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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjectthat's the truf right there
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38231
38231, that's the truf right there
Posted by smutsboy, Fri Mar-31-06 02:11 AM
> Henry Aaron deserves MUCH better than some surly,
> 'roided up piece of shit to steal (yes, I fucking
> said STEAL) the record he so rightfully deserves.


It's a fucking shame that Barry Bonds (and the other roided up assholes) took baseball to this point.

It's a fucking shame that MLB, the owners, the players association and everyone else just sat back and let it happen.

since roids hit the scene, everyone in baseball done fucked up.

roids and segregation: two eras of baseball that should never have happened.