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Topic subjectShawneds gmplan vs Bshelly
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38444, Shawneds gmplan vs Bshelly
Posted by bigpo, Mon Apr-03-06 10:08 AM
Firts off, we always love locker room material...So My asst coaches and I went back through the archives and found this lovely post made by opposing coach bryan shelly.
Charter member
20881 posts Mon Mar-13-06 06:11 PM

84. "kareem is a bitch who wouldn't play D"
In response to Reply # 8 fuck him. i got plans.


Not only did he disrespect the Cap once, but several times throughout the post:

kareem is a fucking ninny. i want no part of him.


89. "fuck the lakers and fuck soft ass kareem"
As many of you may or may not know Kareem was a laid back dude, but you didnt want topiss him off. Shelly broke that rule.

Center vs Center

I couldve gone to war with the Older kareem that shelly saw as a Laker...but I decided I needed to just bring out the Old School Kareem/Lew.

So anyways. Willis had a great career and was a "tru Warrior" but in one of his best years 1970 where he avgd 21ppg and 13.9 rebs, Kareem came in as a ROOKIE to the Milwaukee bucks and avgd 28.8 and 14.5 to go along with 4 assists. Willis avgd 2 assists.

Keep in mind in head to head. Kareem is a rookie, so this wasnt even his peak. But then size wise, Kareem (already the leagues most consistent low post scorer ever had 5 inches of height on Willis. And then we still havent gotten into the development of his sky hook yet. Willis was a good talent who played hard and made the most of his abilities. Kareem was a next world type of talent. At the time he was NYC's most fabled player, and later became one of the greatest college centers ever at UCLA, and ALWAYS lived up to all the hype he got.

Having Kareem matched up against willis allows me to have a huge advantage strategy wise. I will just dump it inside, post/repost. If Shelly doesnt double team i score over the top. If he does double team, I pass (dont forget kareems assist numbers for a C) out for an open jumper from Nash at 3, Wade @0 footer, Or Pippen for a 20 footer. And I have worm waiting on the offensive glass for any rebounds that come off.

pf vs pf-
Now this is a bit trickier...Both kemp and Worm matched up in real life during their careers. As Athletic as Kemp was, he was sometimes soft/lacking heart, and having a guy like rodman there to constantly be in his head will take him out of his game. If im not mistaken, by Kemp's peak years he already had multiple children out of wedlock, Trust the worm would be there to remind him. Kemp my try to call worm a "faggot" but the beauty of worm is he could give a fuck what you call him. And if theres one guy whos athleticism/heart could matchup with Kemp, it was Rodman. i dont think anyone can deny what an incredible athlete Worm was. He was strong enough to battle with kemp inside, and agile enough to challenge his ugly jumpshot.
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sf vs sf-Larry Bird vs Pippen. This matchup I will focus more on the defensive end because Bird was no doubt an offensive juggernaut. They never really faced in both of their primes, but If theres one dude who could contain Bird in the NBA of that era it would be Pippen. Pippen had teh athleticism and long arms to frustrate bird and challenge his jumpshot. Inside, he was just as strong, and definitely a smart player. The only thing id tell pipp was to watch for headfakes and not to get caught up in foul trouble. On the other end of the floor Pippen would be to quick for bird. At times I would have Pippen handle the ball so that bird could chase him around and this would help wear out Bird's legs.

sg vs sg-D. Wade vs Tayshaun Prince. This is the matchup we have the privilege of seeing. I dont know what coach Shelly was thinking. maybe he thought I had Kobe instead of Wade. BUt wade always frustrates tayshaun. In a matchup earlier this year, Tay even questioned why flip saunders left him on wade when it obviously wasnt working (ask Pistons fan JBoogs). Wade is too explosive for Tay and his change of direction breaks Tay's stilty legs. On defense They will try and post Tay up..but hey if you have bird, reed and kemp and you settle for a Tay post up, Ill take it everytime.

pg vs pg-Now this was a matchup i contemplated, I almost started Ron Ron and let wade play pg. for this game....because of Nash's perceived defensive deficiencies, but then i was like nah. Kidd is gonna create for his team, but he is not a scorer. Im sure shelly will try to refer to this recent nets/suns game, but throughout their careers, they have been pretty evenly matched. If kidd beats any of my guys, I have the best defenders PIPPEN, Rodman and 11 time all defensive team KAreem to Come ove rto help. IMO nash is not the worst defender you can have, He is smart and knows where to push his man. It just so happens that the last 2 teams he has played for havent had teh best defensive philosophy (see suns when nashis oput or dallas when nash left). Cats like steve francis and marbury get burned by other pgs all the time too. On offense, nash is gonna create havoc by driving to the hoop and finding people. Kidd is a good defender, but he cant stay in front of nash all the time. Hey if Nash has any problems, I put Wade in at PG, Pippen at Sf and Artest in at SG. And we grind it out

At some point I will have Dale ellis in, when Nash breaks down the D, Dale one of the best shooters ever will be there to hit the shot.

Or ill have him on the opposite elbow as cap.

Have Rodman set a nice pick and cap crosscourt a pass to the opposite elbow for a wide open 3...Swish!

Oh wait I still have Ralph Sampson, who before he was injured was a beast. In his prime years he avgds 20, 10 and 2 with about 2 blocks and despite his 7'4 height he had the ability to play 4. So if I want to run up the score, I put Sampson in at 4, and have him score over Kemp who isnt exactly known as a defensive juggernaut.

Overall, the game plan is to take what is given. I have some of teh smartest most unselfish players in basketball history. Yea Rodman and Artest might be crazy, but they know how to play unselfish basketball. Sometimes worm was too unselfish.

We're gonna start off in the half court game with Cap, but we will run at every oppurtunity because all 5 of our starters and even our bench guys can get out and run the floor.

Defensively we are one of the toughest teams, and nobody is gonna call this team soft.
We will make every shot hard to come by and we will also getin your heads.

Happy Ether day shelly