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Topic subjectLOL, you got problems man
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38142
38142, LOL, you got problems man
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sun Apr-02-06 04:41 PM
reread my last post. show me where anything I asked of you was offesnive, derogatory, etc. this response of yours was pretty unprovoked.

>Fuck the bullshit, I've been going easy on you up until now.

oh you have? thanks for the leniency. you've done a bang up job in this post humiliating yourself. if anything I was just trying to be a voice of reason.

>Being a known muscle head who's admitted to using creatine on
>this board before

what? is this supposed to be a joke? "admitted to using creatine"? is that something Im supposed to be ashamed of? hey guess what, I also use a multivitamin too. TWICE. one in the morning and one before I go to bed, lol. WTF does that have to do with anything?

>whatever Barry's defense is at this point
>is probably gonna be your company line.

company line? im not defending him. If you read my post above I called him a dickhead, actually. I just dont see a reason to make him the fall guy for shit thats been going on in sports for ages.

>I'm nowhere near as
>out of touch with this topic as you'd like people to believe

"GH can be puchased at GNC."

That about sums it up right there.

The creatine accusations were a nice little bonus too.

>I'm just not as proficient at breaking it down into the
>technical medical jargon that you're familiar with.

youre not proficient with anything even related to this subject.

>thing I'm guilty of is opening myself up to being misquoted
>and having what I said twisted far enough out of context

what have i taken out of context? I asked you to back up one of your claims and you had a temper tantrum. sorry.

>somebody on this site who's long hated my guts can use it
>against me

i have no problem with you whatsoever. so enough with the persecution complex. this shit is entertainment to me (especially this thread). i enjoy your antics, actually. nothing better than someone "in the know" telling me I can buy GH at GNC. thats comedy.

> goes one step
>further in eliminating the embarassing reality that the only
>thing people have remembered you for up to this point is
>making a passionate all caps "LIQUID DOPE IS AN ASSCLOWN" post
>at halftime of a game I guaranteed a Bears win in

hmmm. believe it or not, I dont think I thought about that post for one second since it happened anywhere between 3-5 years ago, lol. you take shit a bit more seriously than i do, i suppose. let go of the grudges man. nobody rememebers any of that shit. its not what i am "remembered for", nor am I trying to be remembered by anyone. its a messageboard. im here for my own enjoyment, not to leave an impression you fucking dork.

>......only to
>see them come back and win said game in overtime.

awesome. i probably cried myself to sleep that night im sure.

You and I
>have deep seeded animosity for each other that goes back
>several years

like i said, no beef here. sorry you dont like me. oh well.

>and it ain't goin' anywhere anytime soon. If I
>say something meaningful, you ain't comin' around to give me
>deserved credit. But if I open myself up to scrutiny, bet
>your ass is gonna be one of the first in line to take a shot.

lol. youre really not that important man. I dont have a list of people on this board that Im trying to get back at. whether it was you or somebody else, someone that tells me you can buy GH and GNC is gonna get clowned. plain and simple.

>And please, put the race card the fuck down. The only thing
>more ridiculous than black people here using it out of context
>is when white people use it for any supposed purpose

sorry, i feel that there are racial implications here, particularly with the segment of the population that seems to be so offended by the whole steroid craze. but i wont get too off track.

>You are as much a suburban white child of

and you know this how? I cant remember you stopping by for dinner anytime recently.

>The fact you still haven't come to terms w/ the ridicule you
>suffered at the hands of the people around you for listening
>to Keak da Sneak in the back of mommy's station wagon on your
>way home from school in Westchester is no concern of mine, or
>any other white person you might encounter. Tell your sob
>story walking.

wow....youre a real creative dude. im dissapointed i didnt get a mapquest link.