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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjectRE: You idiot..............Fuck am I leading you to water for if you won't drink?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38155
38155, RE: You idiot..............Fuck am I leading you to water for if you won't drink?
Posted by LiquidDope, Sun Apr-02-06 06:13 PM
>both situations are illegal. what is the difference?

EXACTLY THE FUCKING POINT!!! THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE!!! But if you talk about one as if there's no problem with it, you obviously see nothing wrong with the other. Sad sack of shit when you analyze this closely enough.

>and by YOUR logic, if a pill-popping housewife was abusing
>codeine....she'd be stealing from AIDS patients too. after
>all, AIDS patients use codeine as well.

You say that as if I'm supposed to have a problem with locking her up too. Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't.

>enlighten me. id love to know what my "ulterior motive" is

Shit's already been covered, Lee Haney.

>"GH is available for purchase at GNC." = ignorance in its
>highest form

Second highest form. "Barry had his doctor write him a prescription for aspirin.....and I'm glad he's sticking it to the white man" = ignorance in it's highest form.