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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjectWell, I know who Joe Dumars is
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=53183&mesg_id=53195
53195, Well, I know who Joe Dumars is
Posted by HiKwelity, Thu Oct-26-06 01:21 PM
>What is the state of YOUR team? I love how yall stay trying
>to keep the KNICKS posts up to take your mind off the fact
>that YOUR team sucks too.

No, not really. I'm pretty comfortable about my team.

>I mean really CELTICS & SIXERS fans got jokes?

Here's the difference, Philly fans on here will admit without shame that Billy King has destroyed their team. That's quite different than a group of fans who refuse to place any blame on their GM who has done an awful job and instead scream 'cism all day.

The only legitimate argument I have heard is that Isiah receives more hate from the media than McHale, Ainge, and Mullin do. That doesn't mean that Isiah is a good GM, though, so stop trying to portray it that way.

>Yep cism, plus the fact a good chunk of you clowns cant even
>name YOUR teams GM.
>Carry on..

Right, I don't hear about those guys in Philly or Boston much.

