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Topic subjectRE: Babe Ruth holds one home run record
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38254
38254, RE: Babe Ruth holds one home run record
Posted by LiquidDope, Fri Mar-31-06 04:02 PM
>the American league record. Hank Aaron is the only home run
>king as we live and breathe. For (white) people to
>continually refer to Ruth's 714 HRs as a "record" is nothing
>but a pitiful way for them to try to legitimize the pre-black
>people era of sports as a seperate "good-ole-days" portion of
>history. If that were not the case, then why is there no
>reference to the Willie Mays HR record at 660? BECAUSE THERE

But there are black people confusing Ruth as the record holder, too.

>I believe in my heart that bonds knowingly took whatever
>substances to improve his play, just as i believe that OJ
>Simpson and Robert Blake had a hand in the demise of the
>people that they were accused of slaying. But with no solid
>evidence, you can't put an asterisk next to his name, or omit
>him from the record book if he passes Aaron. If the
>investigation is a true unbiased one, then Bonds had better
>not be the only target, and all of you Bonds haters out ther
>had better be ready to have 10-20 years worth of records
>stricken from the books - both hitting and pitching. Sosa,
>McGwire, Bret Boone, Caminiti, Giambi, and anyone else foung
>out to be guilty should be stricken equally from th erecords,
>and if baseball thinks that it can survive after 2 decades
>worth of its history disappears into thin air, then that just
>proves that rich people aren't necessarily that intelligent.

You say that as if I'd have a problem with them stringing McGwire, Sosa, Giambi, Canseco and company up by their respective nutsacks. Please, by all means, be my fuckin' guest.

>As for the commish, if (when) this shitstorm kicks up, nothing
>less that a resignation will suffice, since this whole era of
>steroid based cheating occurred under his watch.

I'll drink to that.