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Topic subjectRebuttal
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=38418&mesg_id=38452
38452, Rebuttal
Posted by ErnestLee, Fri Mar-31-06 12:35 AM
Alot of bs in here. Let's sift thru the good stuff.

>PG - Isiah Thomas vs. Gary Payton:
>Advantage: Can go either way

No. It's advantage Isiah, and you know it. 3 inches means nothing. Isiah is one of the toughest SOB's to play the game. As good as Payton is defensively, he's not slowing down Zeke. Noone could. On offense, fine, attempt to post up. We'll double and force you to kick it out to your non-existent permiter players.

Adv: Isiah

>SG - Sidney Moncrief vs. Grant Hill:>
>Advantage: Hill. Without a doubt.

Oh, there's doubt. Hill at the 2 is not a good look in the first place. The 1 or 3 I could see, but not the two. He had decent range, but nothing to worry me too much. Also, Moncrief is 6'4", not 6'3", and very strong, certainly stronger than Hill. He was a crafty defender that would get in your ass, and frustrate players to no end. A guy like Hill would be mince meat against Moncrief. Here's a quote from #23. Michael Jordan once told the Los Angeles Times, "When you play against Moncrief, you're in for a night of all-around basketball. He'll hound you everywhere you go, both ends of the court. You just expect it."

With all that said, I'll give you the nod with the out of position Hill, because in his prime, he was a superb talent. But dont think for a second he'd have it easy. If so, go watch some old Bucks footage and smarten up.

Adv: Hill

>SF - Alex English vs. Bobby Jones
>Advantage: Bobby Jones

This is where the hilarity begins. Lmao @"Alex English is a great scorer and thats about it." That's about it?!? That's about it. The guy poured in 25 per for 8 straight years. "That's about it" Funny stuff. For the record though, he also averaged nearly 6 boards and 4 dimes. As for Jones. Ummmm, he played a little D, and "that's about it". No, really though, he was obviously a good defender, though he could definitely be beaten. Here's a quote of his in regards to guarding Dr. J in the ABA Finals. "He worries me to death, I'm thinking about him right now". Wow. Quite the intimidator. Dr. J went on to average nearly 40 per in that series. No, English isnt Dr. J, but he was an unbelievable scorer. Factor in that Jones wasnt much on offense, and there shouldnt be much question.

Though I love the convenience of the argument "more times then not, defense is triumphant and this case is evident to that" working in this case, but not with Moncrief/Hill. Very convinient.

Adv: English

>PF - Elvin Hayes vs. Bob Pettit>
>Advantage: Bob Pettit

More absolute hilarity. Advantage Pettit? Riiiiiiiight. A white lanky 6'9" 210 pound guy who retired just as Wilt came up over the much bigger, much stronger Hayes who played with the best at their best? Sure, Petitt had nice numbers......in the 50's. You want numbers? Try 27,000 points, 16,000 rebounds and missing only 9 games in 16 seasons.

Adv: Big E. I mean, seriously. A little objectivity never hurt.

>C - Walt Bellamy vs. Hakeem Olajuwon
>Advantage: Olajuwon, in a landslide.

I'll concede the matchup, because Bellamy just continues to be slept on somethin awful. This quote about sums his career up. "He is forgotten by some as one of the game's dominating big men, but Walt Bellamy had his moments in the sun, despite playing in the shadows of contemporaries Wilt Chamberlain and Bill Russell." For someone big on numbers, you should appreciate he's one of 7 players in history to go to for 20,000 points and 14,000 boards. (One of the others is his frontcourt mate)
But yea, I'll concede it to Hakeem, but dont think Walt will make things easy for the Dream.

Adv: Hakeem

>Bench - Adrian Dantley, Micheal Ray Richardson, Dwight Howard
>Mark Jackson, Tracy Mcgrady, Bob Lanier>
>Advantage: Mcgrady, Lanier, Jackson

Hilarity continues. Few things. Howard in only is his second year is a beast with freakish athleticsm. He's here only to spell the towers (Hayes and Bellamy) and will do a fine job doing so. Lanier was fine, but very slow and plodding. Mark Jackson vs Michael Ray?? Not even close. In his prime, Richardson was considered one of the greatest PG's EVER, and is still regarded by some as one of the best. You'll never hear that said about Mark Jackson.

On to some more laughable comments from you.

"Hes got no size whatsoever"

Hayes, Howard and Bellamy. English and AD are both big 3's. Michael Ray is a 6'5" point. You on the other hand, have no perimeter game, and are lacking speed something serious.

And finally:

"The SF slot looks very suspect unless he plans on playing English the whole 48 minutes which is fine by me."

Umm, have you NOT heard of Adrian Dantley, another one of the greatest scorers of the 80's. Apparently not. And T-Mac?? Ehh, if this were an all star game with no physical contact, I might be worried.

Adv: Push

So, in the end, you're on advantage is a bit of size in the backcourt, althought I can easily counter with Richardson if need be. You claim my bench was constructed poorly, but it's actually no different than yours. PG, SF, C. I've got plenty of offense with Isiah, AD, English and the bigs, and have some all world defenders as well with Moncrief, Hayes and Bellamy. You seem unable to be objective, but I will be. This a very even matchup, and the key would probably be which team could play best together....as a team. I'll leave that to the judges, but I like my chances.