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Topic subjectDon't shit belong to Hank Aaron
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38201, Don't shit belong to Hank Aaron
Posted by randyjenkins, Thu Mar-30-06 11:33 PM
Babe Ruth is the real kang
Hank was using uppers, and all kinda shit back then
no one give a fuck about Hank Aaron
it's about the real kang
the record stops, and starts with Babe
wow, Hank went through hell hitting a fucking baseball
give me a break, he got some letters from some of LiquidDopes grandparents , big fucking deal
Kunte Kinte went through hell
MLK went through hell
All Aaron did was take a bunch of uppers, and hit a baseball
everyone knows the real deal is about Babe
Roger Maris caught more hell than Hank

>The home run record does not belong to Babe Ruth. The home
>run record belongs to Hank Aaron (who is black). Hank Aaron
>went through HELL to get that record. People wanted to
>literally kill Hank Aaron to prevent him from becoming the
>holder of that record. The "struggles" Barry's going through
>right now are sissified compared to what Henry Aaron had to
>endure throughout the early '70s. The "witchunt" is not to
>protect Babe Ruth. It's to protect Hank. Henry Aaron
>deserves MUCH better than some surly, 'roided up piece of shit
>to steal (yes, I fucking said STEAL) the record he so
>rightfully deserves.