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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjectheres the worst kept secret on these boards:
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38160
38160, heres the worst kept secret on these boards:
Posted by s_dot_miles, Sat Apr-01-06 03:04 PM
you're a bitch.

>You and I are never going to cross paths (as if you hadn't
>confirmed that above when you failed to live up to your "I'm
>gonna kill you, you white bread piece of shit" threats). Nor
>am I and any other net dork who cums on themself everytime the
>opportunity to hand out an "L" on a message board presents
>it's self.

why are you quoting something i never said? failed to live up to my threats? I said if YOU were ever in greensboro come holla at me so i could adjust your face. where in that did i say i was coming to hunt you down and kill you all the way in bumfuck ill?

>Another secret I'll let you in on. I DO, in fact, realize the
>difference between physiology and kinesiology. Recognizing it
>publically, on the other hand, really doesn't mean anything
>considering you earn a paycheck in neither field.

so to paraphrase what you just said, you basically are too immature to admit when you are wrong and you dont know your facts to begin with. is that what you are saying? and when the fuck did i say i was a Physiologist? again you dont fuckin read.