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Topic subjectfuck that...find a new career path
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=80359&mesg_id=80872
80872, fuck that...find a new career path
Posted by 3xKrazy, Wed Nov-09-11 08:45 AM
he was placed in the unfortunate position of having witnessed a child rape. terrible circumstances, no doubt. but he was also placed in the fortunate position of being able to put a stop to it. whether fair or not, it was put on him. he could have been a hero. not a coaching hero, but a fucking life hero.

he HAD to step up and do what was right at whatever the cost. if not at that very moment than the next day. or the day after. he was given 10 years worth of opportunities. every day he made the selfish decision to further his career at the expense of innocent children. and that's what all this shit comes down to. a bunch of sad mutherfuckers acting selfishly and looking out for their own careers by letting a predatory monster run loose for 2 decades.

i dont buy that snitching on sandusky wouldve ended his career. but now you can bet that mcqueary will need to find a new profession if he's fortunate enough to avoid the slammer.

>Coaches don't snitch and JoePa is an icon. Mike knew if he
>told he'd get blackballed from coaching permanently.
>This situation hits awfully close to home in terms of ethical
>decisions. I think that Mike should get another chance to
>coach somewhere. I'm not sure if I could snitch if it meant
>losing my career EVERYWHERE. That coaching frat has that next
>level fuck nigga database. They would justifiably body Mike
>anywhere he went because they're grimey.
>If he tells in 2002 he permanently gets blackballed. At least
>now he has some level of immunity and might be able to coach
>one day.