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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjectma-ma-ma-ma-Moookie Blaylock
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=38311&mesg_id=38404
38404, ma-ma-ma-ma-Moookie Blaylock
Posted by ne_atl, Thu Apr-06-06 07:37 AM
Allen "Hendoo" Henderson. Both were/are MAJOR weed heads and we had the same pharmacist

edit: I missed the "met" part. I got a few more...

Shaq: His B'Day parties here are huge (he didnt have one this year though)

The entire 2001-2002 Braves team: because I owned lower level season tickets

Charles Barkley while he was at Auburn

Frank Thomas while he was at Auburn

Peter Tom Willis: I played againt him in HS in football & basketball and over the summer he came to our HS to shoot ball (the only white kid I knew who could dunk ON someone in a game). He went on to play QB at FSU (shouldve played basketball) and played 3 years QB with the Chicago Bears.I still know his family well