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Topic subjectthen Bonds has been cheating since 1999
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38273
38273, then Bonds has been cheating since 1999
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Fri Mar-31-06 04:37 PM
>yet how many times have people been tested invoking this
>policy between 1991 and 2003?

Ask the players' union, they're the ones who blocked it.

>Selectively enforcing the laws isn't justice. It tends to
>become a method of catching selective groups of people out
>there when the time is right. No fairness in that. Letting
>it slide for a decade and then stiffening up the policy when
>Ruth's so-called record is in jeopardy is in no way fair or

Did they stiffen it up when Bonds broke the single-season HR record in 2001? No. Did they stiffen it up when his head inexplicably grew to the size of a sea manitee's? No. Because they had nothing tangible on him then. Since then Bonds has admitted to a grand jury that he 'unknowingly' used steroids and a tremendous amount of corroborating evidence has come to light implicating him. You're getting so caught up in the Ruth thing that you're ignoring all these facts.