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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjectI don't give a fuck if the shit was available via tap.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38148
38148, I don't give a fuck if the shit was available via tap.
Posted by LiquidDope, Sun Apr-02-06 06:02 PM
It was illegal AND immoral. If that shit wasn't available over the counter, then he had no business possessing it other than to bulk up and swing his bat harder and faster than nature intended to allow him.



And Shit.

How the fuck do you think a catalyst works, pinhead? The purpose for a synthetic strand of HGH being injected into the human body is to combine with the hormone the body has already produced naturally to stimulate more muscle growth during exercise, develop more strength, so that the person can do something like.......oh, I don't know, say SWING A 30+ OUNCE BASEBALL BAT FASTER THAN THE SPEED OF LIGHT AND PARK A BALL 100 FEET INTO MCCOVEY COVE YOU FUCKING COCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really, who do you expect people to trust more on this subject? The countless amounts of doctors and acclaimed medical professionals who've spoken out about the dangers and effects of what he's doing, or some self-proclaimed "exercise physiologist" (which I've come to believe at this point is simply code down there in your hometown of Cousinfucker for "Head Night Shift Fry Cook at Rally's") in the mood to stick it to the white man?

See, I blame myself for this. I went about this whole "debate" all wrong. I've been trying to fight fire with fire up to this point when I should've just used water and put the shit out. Your beef isn't at all that this is a misguided post, it's that it's a perfectly guided post AND THAT YOU'RE EXACTLY THE TYPE OF IMBECILE IT WAS DESIGNED TO EXPOSE!!!!!!!!

The first FUCKING words OUT OF your mouth were "those crackers are out to protect Babe Ruth".

Listen to me closely.

Babe Ruth is fucking dead.

He's also NOT the all-time home run record holder. Hank Aaron, a black man, is. Hank Aaron received very real threats against his life while in the process of setting that record. He persisted so that black people such as YOUR DUMB ASS could have something to look up to, something inspirational to use as a CATALYST of motivation in their lives.

Nobody here cares shit about preserving anything held by Babe Ruth. It's a foregone conclusion that Barry Bonds is going to pass up Babe Ruth. Would I have preferred he not pass Ruth? Yeah, sure. I also would've preferred he not passed Willie Mays, Frank Robinson, Reggie Jackson, Harmon Killebrew, Willie McCovey, Mickey Mantle and every other prolific pre-roid era slugger. Barry Bonds is a walking rectum. If he got hit by a bus and died tomorrow, I'd happily buy lunch for everyone I know.

But I wouldn't expect you to believe any of that. You're a card carrying member of the "ok, Barry might be juicing but I'll let him pass because I wanna see him stick it to the white man anyway" club. I don't understand that logic, nor do I understand your belief that you can best stick it to the white man by logging onto the internet and lash out at him along with other black people of privilege.

You're an utter waste of sperm. While I may have used those words before, I've never meant it as literally as I do right now. Your father weakened the gene pool the night he decided not to wear a condom. See, the thing about using the giant pulsating brain gimmick with this whole Vizzini from "The Princess Bride" persona you've adopted ("You're no match for my brains.....Have you heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates? MORONS!!!!") is that you better be A-1 FUCKING PERFECT TO THE TEE!!!!!! If you slip up ONCE, dude, your ass skid-marked. Misspell a word? Make an idle threat? You're fucked for good.

People think I do the whole mapquest bit as a joke. I'm deadly serious about that. You wanna "rearrange my face" bad enough? Don't shoot the breeze about it when you could be about it.

Get off the computer.
Gas up your Pacer.
Jump on the highway,

But, unsurprisingly, you won't live up to your word. No, your revised philosophy now is to just "send your chitown fam to handle this for you" (still waiting for them to show up and live up to that promise too, by the way).

See, the difference between you and every other card carrying member of your club is this.

For all his smug attitude and posturing, this guy...


He KNOWS he's an idiot.


This guy


He knows his mother probably drank battery acid while she was pregnant with him. He'll flat out tell you he's that dumb, he's just too dumb to recognize the shame in it.

You, on the other hand, are a special breed of jackass. You honestly believe in your own hype. Everybody here is full of shit, you're just sad enough to be the last person who hasn't been let in on the joke yet. If there IS such a thing as "exercise physiology", then you are a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham of Bachelor's degree in that area of study.