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Topic subjectRE: This Phils season just feels like it's not gonna happen
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=62444&mesg_id=62488
62488, RE: This Phils season just feels like it's not gonna happen
Posted by Sef Mausberg, Wed Sep-17-08 11:32 AM
>I'm not copping pleas. If the Mets or the Fish pass us, I'll
>be here to take my L and congratulate the winner. And I'm
>trying not to be typical negative Philadelphian.
>But I'm not feeling it right now. This team has been trapped
>in a general malaise for two months, and it's almost solely
>the fault of the offense, which of course was supposed to be
>our strength. Because they have outperformed their
>projections, I give much love to Utley , Rollins, Victorino,
>Werth, and Burrell and exclude them from blame. I'm fully on
>the resign Pat the Batwagon, btw.
>Ryan Howard, I was right. I didn't want to be, but I'm right.
> This season should show why we should never, ever sign Ryan
>Howard to a long-term contract.
>Geoff Jenkins, it's almost inconceivable how much you suck.
>It would be fitting if the Phils rallied enough only to lose
>the wild card by one game to the Brewers, which would
>establish you as the root cause of why Milwaukee sucked for
>your entire career and why we sucked now.
>Ruiz...I can't kill him. I just can't. He has been, without
>a doubt, the single biggest drag on the offense this year. We
>send seven major league hitters to bat every game because he
>and Coste are not major league starters. Still, this gyu is
>almost as good a story as Coste: a non prospect who persevered
>and a nice year in the show but who ultimately isn't more than
>a backup. I can't even kill the Phils for trusting him for
>this season. I can kill them for not beating da Jakees
>ridiculous low ball for Pudge, though. The Phils need to sign
>Pudge in the offseason. It's a perfect fit until one of our
>catching prospects is ready, which of course means the Phils
>won't do it.
>Feliz. Sigh. I guess Gillick has to make one ridiculously
>awful free agent signing a year with the team. How in fuck's
>name are you a GM for three years who inherits David Bell and
>somehow leaves the position much, much worse when he leaves.
>God forbid we actually use some of the prospects we throw
>around for starting pitchers to go get a fucking third
>basemen. Not like dumb ass Coletti was looking to give away
>Andy LaRoche or something.
>I want to give hope, but it isn't hopeless. The Mets and the
>Marlins are not really better than us. Howard and Rollins are
>September players who can get hot and carry us. A miracle may
>happen and Feliz or Ruiz could have a decent month. These are
>all reasonable, regress to the mean kind of outcomes that
>means we have to continue to tune in and have faith. But,
>man, the energy around this team is not good.