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Topic subjectKingKahn's gameplan vs. bigpo
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=38418&mesg_id=38430
38430, KingKahn's gameplan vs. bigpo
Posted by ThaTruth, Wed Mar-29-06 12:30 AM
C - Awesome backstory, and teacher vs. pupil
in this case. Ewing can post Mourning up or negate some of his interior
defense by making him come out and defend Ewing's J. On D, I don't
think he'll compeltely shut Mourning out but he can neutralize him and make
him work hard for what little he might get. Ewing is also better on the

PF - Again, I think I have the upper hand. Barkley will probably assert
himself on offense, but he won't have his way in the paint and will be
shooting jumpshots most of the time. McHale, on the other hand, is
Barkley's admitted hardest assignment, and will be setting up shop in the
blocks like Juelz and Jimmy. I wanna go at Barkley early because I think
he could get into foul trouble quickly guarding McHale. Chuck obviously
is the better rebounder, but McHale was no slouch himself.

SF - Billy C holds every advantage except in scoring, where he is only
slightly bested by Aguirre. That and, Cunningham was the consumate
teammate and competitor, wheras his counterpart here had to have Bill
Laimbeer son his ass in front of the whole team before he started winning
anything. Yeah, I win here too. And amazingly, my best small forward's on
the bench anyway.

SG - Again, good backstory, and the result will be the same - W for
Mike, who is Reggie's superior accross the board, with the arguable
exception of single-handedly ruining New York championship hopes.

PG - Ok, L here. Magic's prolly too much for just Mo, and I might have
to rotate any combo of Cheeks/Lever/Jordan/Hondo/Cunningham on him. I
intend to press the backcourt with said personell and pressure Earv as
much as possible. So long as Mo makes him work for it, I'm fine.

Bench - Gaddamn I good. He's got green (all of 'em), undersized (Elton)
and unaccomplished (again, all of 'em) to spell his dudes, while I got
energy, leadership, and clutch. Really tho, this is one spot where
Cowens' size isn't a noticable liability, as he can spell the 4 or the 5
and give quality defense, rebounding, and maybe even a little scoring.
Hondo is better than any 2 or 3 on the opposition. And Fats will be
brought in if the game turns into an uptempo, Showtime Lakers affair. That
said, I wanna play a methodical, halfcourt game and grind it out with
this team, because I don't think they can stop me in the halfcourt wheras
I can definitely get stops against them.