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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjectI shouldn't expect any more than this kind of crap for a response from you
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38141
38141, I shouldn't expect any more than this kind of crap for a response from you
Posted by LiquidDope, Sun Apr-02-06 04:19 PM
Fuck the bullshit, I've been going easy on you up until now. Being a known muscle head who's admitted to using creatine on this board before, whatever Barry's defense is at this point is probably gonna be your company line. It wouldn't come as any kind of fucking surprise if the reason you got your pink undies all up in this bunch is because you've popped these pills your damned self, maybe recently. I'm nowhere near as out of touch with this topic as you'd like people to believe, I'm just not as proficient at breaking it down into the technical medical jargon that you're familiar with. Only thing I'm guilty of is opening myself up to being misquoted and having what I said twisted far enough out of context that somebody on this site who's long hated my guts can use it against me and get his gay little jollies off by going "hey ld.....you took an llllllllllllllll" because it goes one step further in eliminating the embarassing reality that the only thing people have remembered you for up to this point is making a passionate all caps "LIQUID DOPE IS AN ASSCLOWN" post at halftime of a game I guaranteed a Bears win in......only to see them come back and win said game in overtime. You and I have deep seeded animosity for each other that goes back several years, and it ain't goin' anywhere anytime soon. If I say something meaningful, you ain't comin' around to give me deserved credit. But if I open myself up to scrutiny, bet your ass is gonna be one of the first in line to take a shot.

And please, put the race card the fuck down. The only thing more ridiculous than black people here using it out of context is when white people use it for any supposed purpose whatsoever. You are as much a suburban white child of privilege as the people you claim to get off seeing "suffer". The fact you still haven't come to terms w/ the ridicule you suffered at the hands of the people around you for listening to Keak da Sneak in the back of mommy's station wagon on your way home from school in Westchester is no concern of mine, or any other white person you might encounter. Tell your sob story walking.