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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjectLOL
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=70836&mesg_id=70880
70880, LOL
Posted by auragin_boi, Tue Dec-29-09 10:36 AM
>>Dallas 1
>the mavs are getting swept.

Dallas L

>>The Cavs 1
>no, cleveland can't beat us.

Cavs L hahahaha

>>San Antonio 2
>lmao please, it took a miracle shot/bonehead foul for them to
>get 1 win against us last year. they're getting swept too.


>>The Clippers (yes, they'll win 1 game vs the Lakers) 1
>>Indiana (watch) 1
>>New Orleans 1
>>Utah 1
>>Oklahoma City 1 (They'll play above their heads on a 'lazy'
>>night from LA)
>those losses could happen.

Utah so far

>>Washington 1 (Gil returns to form...drops 42)
>>Denver 2
>1 win max.

1 down, 1 to go

>well you can definitely take a few away because we won't lose
>more than 12 games.

Didn't count those though they may replace a few of the one offs (Wash, NO maybe)

They need like a 15 game win streak to keep a 70-12 pace. :-D