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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjectSome KY bball legends
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=38311&mesg_id=38408
38408, Some KY bball legends
Posted by theMindofFury, Thu Apr-06-06 11:12 AM

I was in middle school and despised (still do) UK. Still got Travis Ford's autograph, then promptly threw it on the ground.
Sat next to Kenny Walker at a UK/U of L game. He told me about getting into a car accident earlier in the day.
Met Denny Crum while working at ESPN Radio. He had on a red track suit. Looked like Paulie Walnuts sans wings.

My brother has met a slew of sports celebs. Jeter, the entire Gonzaga bball team, Macho Man (I think) some Dookie out in Utah 6 years ago. He has a knack for meeting and conversing with famous people. I think he made fun of Patrick Swayze's movie "Black Dog" once.


"This brother is free, I'll be what I want to be."