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Topic subjecthttp://i41.tinypic.com/2rpbcdz.jpg
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71338, http://i41.tinypic.com/2rpbcdz.jpg
Posted by dula dibiasi, Mon May-10-10 09:13 PM
broken down to its very last compound © krs

change all those "second to nones" to "second to derons" and we got a winner

rondo is dope as hell but that dude ain't seeing chris paul cmoncmoncmoncmoncmon

>Rajon's advantages are his rebounding ability and on the ball
>defensive ability. He is also the best bounce-passer in the
>league. My favorite thing about him, however, is how prepared
>he is for each game.....dude is out there running the game
>very comfortably and understands everything the opposing team
>wants to do.
>Cats must have forgot how good CP3 is when he's out
>there....he is just as good, if not better, at getting to the
>rim, his passing ability is second to none(and imo he is the
>best transition passer in the league, and esp does an
>excellent job of finding his trailers), his quickness is
>second to none, his handles are second to none, his vision is
>second to none, his understanding of angles is second to
>none.....and his jumper is leaps and bounds better.
>With all that being said.....and taking into consideration,
>CP3 has never had the type of talent that Rondo has around
>him(and for anyone trying to negate or downplay this fact,
>FOH), I would take CP3 for a couple reasons: 1) Rebounding is
>way down the list of priorities 2) The difference in shooting
>ability outweighs the difference in on the ball defensive
>Just imagine CP3 on that Boston team.....just imagine him
>being able to play with multiple cats who require defensive
>attention, multiple cats you can run sets for, multiple more
>chances for him to be on the break because more stops = more
>chances to run, AND having to play up on him because of his
>mid-range J....CMON.