been injured said. "About 10 minutes into it, everything changed -- buckets were flying ... people were bleeding. Girls were unconscious."

Dozens of students had come to watch the event and some of them, including male bystanders, joined in.

"When I looked up and I saw blood, I knew that this wasn't right," another girl said. "This is from a paint can being thrown at me," she said, pointing to her shoulder. "Tabasco sauce, vinegar and stuff like that in my eye."

Witnesses also reported urine, feces and fish guts were thrown, and others said they had been forced to eat mud.

The Cook County sheriff's department and the county's Forest Preserve District police are investigating the incident, which happened on Forest Preserve property near Northbrook.

The high school principal said he was "very sad" about what happened.

Glenbrook North High School is in Northbrook, a suburb north of Chicago, Illinois.
38881, Massapequa!!!!
Posted by MisterGrump, Sun Apr-02-06 05:47 PM
Ain't that Jim Brown's high School Alma Mater?
38882, no, thats manhasset
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sun Apr-02-06 05:59 PM
38883, nah, that's Jerry Seinfeld's alma mater - LOL
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Wed Apr-05-06 05:00 PM
there's a kid from Manhasset on the team too though.

38884, Glenview, IL...not surprised
Posted by temps2020, Mon Apr-03-06 11:00 AM
that's when of my former High School's rivals. Mostly wealthy North Shore suburb outside of Chicago.

Red Hot & Riot
J. Dilla - Donuts
Edan - Beauty and the Beat
Dungeon Family - Even in Darkness
LB - Separate But Equal

"everybody gets hated on. a nigga on this board hated on me because I hated him for hatin" Darryl Reeves
38885, oops my bad
Posted by bayoubyyou, Sun Apr-02-06 04:12 AM
i was reading those names kinda quick on that roster

so this makes me itch even more...them mofos better had been inspected for scratches and shit too...like i swear...this case better not get messed up
38886, good post
Posted by 3X, Sat Apr-01-06 04:43 PM
38887, First off, this is disgusting.
Posted by Imokuede, Sun Apr-02-06 01:21 PM
Second, had this been some poor country hillbillies, their asses would have been in prison. While race is the underlining issue, socioeconomic issues take precedence. This country has no love for poor people and the disadvantaged. If your poor and black you will forever be marginilized but who the fuck doesn't know this?

I just hope some prominent lawyer takes this girl's case on pro bono. I miss Johnny Cochran.
38888, Where are the ambulance chasers?
Posted by LegacyNS, Sun Apr-02-06 03:34 PM
No Jesse or Al???

This is hard to believe..

"I am the ballot in ya box, the bullet in the gun, the innerglow that lets you know to call your brother sun..." © Asheru

"Knowledge:.. when the mind accepts facts, on this plane of living, knowledge be the key black..." © Q-Tip

38889, jesse and al in louisiana
Posted by bayoubyyou, Mon Apr-03-06 01:11 AM
they dont care about strippers getting raped...
38890, true true
Posted by LegacyNS, Tue Apr-04-06 12:54 PM

"I am the ballot in ya box, the bullet in the gun, the innerglow that lets you know to call your brother sun..." © Asheru

"Knowledge:.. when the mind accepts facts, on this plane of living, knowledge be the key black..." © Q-Tip

38891, jesse and al can't be everywhere
Posted by 3X, Tue Apr-04-06 01:02 PM
i'm no fan of jesse and al but they aint super negro even though they are close
38892, any updates?
Posted by 3X, Tue Apr-04-06 10:24 AM
38893, From the HeraldSun
Posted by 9duce7, Tue Apr-04-06 11:05 AM

38894, thanks
Posted by 3X, Tue Apr-04-06 11:28 AM
38895, rush limbaugh is a piece of shit
Posted by AZ, Tue Apr-04-06 12:45 PM

Limbaugh called alleged Duke rape victim a "ho"

Summary: On his national syndicated radio program, Rush Limbaugh referred to the alleged victim of a rape by members of the Duke University lacrosse team as a "ho[]."

During the March 31 broadcast of his national syndicated radio program, Rush Limbaugh referred to the alleged victim of a rape by members of the Duke University lacrosse team as a "ho[]." During an on-air discussion with a caller, Limbaugh said that former Democratic presidential candidate Al Sharpton was "trying to figure out how he can get involved in the deal down there at Duke where the lacrosse team ... supposedly, you know, raped some, uh, hos." Limbaugh's made the comment about a recent incident in Durham, North Carolina, in which an exotic dancer was allegedly raped by three members of the Duke lacrosse team. The incident has invoked further controversy because the victim, an African-American, has alleged that her attackers used racial epithets. Prompted by another caller to apologize for his words, Limbaugh said that he had made the statement because he was "running on fumes today," and called it a "terrible slip of the tongue." But he then added that there are "some inconsistencies" in the case and rephrased his apology, telling the second caller, "I regret that you heard me say it."

From the March 31 edition of The Rush Limbaugh Show:

CALLER 1: Why is it, do you think, that you haven't heard hardly anything from Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton about the whole immigration thing? I mean, the silence is deafening from --

LIMBAUGH: Well, they're busy.

CALLER 1: -- the NAACP and the --

LIMBAUGH: They're -- they're busy. They're busy. The Reverend Jackson is in New Orleans. He's leading a big march there tomorrow. The march is -- what is it called? The -- the march for the right to return a protected vote and reconstruction. He's trying to -- they got problems down in New Orleans. They don't have voter base, and Sharpton's working on a New Orleans deal, too. He's trying to figure out how he can get involved in the deal down there at Duke where the lacrosse team --

CALLER 1: Yeah.

LIMBAUGH: -- uh, supposedly, you know, raped, some, uh, hos.

CALLER 1: But I don't think they're very happy about all of this.

LIMBAUGH: Yeah, well, but, the problem -- that -- that has a possibility down -- that Duke thing's got a possibility of being a Tawana Brawley situation. That -- and Sharpton's got a balance -- can he afford another one of those as -- as his life's going on? New Orleans is a big deal to him, and I -- I'm gonna tell you something. You'll -- you'll see these guys -- at some point, they will get involved, be-because when Ted Kennedy calls it the new civil rights movement, that's Jesse Jackson's turf. He owns it. So --

CALLER 1: Right.

LIMBAUGH: Yeah, anyway, I gotta run here because of the constraints of time out there. , a great, great question. Uh, exotic dancer, OK, say rape -- whatever happened. You know what it is down there at Duke. It's -- you watch what happens in that. That's --

LIMBAUGH: It's open-line Friday, and I am Rush Limbaugh, America's anchorman and your host for life. This is -- this is from Bryant, Texas. Hello, , great to have you with us.

CALLER 2: Rush, did you just call those young ladies "hos" on the nationally syndicated program?


CALLER 2: Do you know something about them that perhaps we don't know?

LIMBAUGH: Yes, yes I did.

CALLER 2: Oh, you --

LIMBAUGH: It was a, it was -- hang on -- now, what, what did you say there, ?

CALLER 2: I said, because -- and if they are hos, it doesn't mean that they can still -- you can do to 'em whatever you want.


CALLER 2: Well, why would you call them hos on the national --

LIMBAUGH: Well, because, because I'm running on fumes today, , and I felt terrible about it. And I knew somebody was gonna call and give me a little grief so I'm takin' the occasion of your call to apologize for it. That was, it was a terrible slip of the tongue. I'm sorry. But it wasn't the worst one that has been said recently. You want -- do you know who Keanu Reeves is?

CALLER 2: Yeah, I know who he is. He's an actor.

LIMBAUGH: Well, he's, he's, he's an actor.

CALLER 2: Yeah.

LIMBAUGH: He's a whacko. He's, he's an -- an actor and, he -- what was he doing? He was -- the Women Against Domestic Violence group was already in a dither because Keanu Reeves told an interviewer he learned something filming a rape scene with Hilary Swank for a movie called The Gift. And he said was, what he learned was that some of these ladies don't mind it.

CALLER 2: OK. But --

LIMBAUGH: He said he learned that in a rape scene but -- so, you know, I'm not the worst offender.

CALLER 2: Well, I hope you --

LIMBAUGH: I just, I'm looking at this case down there at Duke, , and it's -- there's some things about it, some inconsistencies. You've got some timeline differentiations and matriculations and, and so forth. I'm just -- but it was, it was terrible slip of the tongue, and I am, I am terribly, I am terribly sorry.

CALLER 2: Well, I was hoping that your animosity for Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton wasn't your motivation for calling them hos.

LIMBAUGH: No -- why -- they, they have nothing to do with it.

CALLER 2: Oh, OK. Well, but, I -- it definitely offended me to hear you say that on the national program. The world's largest -- as you say.

LIMBAUGH: Yeah, well --

CALLER 2: But maybe you should take half your brain from behind your back next time.

LIMBAUGH: You know, I'm thinking what I ought to do, , is something that I used to do in the early days of this program and that is spank myself.

CALLER 2: Well, I don't know if that's gonna work. The apology would be good.

LIMBAUGH: I just -- how -- you want me to apologize again? I'm sorry.

CALLER 2: Oh, no, I'm saying -- the apology was good.

LIMBAUGH: I regret that you heard me say it.
38896, was that before or after his daily dose of analgesics
Posted by LegacyNS, Tue Apr-04-06 12:57 PM

"I am the ballot in ya box, the bullet in the gun, the innerglow that lets you know to call your brother sun..." © Asheru

"Knowledge:.. when the mind accepts facts, on this plane of living, knowledge be the key black..." © Q-Tip

38897, pure scum
Posted by BISON CLASS of 97, Wed Apr-05-06 05:18 PM
38898, New documents on The Smoking Gun:
Posted by Colonel Sanders, Wed Apr-05-06 04:33 PM

player's email about killing and cutting the skin off of strippers:
38899, what in the hell does this mean?
Posted by smutsboy, Wed Apr-05-06 04:52 PM
well, i know what it means lol. but why is it written on a piece of paper?


14. Piece of paper- in vehicle Sucky Sucky $5.00
Posted by HecticHavoc, Wed Apr-05-06 04:37 PM
Go to ESPN and read the link yourself you lazy biatch.

Anybody read that players email? I highly doubt this kid doesn't get jumped within the next few days.
38901, you'd think that that's a pretty bad sign
Posted by 3xKrazy, Thu Apr-06-06 09:48 AM
in regards to the team's supposed innocence.
38902, this shit keeps getting worse
Posted by bayoubyyou, Wed Apr-05-06 05:11 PM
the email and new search warrant have me nauseated...then the coach quits?

38903, From Today's Herald Sun (link)
Posted by 9duce7, Wed Apr-05-06 05:26 PM

Posted by LegacyNS, Wed Apr-05-06 10:55 PM

Warrant: Lacrosse player threatened other strippers


From staff reports : The Herald-Sun
Apr 5, 2006 : 2:39 pm ET

DURHAM -- Less than an hour after a stripper said she was gang-raped by Duke lacrosse players, a lacrosse team member allegedly said in an e-mail that he planned to kill strippers the following night in his dorm building.

Documents released today also show the Durham Police Department as of March 27 had added conspiracy to commit murder to the list of possible crimes it was investigating in the lacrosse case.

The e-mail allegedly sent by player Ryan McFadyen, said (the typographical errors are in the e-mail):

"To whom it may concern

"tommrow night, after tonights show, ive decided to have some strippers over to edens 2c. all are welcome.. however there will be no nudity. I plan on killing the bitches as soon as the walk in and proceding to cut their skin off..."

The e-mail was signed "41," which is McFadyen's jersey number.

The e-mail was allegedly sent at 1:58 a.m. on March 14 from the e-mail address ryan.mcfadyen@duke.edu. The alleged rape victim first contacted police at 1:22 a.m.

The existence of the e-mail was revealed in the Police Department's application for a warrant to search McFadyen's room in Edens Dormitory.

The warrant and the application had been sealed from public view by Superior Court Judge Ron Stephens. On Tuesday, an attorney for The Herald-Sun questioned both Stephens and Senior Resident Superior Court Judge Orlando F. Hudson about the sealed warrant. The Herald-Sun's attorney prepared a motion asking Hudson to unseal the warrant, which are normally public record in North Carolina, and was set to file the motion this morning. But Stephens, who acted on his own to seal the warrant initially, unsealed it this morning.

Asked for comment Wednesday, defense lawyer Bill Thomas -- who represents one of the lacrosse players, but not McFayden -- said that "this is a first-degree rape investigation. It is not about e-mails sent between college students that are in poor taste. This one e-mail, while it is certainly disturbing, is not a reflection that a crime occurred. It is clearly aimed at enflaming the community and has no relevance to the real issues."

Thomas said other e-mails among lacrosse players indicated a rape did not occur, but those communications were not included in police documents.

Police obtained the alleged e-mail from a confidential source, according to the search warrant application.

The inventory from the search, which took place March 27, shows police seized a piece of paper "with Ryan McFadyen email" in addition to memory cards, a laptop computer, an external hard drive, a disposable camera, a backpack, handwritten papers and drawings, and cash, among other items.

McFadyen, 19, is listed on lacrosse team's roster as a 6 foot 6 inch, 225-pound sophomore from Mendham, N.J.

At a press conference March 28 -- the day after the police said they obtained the e-mail -- Duke President Richard Brodhead announced he was suspending the lacrosse team's season.

At the press conference, Athletics Director Joe Alleva called the team as a whole, "really outstanding student athletes" who have a 100 percent graduation rate and are "wonderful young men."

"Unfortunately, sometimes young men have bad judgment," Alleva said.

The following day -- March 29 -- McFadyen was one of about 500 people who attended a Take Back the Night march during Sexual Assault Awareness Week at Duke.

"I completely support this event and this entire week," McFadyen was quoted in The Chronicle, Duke's student newspaper. "It's just sad that the allegations we are accused of happened to fall when they did."

Court records also show that the day after the search of McFadyen's room, Stephens signed an order for Duke University to give police additional details about the e-mail address of ryan.mcfadyen@duke.edu.

The search warrant unsealed today also shows police searched a white GMC Yukon SUV on the Duke campus. It had New Jersey plates and was located near Edens Dormitory.

The warrant lists the crimes being investigated as first degree forcible rape, first degree kidnapping, first degree forcible sexual offense, common law robbery, felonious strangulation and conspiracy to commit murder. Court records from March 23, just four days earlier, did not list conspiracy to commit murder as a crime under investigation.

No charges have been filed in the case. Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong has said he won't decide whether to press charges until next week at the earliest.

Police have said that Duke lacrosse team captains said only team members were at the March 13 party where the alleged rape, beating and robbery occurred. But police also say the players used numbers and fake names to hide their identities.

DNA tests taken from 46 of the 47 lacrosse team members could return from a state crime lab some time this week. The only player not tested is black. The alleged victim has said all the attackers were white.

Nifong has said he won't release the DNA results publicly. But defense attorneys, who say the results will clear their clients, said they'll release the test results.

Thomas, the defense attorney, reiterated previous assertions that no sexual assault took place, and that the Duke students would be vindicated through DNA testing.

"We'll await judgment until we get that DNA," he said.

"It's very important for everyone to remember that this is a rape case," Thomas added. "If a rape occurred as described by this woman, there will certainly be DNA evidence -- without question. Any suggestion that this incident could have occurred without producing DNA evidence is simply not accurate."

"Every one of these young men is looking forward to the test results so they can show that the allegations against them are false and without merit," said Thomas.

In his order today unsealing the warrant, Stephens , a former Durham District Attorney, wrote that he initially sealed it "to protect against the possibility of impeding and compromising an ongoing criminal investigation by the publication of sensitive investigative information at an early stage in the investigative process."

But now, Stephens wrote, "the need for continuing to seal this information no longer exists." He did not elaborate on what circumstances may have changed since March 27.


Warrant Application

Ryan McFadyen, Duke Lacrosse

"I am the ballot in ya box, the bullet in the gun, the innerglow that lets you know to call your brother sun..." © Asheru

"Knowledge:.. when the mind accepts facts, on this plane of living, knowledge be the key black..." © Q-Tip

38905, if this doesnt provoke an ass whooping by the track throwers
Posted by 3xKrazy, Wed Apr-05-06 09:24 PM
i dont know what will....

"According to the warrant, the alleged victim told police she believes the players used false names and falsely claimed to be members of Duke's baseball and track teams."

i dont know if the word 'implosion' does this whole situation enough justice.
38906, Here's an email I got from the President of Duke:
Posted by Frank Longo, Thu Apr-06-06 12:56 AM
April 5, 2006

A Letter to the Duke Community

I want to speak to the issue that is troubling our community and
announce five steps we are taking to address it.

Allegations against members of the Duke lacrosse team stemming from
the party on the evening of March 13 have deeply troubled me and
everyone else at this university and our surrounding city. We can't be
surprised at the outpouring of outrage. Rape is the substitution of
raw power for love, brutality for tenderness, and dehumanization for
intimacy. It is also the crudest assertion of inequality, a way to
show that the strong are superior to the weak and can rightfully use
them as the objects of their pleasure. When reports of racial abuse
are added to the mix, the evil is compounded, reviving memories of the
systematic racial oppression we had hoped to have left behind us.

If the allegations are verified, what happened would be a deep
violation of fundamental ethical principles and among the most serious
crimes known to the legal system. Such conduct is completely
unacceptable both within the university and in our society at
large. If the truth of the allegations is upheld, it will call for
severe punishment from the courts and from Duke's disciplinary
system. This university has cooperated and will continue to cooperate
to the fullest to speed the ongoing investigation by the police, and I
pledge that Duke will respond with appropriate seriousness when the
truth is established.

But it is clear that the acts the police are investigating are only
part of the problem. This episode has touched off angers, fears,
resentments, and suspicions that range far beyond this immediate
cause. It has done so because the episode has brought to glaring
visibility underlying issues that have been of concern on this campus
and in this town for some time -- issues that are not unique to Duke or
Durham but that have been brought to the fore in our midst. They
include concerns of women about sexual coercion and assault. They
include concerns about the culture of certain student groups that
regularly abuse alcohol and the attitudes these groups promote. They
include concerns about the survival of the legacy of racism, the most
hateful feature American history has produced.

Compounding and intensifying these issues of race and gender, they
include concerns about the deep structures of inequality in our
society -- inequalities of wealth, privilege, and opportunity (including
educational opportunity), and the attitudes of superiority those
inequalities breed. And they include concerns that, whether they
intend to or not, universities like Duke participate in this
inequality and supply a home for a culture of privilege. The objection
of our East Campus neighbors was a reaction to an attitude of arrogant
inconsiderateness that reached its peak in the alleged event but that
had long preceded it. I know that to many in our community, this
student behavior has seemed to be the face of Duke.

Given the history of this campus and city, this has been particularly
painful. Only forty years ago, the first African American student was
admitted to Duke and at that time men and women lived on separate
campuses. Today, more than one-third of Duke undergraduates are
members of minority groups. Many, many dedicated members of the Duke
and Durham communities have worked hard to bring us all forward. Duke
has worked to be a good neighbor, supporting health care, K-12
education, affordable housing, neighborhood stabilization, and
economic development through the Duke-Durham Neighborhood
Partnership. Duke is not, as some have reported, just an institution
for the children of wealthy families. This university admits
undergraduates without regard to their family's ability to pay, and we
invest more than $50 million a year to enable the 40% of students who
receive grant aid to afford a Duke education. Duke's Women's
Initiative, launched by my predecessor Nannerl Keohane, took the
national lead in exploring issues of gender inequality across the
university. Perhaps most important, I know -- and I suspect our students'
harshest critics know too -- that the huge majority of Duke students are
well-behaved and good-hearted, and many work hard for the larger
social good.

But if the dark aspect is not the whole truth, this is not a moment to
take comfort or mount defenses. To get the good of the current
situation, we all need to face up to the profoundly serious issues
that recent events have brought to light and address them in a
positive, substantive, and ongoing way. If none of these issues is
peculiar to Duke, that's no reason why we should refuse to address
them in our midst. As we decide what steps to take, let me underline
the values that must govern our actions.

The university is guided by the principles of openness, inclusiveness,
mutual toleration, and mutual respect. Everything that furthers these
causes advances our ability to work together toward the truth no
individual or group can reach alone. Everything that hinders these
causes retards the search for wisdom and knowledge. The university is
also founded on the principle that we have an obligation to seek the
truth, and that truth is established through evidence and disciplined
inquiry. Reaching certainty without evidence or process is a double
wrong in a university because it opens the door to injustice and
violates our commitment to the truth.

In keeping with these values, I want to announce five steps Duke will
take to address the issues before us. Some will be accomplished in a
short period of time; others will require our sustained attention.

1. Investigation of men's lacrosse. In regard to men's lacrosse, I
have announced today that the men's lacrosse season and all associated
activities have been cancelled. Lacrosse coach Mike Pressler
submitted his resignation today to Athletics Director Joe Alleva and
it was accepted, effective immediately.

The criminal allegations against members of the team must continue to
be investigated by the Durham police and we will continue to cooperate
with that investigation to the fullest. Many have urged me to have
Duke conduct its own inquiry into these charges. Frustrating though it
is, Duke must defer its own investigation until the police inquiry is
completed, first because the police have access to key witnesses,
warrants, and information that we lack, and second because our
concurrent questioning could create a risk of complications -- for
instance, charges of witness tampering -- that could negatively affect
the legal proceedings. I assure you, however, that the Duke
disciplinary system will be brought to bear as soon as this can
appropriately be done. Until that time, I urge us to be patient and
remind ourselves that allegations have been made, the team has denied
them, and we must wait until the authorities act before reaching any
judgment in the criminal case.

Quite separate from the criminal allegations, there have been reports
of persistent problems involving the men's lacrosse team, including
racist language and a pattern of alcohol abuse and disorderly
behavior. These are quite separate from the criminal allegations, and
these we will address at once. The Athletic Council, the body with
oversight of athletics in Duke's governance system, is the right group
to perform this investigation. The Executive Committee of the Academic
Council and I have asked a faculty subcommittee of the Athletic
Council to investigate all the evidence regarding objectionable
behavior prior to March 13. The intention here is not to single out
the behavior of individuals but to understand the extent to which the
cumulative behavior of many over a number of years signifies a deeper
problem for which significant corrective actions are called for. I
have asked this group to report its findings and to make any
recommendations it may have by May 1. I am pleased that Professor
James Coleman of the Duke Law School, an Athletic Council member, has
agreed to chair this committee.

2. Investigation of Duke Administration Response. I have heard a good
deal of criticism of the Duke administration for being slow to respond
to the allegations against the team associated with March 13. At
meetings with faculty, students, community members, and others, I have
explained why it took time to know how to respond: we learned the full
magnitude of the allegations only gradually, as police and other
information was reported in the media, and indeed it appears it took
the police themselves some time to understand the nature of the case.
Nevertheless, I want to address the concern that my administration did
not respond as quickly as we should have and to learn any lessons this
episode can teach. To that end, I have asked two individuals with
outstanding experience in higher education and civil rights to look
into the role of the Duke administration and Duke Athletics in
handling this episode. I am grateful to William Bowen, President of
the Andrew Mellon Foundation and former President of Princeton
University, and Julius Chambers, former Director-Counsel of the NAACP
Legal Defense and Educational Fund and past Chancellor of North
Carolina Central University, for agreeing to take on this task. They
have agreed to report their findings and make any recommendations to
me by May 15.

3. Examination of student judicial process and practices. Questions
have been raised within the Duke and Durham communities about the way
Duke deals with problems of student behavior and the applicability of
our Community Standard to social life. The Executive Committee of the
Academic Council has charged the Council's Student Affairs Committee,
chaired by Professor Prasad Kasibhatla, to study Duke's existing
judicial processes and practices for students and make any
recommendations for change to the administration and faculty by June

4. Campus Culture Initiative. Duke traditionally has given its
students a great deal of freedom, but at times the exercise of that
freedom is not matched with a commensurate sense of responsibility. We
must be concerned about issues of campus culture this episode has
raised quite apart from the lacrosse team. This is a time for Duke to
take a hard look at our institutional practices to assess the extent
to which they do, or do not, promote the values we expect students to
live by.

I have asked Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Dean of
Trinity College Robert Thompson to direct a Campus Culture Initiative
involving faculty, students, and staff. The task of the Initiative is
to evaluate and suggest improvements in the ways Duke educates
students in the values of personal responsibility, consideration for
others, and mutual respect in the face of difference and
disagreement. The goal of this initiative is not to tell students
"what to think" in some simplistic or doctrinaire way. Nevertheless,
this is our chance to take the ethical dimension of education much
more seriously than heretofore. An important task of the Initiative
will be to enlist the faculty more fully in this broader work of
education. Since we need to engage the whole of the student population
in this process, we will also need to involve all of Duke's
overlapping student groups and communities and learn how they can be
parts of the solution.

Although the academic year will soon draw to a close, I believe the
Initiative's work should begin this spring. We should not lose the
chance for education in large and small groups supplied by this moment
of heightened sensitivity. Some work can be done over the coming
summer, and we are looking to pioneer a period of focused engagement
on campus issues for upper class students in the fall. In honesty,
some of the Initiative's work will require long-lasting attention and
is unsusceptible to any quick fix. This would include promoting a more
responsible approach to the culture of campus drinking, a major factor
in Duke's recent crisis and the source of much bad college conduct
throughout the United States. I have asked Vice Provost Thompson to
report on the Initiative's progress at the end of this term and again
in the fall.

5. Presidential Council In addition to these steps aimed at the
lacrosse team culture and our larger student culture, I will convene a
presidential council to give advice and offer guidance to me and the
Board of Trustees. This group will be made up of wise figures from
within the university community, from the larger Duke family, from the
national higher education community, and from the city of Durham. I
will ask it to receive and critique our internal policies and
self-assessments regarding the promotion of these central values; to
inform our on-campus efforts with the best practices in other
university settings; and to consider ways that Duke and its community
can work yet more closely to promote these values in a larger social
setting. Emeriti Trustees Wilhelmina Reuben-Cooke, Provost and Vice
President of Academic Affairs of the University of the District of
Columbia, and Roy Bostock, Chairman of The Partnership for a Drug-Free
America, have agreed to chair and I plan to convene the first meeting
of the Council this spring.

In addition to these five steps, I look forward to continuing a
dialogue with leaders in Durham and at North Carolina Central
University. I'm indebted to Mayor Bill Bell for hosting a meeting on
the Duke campus last week that brought together many African American
leaders to discuss the incident of March 13. We concluded that
meeting with the resolve to meet again; I look forward to further
discussions with this group and others at the next meeting, which my
colleague NCCU Chancellor James Ammons has offered to host. Durham is
a proud city with a rich history and a diverse population that
responds to the challenges of the day better than many other cities in
this country. I'm resolved to seize the moment to do what I can to
strengthen what is in many aspects, but surely not all, a positive
relationship between our university and city.

Nobody wishes trouble on one's house and I regret the trouble that
this incident has brought to Duke and Durham. But when trouble
arrives, it's the test of a community and its leaders to deal with it
honestly, act accordingly and learn from it. This is a deeply
emotional time as well as a rare opportunity for education -- for our
students, faculty, administrators, and members of our community.
Let's move forward with a serious commitment to make progress on the
many complex issues that confront us now.

Richard H. Brodhead
Duke University
38907, YO WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE LAWYERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! peep....
Posted by KnowOne, Thu Apr-06-06 08:45 AM
So the latest on this Duke lacrosse team rape case...
One of the since suspended team mates, sent an email at 1:58 a.m. on March 14, about a half hour after the woman, an employee of an escort service, told police she had been raped at the party where she had been hired to perform.

"Tomorrow night, after tonights show, ive decided to have some strippers over," the message read. "However there will be no nudity. i plan on killing bitches as soon as the walk in and proceeding to cut their skin off."

And yet his lawyer has the nerve to put this kinda spin on it:

"This e-mail, while the wording of it is, at best, unfortunate, if you read this e-mail it's quite clear that no rape happened in that house," Cheshire said. "These boys were frustrated because they, as is already been reported, they thought these women had come and taken a bunch of money and started dancing and just decided to leave."

38908, RE: YO WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE LAWYERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! peep....
Posted by guitarnp, Thu Apr-06-06 11:41 AM
Damn, I hope to god that the lawyers dont pull no bullshit with the jury, theres gonna be riots in Durham
38909, Whitlock on point:
Posted by smutsboy, Thu Apr-06-06 11:43 AM

Scandal isn't just about race
By Jason Whitlock
Special to Page 2

It appears the truth, as it pertains to allegations of rape involving the Duke lacrosse team and a single mother/college student/stripper/escort, will get buried in an avalanche of racial politics.

That's too bad. Because whatever did or did not happen inside the house rented by the captains of the Duke lacrosse team, it is my belief race had little to do with the actions of the players.

This is a story driven by gender and privilege, not race. Unfortunately, we'll never get there. Already this story is being examined strictly through the prism of race.

Supporters of the accuser, who is black, claim that the university, the police and the district attorney are not dealing with the alleged suspects, who are all white, the way they would if the accuser was white and the suspects black.

"Somebody would have been arrested by now," is the popular contention.

The lacrosse players have their race-card-playing defenders, too. The latest edition of Newsweek Magazine throws objectivity out the window and publishes a defense of the lacrosse players, accusing the district attorney of pandering to black voters in his district.

I'm sure Newsweek ran a similar story defending Kobe Bryant just two weeks after rape allegations were leveled against him. And somehow I seem to forget the sympathetic piece Newsweek ran on the Colorado football players accused of rape.

I guess I somewhat understand the preoccupation with the racial components of this particular case. The lacrosse players have been accused of using racial slurs by the single mother/college student/stripper/escort, as well as by uninvolved witnesses.

But, again, whatever transpired inside that house was not provoked by race. Gender did the driving. Race is simply driving everyone's reaction to the controversial event.

At some point, it's important that we move beyond the polarizing racial elements and address the root causes. It's important that we do that because every coach and administrator/executive -- whether at the high school, college or professional level -- realizes he could find himself in the same position as Duke lacrosse coach Mike Pressler, who resigned Wednesday, and school president Richard Brodhead, who canceled the remainder of the team's season.

Men behaving badly in groups -- especially under the influence of alcohol -- cuts across all social, economic and racial demographics.

I always have contended, somewhat jokingly, that there should be rules outlawing men from gathering in groups of three or more without a woman as chaperone or serious surveillance equipment. Whitlock's law: A man's intelligence, maturity and decision-making skills decrease as the number of men within earshot of his voice increases.

Whitlock's law is a product of a youth spent sucking on beer bongs and zig zags, hosting and attending bachelor parties, growing up on the barstools inside my father's tavern and planning debauchery and lewd behavior with teammates and friends of all races.

I can honestly say that I don't have a male friend who could avoid saying, "there go I but for the grace of God" when thinking about the Duke lacrosse players.

I'm not talking about the rape allegations. I'm talking about being at a bachelor party in which racially insensitive and gender-insensitive comments were directed at the entertainers and several drunken party-goers had to be stopped from attempting to go too far with the entertainers.

There's nothing the lacrosse players have been accused of saying that I haven't heard black men say to black entertainers or white men say to white entertainers. Not the exact words but the equivalent. There is little respectful about women stripping naked and gyrating in front of strange, drunken men for a dollar.

So, the lack of respect exhibited at the Duke party has little to do with the race of the dancers. I contend two white entertainers would've received the same treatment.

This is a story about men behaving badly in groups.

In the wake of the sex scandals that rocked the Colorado football program, the university enacted a slew of reactionary rules that would in no way prevent or slow the sexually charged parties that are a staple of college recruiting and college life.

Regardless of how this current controversy plays out, I'm sure Brodhead will institute rules to govern the behavior of Duke's athletes.

As with Colorado, I'd prefer to see Brodhead try to get out ahead of potential problems by creating a curriculum that teaches/exposes young men and women how to interact respectfully and how to avoid potentially dangerous situations.

You think it's unnecessary?

I suggest you spend time around young people. Popular culture has objectified women and promoted sexual irresponsibility and parents spend so much time at work rather than guiding their children that young people are clueless about appropriate behavior.

A wise university would protect itself and its athletes (and students) by offering a life-skills curriculum that, among other things, would explain what constitutes sexual harassment, sexual assault, the dangers of alcoholism and drugs, unwanted and unwed pregnancy, how to respectfully socialize with people outside your race, etc.

Would teaching freshmen how to behave eliminate situations like the one at Duke? No. But maybe one of the students would have recognized the potential problem and taken action to limit it. Maybe there would have been only 15 guys at the party and a lot fewer people under suspicion.

You don't go to college simply to acquire a skill to earn a living. You go to college to learn how to live. Men of all races live far better lives when they gather in very small groups.

Jason Whitlock is a regular columnist for The Kansas City Star. His newspaper is celebrating his 10 years as a columnist with the publishing of Jason's first book, "Love Him, Hate Him: 10 Years of Sports, Passion and Kansas City." It's a collection of Jason's most memorable, thought-provoking and funny columns over the past decade. You can purchase the book at TheKansasCityStore.com. Jason can be reached by e-mail at ballstate68@aol.com. Sound off to Page 2 here.

38910, that is not on point about the race issues at all
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Fri Apr-07-06 02:29 PM
>But, again, whatever transpired inside that house was not
>provoked by race. Gender did the driving. Race is simply
>driving everyone's reaction to the controversial event.


"The horrible question floating around in people's minds here: Did the lacrosse players make a special request for a black dancer that night? ESPN.com contacted several escort services like the one that provided the lacrosse players with two dancers. Representatives of two of the services said they typically send white dancers unless a special request is made. Were the players' actions premeditated in that respect? One of the views circulating in the community is stereotypical in its own way -- that white college frat boys, conditioned by hours of watching rap videos on television, see black women largely as objects of sexual desire."

Seems like a pretty good bet race had something to do with this incident from the very beginning.

>There's nothing the lacrosse players have been accused of
>saying that I haven't heard black men say to black
>entertainers or white men say to white entertainers. Not the
>exact words but the equivalent. There is little respectful
>about women stripping naked and gyrating in front of strange,
>drunken men for a dollar.

He's heard black men say "Hey bitch! Thank your grandpa for my nice cotton shirt!" to black strippers? GTFOOHWTBS
38911, yeah, what the fuck?
Posted by 3xKrazy, Fri Apr-07-06 07:43 PM

>>There's nothing the lacrosse players have been accused of
>>saying that I haven't heard black men say to black
>>entertainers or white men say to white entertainers. Not the
>>exact words but the equivalent. There is little respectful
>>about women stripping naked and gyrating in front of
>>drunken men for a dollar.
>He's heard black men say "Hey bitch! Thank your grandpa for my
>nice cotton shirt!" to black strippers? GTFOOHWTBS

I didn't think that was a good article, AT ALL.
38912, Okay You Know "Silence of the Lambduhs" Got Suspended from School Right?
Posted by So Plush, Thu Apr-06-06 09:54 PM
for real someone on sportsgambling911 put up the emailer's pic made to look like the SOTL movie poster, w/a dragonfly on his mouth

38913, Duke player had role in earlier assault case
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Fri Apr-07-06 12:56 PM
LOL @ these Garden City kids trying to be thugs. I wish they had tried to pull that shit with some heads from Hempstead and gotten stomped the fuck out.


Duke player from LI had role in earlier case
Newsday Staff Writer

April 7, 2006

A Duke University lacrosse player from Garden City was charged last fall in the misdemeanor assault of a man who said he was called "gay and derogatory names" by three suspects, according to court papers.

Collin H. Finnerty, a former Chaminade High School player, is among the 46 Duke team members asked to submit DNA samples in a rape investigation.

According to court records obtained by Newsday yesterday, Finnerty, a sophomore player at Duke, was arrested with two other suspects in the Nov. 5 incident in Washington. One suspect is a Georgetown University lacrosse player, who according to that team roster is also from Chaminade, and the other is a former lacrosse player for Providence College in Rhode Island. The disposition of their cases was not determined yesterday.

An attorney representing Finnerty said yesterday that the assault charge would be dropped pending his client's community service and said the incident "had nothing to do with any sort of inappropriate remark."

According to District of Columbia Superior Court records, Finnerty and his companions began confronting the man for no reason outside the Georgetown Inn hotel and attacked him when he tried to walk away. The three punched the man in his face and body "because he told them to stop calling him gay and derogatory names," according to the complaint.

The victim was treated at the scene on Wisconsin Avenue for a cut to his lip and bruises to his chin. All three men were arrested at the scene by a police officer who was flagged down by the victim.

A family member reached at the Finnerty household in Garden City yesterday referred questions to Collin Finnerty's attorney, Steven J. McCool. McCool said yesterday: "The charge that resulted was a minor simple assault charge. ... If this case was anything more then a minor scuffle the U.S. Attorney's office would not have offered Collin a diversionary agreement."

Finnerty did not enter a plea in the case and was ordered to perform 25 hours of community service in Washington, according to Shirley Shepherd, a deputy clerk at the District of Columbia Superior Court. Finnerty has a Sept. 25 court date pending where charges against him will be dropped after he has performed the community service, McCool said.

Copyright 2006 Newsday Inc.
38914, Duke LAX needs the death penalty.
Posted by bshelly, Fri Apr-07-06 04:37 PM
shut the program down for five years.
38915, this shit is epic
Posted by 3xKrazy, Fri Apr-07-06 07:45 PM
its like its damn near scripted how awful this continues to get.
38916, seriously
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Sat Apr-08-06 12:13 AM
you got the neighbor witnessing them making racial slurs, the 911 call on record independently reporting more racial slurs, the e-mail talking about killing strippers and skinning them, prior alchohol-related arrests for a bunch of the players, and now a prior arrest of a player for assault, complete with alleged slurs hurled at the victim... they better have a good-ass lawyer, cuz Johnny Cochran would've been hard-pressed to pull this one out for those fuckers.
38917, why have I heard nothing from the NCAA on this matter?
Posted by 3xKrazy, Fri Apr-07-06 07:44 PM
anytime something happens with a football team they seem to always be quick to launch an investigation of some sort. you'd think this incident merits a bit of attention.
38918, not even
Posted by smutsboy, Sat Apr-08-06 02:22 AM
>anytime something happens with a football team they seem to
>always be quick to launch an investigation of some sort.

the NCAA does the minimum possible in order to essentially ignore controversies in any sport
38919, so theyre just there for the important stuff?
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sat Apr-08-06 08:37 AM
ie. when a player takes $100 from a booster?
38920, Very very very bad news: the girl has a criminal record.
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat Apr-08-06 08:39 AM
The rumor has it that the girl who has been accused has been arrested before. I heard a couple of different stories, that she's been arrested for theft, for drug possession (heroin, specifically), and for resisting arrest.

None of this is guaranteed to be true. However, it's the rumor on campus.

If these assholes get off due to the defense pushing the girl's prior cases to discredit her character, then there's gonna be hell to pay on campus.
38921, it shouldn't matter
Posted by NoShelter, Sat Apr-08-06 12:58 PM
if she's in college she obviously has been doin something right recently.

Besides as long as these charges aren't lying to the cops, it shouldn't matter in this case.
38922, duke lawyers are gonna drag her name through the fuckin mud though
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sat Apr-08-06 01:36 PM
while painting the duke lax players as model student-athletes that had a mere lapse in judgment.
38923, you mean the players' lawyers, right?
Posted by bshelly, Sat Apr-08-06 01:38 PM
because duke, as an institution, will take absolutely no role in the criminal case/defense. they can't afford to.
38924, yeah, thats what I meant
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sat Apr-08-06 02:12 PM
38925, But they are still rich white kids' lawyers, and will do their best
Posted by Frank Longo, Sat Apr-08-06 09:55 PM
to discredit the witness due to however they paint her "character."

I agree with the poster that it hinges on the DNA.
38926, yeah i read the story at wral.com
Posted by bayoubyyou, Sat Apr-08-06 02:35 PM
this shouldnt hurt her case b/c some of the lax players have been in trouble with the law...i hope
38927, this case hinges on the dna....
Posted by Torez, Sat Apr-08-06 02:40 PM
regardless to what the durham da says,
if the dna doesn't match?

no case.

its a mess, regardless, because the hype
has built to the point where folks will
want blood, regardless.

a botched case will only make things worse.

and those lacrosse players would want to head
back to jersey for the summer.

if they stay in the triangle, they will get GOT.

<--- NEW ART!! NEW ART!!! NEW ART!!!
* all comments made about women apply to the formerly single TOREZ only
38928, I thought the DNA results were supposed to be released by now.
Posted by CliffDogg, Sat Apr-08-06 04:07 PM
What's the hold up?
38929, GOOD QUESTION...i think there's a 'problem'
Posted by Torez, Sat Apr-08-06 05:20 PM
as in, they aren't getting
the results they 'need' to
really slam dunk the case.

this case WILL get ugly
by the end of next week.

38930, no
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sat Apr-08-06 05:37 PM
they said they would have the results back by now....but the earliest they would actually be releasing the results is next week.
38931, Word.
Posted by CliffDogg, Sun Apr-09-06 12:25 AM
Thanks for the clarification
38932, DNA is due Monday however.....
Posted by So Plush, Sat Apr-08-06 08:17 PM
DA says he won't release results prior to trial....defense atty jackasses say they 'might'....they are already weaving a fairy tale in the media....who gets so mad about a strip show they threaten to skin someone?
38933, DNA is not a match
Posted by 3xKrazy, Mon Apr-10-06 05:10 PM
38934, This is fuckin crazy...
Posted by MadDagoNH, Mon Apr-10-06 05:59 PM
...So now we have to wonder, are they just racist scumfucks, or are they racist rapist scumfucks? Or were they just smart enough to wear condoms?

This is not gonna be a good development.

Can we bring this guy's heart back?
38935, don't let the factual details get in the way of the real story...
Posted by s_dot_miles, Mon Apr-10-06 06:11 PM
nah but seriously though, this is not good if none of the dna matches. i think an assault could have occured without the presence of dna evidence if they used condoms but i could be wrong. also, the physical/verbal abuse could have still happened without there being any rape. some of what went on has to be true with all of the circumstancial evidence that has been reported thus far.