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Topic subject......blah blah blah..."I hate you"...blah blah blah...more sideways talk...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38161
38161, ......blah blah blah..."I hate you"...blah blah blah...more sideways talk...
Posted by LiquidDope, Sat Apr-01-06 10:05 PM
Times like these are reasons why life should come with a fast forward button.

>I said if YOU were ever in greensboro come
>holla at me so i could adjust your face. where in that did i
>say i was coming to hunt you down and kill you all the way in
>bumfuck ill?

See, the thing about those of us who actually HAD a major in college is that we graduated and got jobs after we left instead of just moving to Crackerfucker, NC and starting a meth lab. So, if you want your ass whipped bad enough, YOU'RE gonna have to do the leg work. You either:

A) Buy me a round trip plane ticket and reserve me a hotel room for my next weekend off.

B) Scroll back up to those mapquest directions I linked above, print 'em out, gas up your Pacer, drive up "all the way to bumfuck" and get you some.

Or C) Just keep doing what you're doing now (making idle threats, followed by desparate spin once the person you threatened calls you out on your bullshit).

>so to paraphrase what you just said, you basically are too
>immature to admit when you are wrong and you dont know your
>facts to begin with. is that what you are saying? and when
>the fuck did i say i was a Physiologist? again you dont
>fuckin read.

Uh, no. YOU don't fuckin' read. Basically, I get a kick out of ridiculing sensitive people who can't take a joke and have a hard time breaking the trance created when chasing their own tail (i.e. you). I mean, really. You majored in exercise gynocology and all. You should be smart enough not to be this deep in bullshit.