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Topic subjectupdate (swink)
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81858, update (swink)
Posted by natlawdp, Wed Feb-04-09 03:25 PM

Tiger Woods: Full-Bore Practice Sessions Going Well
By John Kim, Coordinating Producer- PGA.com
Feb. 4, 2009 -- The much-anticipated return of Tiger Woods is nearing, though no specific date or event has been announced.

In a newsletter posted on his website, www.tigerwoods.com, Woods announced he is "full-bore with my practice sessions and have no restrictions." Though he did cite a lack of endurance and stamina, he did claim his surgically repaired left knee was "much better than ever."

The news of Woods' immeminent return is particularly welcome for an industry that has been struck hard by Woods's absence since last year's stunning U.S. Open victory and a difficult economic climate in the latter stages of 2008. Television ratings, attendance and general golf interest will surely skyrocket once Woods is able to rejoin the PGA Tour.

That return is contingent on more than just his health or his golf readiness, Woods and wife Elin are anticipating the birth of their second child later this month.

"Elin, Sam and I are very excited for the new baby to arrive," he states, "although that's when the real lack of sleep begins."

Woods also made mention of his time in Washington during President Obama's inauguration (he is working on a setting up a round with the new president) and his excitement over his old friends Chris Riley and Notah Begay regaining membership on the PGA Tour.

Though he has been busy and enjoyed his time away, he will watch some golf this week (the Buick Invitational at Torrey Pines -- one of his favorite tournaments at the site of his historic U.S. Open win) and admits he is "excited about returning to competition."

>He stated in a news conference that he will not be able to
>hit the ball until the beginning of next year...and that's a
>I cant see him coming back from 3 rips in his knee and being
>just as effective as he was before the rips
>If he comes back, and performs at the same level, I will call
>him GOAT as far as sports figures.
>Golf is going to go down the drain. The money is going to sink
>and the viewers are going to stop watching...and it will just
>go back to your die hard golf fans watching golf.
>shit is sad.