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Topic subjectthe same exact principle applies
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38266
38266, the same exact principle applies
Posted by 40thStreetBlack, Fri Mar-31-06 06:02 PM
"a law without enforcement is pointless" - your words.

in both cases there was a law on the books and no way to enforce it. So does that make it OK to go ahead and break the law?

>if the UN had any real power then they could have enforced
>the laws, but clearly the UN is nothing more that than USA
>misspelled. MLB is not the UN, yet they have infinitely more
>control over their league than the UN has over international
>crimes. Baseball had the power to enforce their rules but
>chose not to,

no, MLB did not have the power to enforce the rule because the players' union did not allow testing.

>so yes, the policy that you posted earlier was

1. I posted it because people are still trying to say Barry didn't cheat because there was no rule against steroids in baseball - that is patently FALSE.

2. the policy is not pointless, because if MLB's investigation finds that Bonds used steroids going back to 1999 or whenever then they have legal recourse to penalize him for it.