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Topic subjectLMAO Avery at Sea World
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=38311&mesg_id=38380
38380, LMAO Avery at Sea World
Posted by theothursdays, Wed Apr-05-06 05:12 PM
We should see who's seen someone in the strangest place

>I was right behind Avery Johnson in line for a ride at Sea
>World (San Diego) for like an hour. I didn't even talk to
>him, guy was constantly on the phone. I just didn't wanna
>bother, the guy is just trying to be with his family. Guy was
>small. This was right after he left the Spurs... Funny thing
>was later that night when I went to watch the Shamu show, he
>was sitting right behind me.

2005 National League Rookie of the Year.
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