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Topic subjecthohoho.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=76225&mesg_id=76241
76241, hohoho.
Posted by denny, Thu Jun-17-10 03:48 AM
This is an opus... I'll try to respond but no promises.

>If its so popular, how come soccer fans care so much about
>what everyone else think?
>Shouldn't they, by some logic, not give a fuck?

It's not that I'm complaining of north American's not watching soccer. It's the disrespect and critique...on air....in the industry...by people who don't know the game. The Sport Media industy in France don't cover the US Open (golf) and than criticize it every year. They ignore it. Nothing wrong with that. But in NA, I've never heard a tv journalist openly critize any sport EXCEPT for soccer.

>Odd, because I know soccer purists who bitch and moan
>about how pussy a lot of modern players are more than
>"north americans" do.

Same in American football, basketball, hockey. But alot of tv sports

>No, "floppers" in the NBA actually have a terrible
>Taking a charge can be seen as a good thing when its done at
>the right time, but people who consistently fake are not
>highly regarded in basketball.

Yah...flopping is when you exagerate the impact. But even 'taking a charge' is a form of simulation/diving. You plant your feet...wait for someone to bump into you....and then let youself fall backwards without moving your feet to recover balance. So.....you're rewarded for letting yourself fall down. hohoho.

Face it...simulation is a part of charging fouls in basketball. If a defender tries to stay on his feet...shuffling his feet to keep his balance...he's called for blocking. These are the kind of observations a non-basketball fan might make to dismiss the sport's legitimacy. It would be bullshit then and it's bullshit when it's done to soccer.

My post was a response to hate. Not an instigation.

>Actually, AMERICANS complain about baseball all the time.
>LOTS of people say its boring and long, etc.

Your not clever in your substitution of context. There is a big difference in NA perception of baseball and soccer and you know it.

>And if it comes up in conversation (my views on Soccer, that
>Ima tell you how I feel, B. It ain't hate. Its my opinion.

You don't HAVE an opinion cause you don't know it. (see: ignorance)