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Topic subjectthat's what kills me
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=29644&mesg_id=30139
30139, that's what kills me
Posted by Nesta, Fri Jan-27-06 12:03 AM
Even though i'm a Steelers fan I can kinda sorta see folks rating him ahead of Big Ben but I wouldn't. But how on God's earth do you ever ever rate him ahead of Brady (and I'm no New England fan)? It's like folks are brainwashed.

If the NFL didn't have a post season maybe I can see their point but the playoffs are like kryptonite to this dude but everyone still rides him.

"That's why you never judge how you are going to play by how you warm up. Because out here tonight warming up I've never seen a player since the days of Larry Bird warm-up better, more efficiently, more productively than Finley"-The Great Bill Walton