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Topic subjectDeserving got nothing to do with it (c) William Munny
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38203
38203, Deserving got nothing to do with it (c) William Munny
Posted by mrhood75, Fri Mar-31-06 12:15 AM
Records are just numbers, there's no virtue factor built into it. One person doesn't deserve the record more than anyone else.

You or anyone on this planet can "know" all they want that Bonds used steroids anywhere between 1986 and now. But at the end of the day, he's never failed a drug test, and I don't believe anyone has even come and said they SAW Bonds knowingly use steroids. So at the end of the day, they're after him because he's a prick. But being a prick doesn't mean you shouldn't be allowed to hit 756 HRs.

Let's say Bonds does break Aaron's record: does that make what Aaron accomplished any less great in the long-run? Does it nullify the shit he had to go thorough to hit 755 HR? Is the MLB going to remove Aaron from the Hall of Fame? Is Aaron going to be erased from baseball's collective memory? Hell no. People who know baseball and know history will always give Aaron his deserved respect. Baseball is flawed in many ways, but it is very good at remembering and respecting its legends. And if Bonds breaks Aaron's record, Aaron will be remembered as tbe the guy with the second most HRs in MLB for all time. Not a bad legacy.