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Topic subjectpersonally, The Doc doesn't even think protecting records is why
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38236
38236, personally, The Doc doesn't even think protecting records is why
Posted by Dr Claw, Fri Mar-31-06 07:44 AM
Bonds is being targeted.

Bonds is an arrogant asshole (esp. to the media), he's still playing, he is the most suspect out of the bunch of roiders still playing -- those reasons, and those reasons alone are why he's the target of this witchhunt. MLB fucked up, and they need a "head" to be placed in the middle of the courtyard for all the uptight cocksuckers in the world to see: WHO BETTA DEN BONDS!!

and before you start your lines of discrediting The Doc:

- he's been a Blue Jays fan since the days of Bobby Cox
- and while Bonds is super-suspect, The Doc'll give him the benefit of the doubt, ONLY because of this gay-ass witchhunt they're putting on him. If they go after Bonds, they need to go after everyone else in the league.
- Bonds was great (going back to his Pittsburgh years) before this bullshit, anyway. It's not that far fetched that he actually could have done all the HR hitting. If he were a bum before all of that, The Doc would have called for his head, even though there's no drug on the market that makes someone a better athlete (if so, The Doc knows a few Eagles that need to get on that shit, STAT)