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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjecthe was responsible for the single funniest thing ever said...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=38311&mesg_id=38322
38322, he was responsible for the single funniest thing ever said...
Posted by KosherSam, Wed Apr-05-06 04:14 PM
he came to give a speech at my school.

my roomate and i got backstage passes to meet him afterwards.

we did the autograph thing, and then were just small-talking him, when the following took place:

me: so what are you doing with your free time these days?
jim: i play alot of golf. i started playing towards the end of my career, and now i play a couple of times a week.
roomate: oh really? what's your handicap?
jim: *deadpan* i only have one hand.

no human being on earth has ever said anything funnier.