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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjectjerry azumah, sean taylor, oj simpson
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=38311&mesg_id=38341
38341, jerry azumah, sean taylor, oj simpson
Posted by Crash Bandacoot, Wed Apr-05-06 01:56 PM
met sean taylor at a gas station a few months back (near redskins park). he was driving a sweet ass silver 750 bmw. i was kinda apprehensive about askin for his autograph because he looked mean as hell. he kindly gave me his autograph tho and asked me where i was headed to...

my friend is good friends with j. azumah so, she invited him to this fashion event and i got to meet him. he seemed very cocky and arrogant, has a huge ass neck, and i heard that he treats his girl (who i also met) like shit.

met oj simpson on howard's campus RIGHT after he was found not guilty. asked for his autograph on my dollar bill, he laughed and asked could he keep the dollar because he was broke. i said "no."