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Topic subjecthillarious OJ Simpson story...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=38311&mesg_id=38366
38366, hillarious OJ Simpson story...
Posted by GreenWhaleProductions, Wed Apr-05-06 04:35 PM
This is 100% true, isn't regarding me, but an old supervisor of mine at work.

This was about a year after the whole trial and thing went down.

This is at the LA County Fair which takes place every year ni Pomona, California. She's all drunk and running around, and accidentally bumps into OJ Simpson who was there with his children. She says "oh my god, please don't kill me" and runs off. And yes, she's white and blonde. I told her it was a terrible thing to say to someone in front of their kids but I'm pretty sure OJ catches shit like this all the time.