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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjectWe're just not gonna see eye-to-eye on any of this.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38139
38139, We're just not gonna see eye-to-eye on any of this.
Posted by LiquidDope, Sun Apr-02-06 01:30 AM
>actually, yeah it kinda is. TRAFFICKING of steroids is
>normally a pretty lenient penalty. Personal use, even more
>lenient. Steroid users dont get locked up for years on end.

They SHOULD. Steroids ain't weed, they kill people who misuse them (which happens often, since many users are high school athletes).

>You're trying to paint Barry Bonds as an axe murderer, which
>is just as insane as the folks that claim he's a black role
>model. You wanna lock him up and throw away the key - but
>what actual HARM has this guy really done? Should people who
>smoke weed get the death penalty too?

I'm not painting him as an axe murderer. But he's most definitely a scumbag. You mean to tell me you don't get any shred of satisfaction from seeing bad things happen to a douche like him?

>you misread me again.

And AGAIN, YOU misread ME.

>I said that AIDS isn't the only
>clinical population that uses GH treatment.

I know, I read you right the first time.

>Its prescribed
>for a wide variety of purposes, among those its prescribed for
>are rich middle aged men and women that are trying to find the
>"fountain of youth" by getting a few wrinkles off their face.
>For them, its essentially like getting plastic surgery.
>Should you demonize them as well?
>After all, that medicine
>could be going to a needy AIDS patient, right?

Sure. Why not? I'm supposed to feel sorry for the rich who feel they're above the natural process of aging? Fuck 'em.

>The availability of GH isn't the slightest bit limited and its
>available for anyone that wants it (or who can afford it). So
>enough with the retarded assumptions, PLEASE.

Look, regardless of what you feel the moral impact his actions might have (which we're just going to disagree on), what he did was still illegal. And he's a douche. Tell your story walking if you truly believe what's happening to him now is some kind of injustice.