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Topic subjectSome pro-wrestlers, bodybuilders, MMA guys
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=38311&mesg_id=38411
38411, Some pro-wrestlers, bodybuilders, MMA guys
Posted by bigkarma, Thu Apr-06-06 12:26 PM
I used to work out a Lee Haney's Animal Kingdom and at the Obake Fight School.

Obake FS was co-owned by Bill Goldberg and MMA coach Tim Cataflo, so a ton a pro-wrestlers and MMA guys would come through and train.

Lee Haneys'a attracted a ton of celebs. I've worked out with Haney; Carl Lewis; Mr. O , Ronnie Coleman; Jamal Anderson; 'Nique and a few others. I met Holyfield there, Hulk Hogan & Vince McMahon (they were training together), Tiny Lister (Deebo).
