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Topic subjecti got tired of seeing Iverson in dc
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=38311&mesg_id=38398
38398, i got tired of seeing Iverson in dc
Posted by Binlahab, Thu Apr-06-06 02:47 AM
it was a regular thing to see iverson high as hell, eating chicken @ popeyes, him & abt 80 of his boys, whole spot smelling like leather & weed & grease

dude was always around

sean taylor, cool guy
lavar arrington was kind of dickheadish
jordan, oakley & ewing @ the same time, handed em some fliers for a party i was promoting, oakley balled my shit up and threw it @ me, i beaned him in the back of the head & bailed out

vernon maxwell
kenny smith
otis thorpe
robert reid
rodney mccray (favorite rocket not name akeem of all time)
earl campbell
dan pastorini
ken caminiti
glenn davis
mike scott
bagwell & biggio
andre ware
david klinger
carl lewis
sheryl swoopes
lisa leslie
clyde drexler
david carr

for a big city, houston is pretty small you'll meet everybody after awhile, 10x outta 10 they are cool as hell long as you dont bug em too much...i'd nod say whats up, mention something they did & keep it moving, sometimes they'd offer to sign something i never got a autograph tho

i got 1 from earl campbell & akeem now that i remember it

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