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Topic subjectRE: You idiot..............Fuck am I leading you to water for if you won't drink?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38156
38156, RE: You idiot..............Fuck am I leading you to water for if you won't drink?
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sun Apr-02-06 06:38 PM

>if you talk about one as if there's no problem with it, you
>obviously see nothing wrong with the other.

NO. I don't disregard one situation and label the other a horrific crime. I recognize both situations for what they are - a rather minor crime....something that I'm not gonna get myself worked up into a frenzy about.

And regardless, youre straying from the original point that I was trying to make (the one which you can't seem to comprehend), in that NOBODY IS STEALING FROM AIDS PATIENTS. This is not about whose a bigger plague on society, pill-popping mom's or juiced up ball players. That wasnt something that I was trying to argue so STFU with that already. You made an idiotic claim (one of many) that Barry stole medicine from an AIDS patient. I'm waiting for you to effectively demonstrate that is true. You can't, so you just fire insults at me and dredge up shit from who knows how long ago that nobody besides your pathethic ass would ever remember.

>>and by YOUR logic, if a pill-popping housewife was abusing
>>codeine....she'd be stealing from AIDS patients too. after
>>all, AIDS patients use codeine as well.
>You say that as if I'm supposed to have a problem with locking
>her up too. Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't.

OMG. How dumb are you? I dont give a shit about whether you think she should be locked up, I'm not trying to compare Barry's "crimes" to anyone elses....I brought up the point to show you what kind of insane logic youre using to show that Barry steals from AIDS patients. You're beyond dense. Have you ever heard of a pill popping housewife being accused of stealing from AIDS patients? FUCK NO. they get accused of being a PILL POPPING HOUSEWIFE! They make a stronger case in those stupid ass commercials where a 13 year old buying a dime bag is economically supporting osama bin laden, lol.

>>enlighten me. id love to know what my "ulterior motive" is
>Shit's already been covered, Lee Haney.

Yes, I take creatine therefore I'm trying to do what here exactly? It's so illogical that I can't even piece together the accusation. You're gonna have to spell it out for me.

>Second highest form. "Barry had his doctor write him a
>prescription for aspirin.....and I'm glad he's sticking it to
>the white man" = ignorance in it's highest form.

That made no absolutely no sense and had nothing remotely to do with anything that came out of my mouth, so I really can't even come up with a response to that. Sorry.