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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjectA-Rod
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=17707&mesg_id=17710
17710, A-Rod
Posted by DonKnutts, Fri May-04-01 08:54 AM
When A-Rod signed his record contract, he was the top sports story on every news report i watched. He made the cover of non-sports mags like Esquire and GQ... I think 9 out of 10 baseball fans can tell you what the man looks like. You don't think MLB is playing up his pretty boy image? Please.

As for Sosa, we all know that in '99, most of the white media was secretly (and not-so-secretly) pulling for Mark "Andro" McGwire to pull it out. However, people were jocking Sosa a lot too, and he got a lot of press from everywhere.

Also, the game's most dominant pitcher is a Dominican -- Pedro Martinez, and I don't think he suffers from a lack of press coverage.

So what was your initial point exactly? Because Latino players aren't on Wheaties boxes, there's some MLB conspiracy?

The language barrier is a factor to remember also... Rey Ordonnez has been the Mets shortstop for a minute, but he never conducted interviews in English until this season. And we've yet to hear El Duque speak in English. So that is hurts their chances at more exposure.