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Topic subjectBabe Ruth holds one home run record
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38253
38253, Babe Ruth holds one home run record
Posted by Selassie I God, Fri Mar-31-06 03:50 PM
the American league record. Hank Aaron is the only home run king as we live and breathe. For (white) people to continually refer to Ruth's 714 HRs as a "record" is nothing but a pitiful way for them to try to legitimize the pre-black people era of sports as a seperate "good-ole-days" portion of history. If that were not the case, then why is there no reference to the Willie Mays HR record at 660? BECAUSE THERE IS NO RECORD AT 660. THE RECORD IS 755 HRs.

If there is anyone that thinks that there is no racial undertone (Overtone) to the current witchhunt about steroids/Bonds, just look at how Major League Baseball handled the entire steroid situation. When Ken Caminiti came out in Sports Illustrated and spilled the beans on the rampant abuse of performance enhancing drugs, it barely got a whimper from the owners/media/MLB officials. When McGwire hit 70 HRs, amidst the Andro controversy, barely a peep was heard. Wen Steve Bechler (Orioles Pitcher)died a couple of years ago, it was swept under the rug. Even after Canseco's book came out, it was buried by the MLB initially, until Congress made them come out and voice an opinion. But let someone, mind you that no one has a positive test on, even approach Ruth and his so-called record, the world is about to end and now an investigation has begun. You can't say it's because Bonds is disliked by the media, because McGwire hated the media circus and only became tolerable after Sosa convinced him to go along with it for "the good of the game".

I believe in my heart that bonds knowingly took whatever substances to improve his play, just as i believe that OJ Simpson and Robert Blake had a hand in the demise of the people that they were accused of slaying. But with no solid evidence, you can't put an asterisk next to his name, or omit him from the record book if he passes Aaron. If the investigation is a true unbiased one, then Bonds had better not be the only target, and all of you Bonds haters out ther had better be ready to have 10-20 years worth of records stricken from the books - both hitting and pitching. Sosa, McGwire, Bret Boone, Caminiti, Giambi, and anyone else foung out to be guilty should be stricken equally from th erecords, and if baseball thinks that it can survive after 2 decades worth of its history disappears into thin air, then that just proves that rich people aren't necessarily that intelligent.

As for the commish, if (when) this shitstorm kicks up, nothing less that a resignation will suffice, since this whole era of steroid based cheating occurred under his watch.

"And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not; Behold the Lion of the Tribe of Judah the Root of David hath prevailed..." (Revelation 5:5) Holy Emmanuel I Selassie I JAH Rastafari