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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjectDoes nabbin' Ken Dorsey's middle school girlfriend count?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=38311&mesg_id=38346
38346, Does nabbin' Ken Dorsey's middle school girlfriend count?
Posted by celery77, Wed Apr-05-06 02:13 PM
Me and this girl dated for a long time, back when Kenny was still in college, and I'd tell her all the time she fucked up shooting him down back at that Titanic screening in the 7th grade, getting stuck with me instead. She had some funny stories about him and his family.

One time we were at her parent's house with a friend of ours and Kenny's mom came over and they were chit-chatting about how the kids were doing. She was like "Kid A is doing this, Kid B is doing that, and Kenny is getting ready for the draft." This is right around when the Iraq war was starting, too (this is important context), and our visiting hippy friend said all shocked and concerned, "There's going to be a draft?!?" And we had to tell her, nah, don't worry, the NFL draft.

Otherwise I met scrubs. Mark Wilson, who plays T for the Redskins, was neighbors with another buddy. I was there over Thanksgiving and my buddy, all of 5'8" and 140 lbs, got real drunk and challenged Mark to an arm-wrestling contest. It was funny shit. The other kid I know is Jordan Beck, just got drafted in the 3rd round by the Falcons but couldn't play last year due to injury. I'm good friends with the Beck family and I like that kid a lot. You ATL fans better support that motherfucker.