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Topic subjectRE: No, you're just trying too hard to live down what he did.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38138
38138, RE: No, you're just trying too hard to live down what he did.
Posted by 3xKrazy, Sun Apr-02-06 01:10 AM
Im not trying to live down shit. Barry Bonds "cheated". But cheating is american as apple pie. And its been going on in sports for CENTURIES. If its so sickening to you, take up stamp collecting.

>This isn't a slap on the wrist infraction we're talking

actually, yeah it kinda is. TRAFFICKING of steroids is normally a pretty lenient penalty. Personal use, even more lenient. Steroid users dont get locked up for years on end.

You're trying to paint Barry Bonds as an axe murderer, which is just as insane as the folks that claim he's a black role model. You wanna lock him up and throw away the key - but what actual HARM has this guy really done? Should people who smoke weed get the death penalty too?

>>and btw, GH isnt used only by AIDS patients for medicinal
>I realize it isn't only used for medicinal purposes.

you misread me again. I said that AIDS isn't the only clinical population that uses GH treatment. Its prescribed for a wide variety of purposes, among those its prescribed for are rich middle aged men and women that are trying to find the "fountain of youth" by getting a few wrinkles off their face. For them, its essentially like getting plastic surgery. Should you demonize them as well? After all, that medicine could be going to a needy AIDS patient, right?

>But his
>buying it on the black market so he can hit a fastball farther
>limits the availability of it TO AIDS patients who'd like to
>use it for medicinal purposes.

The availability of GH isn't the slightest bit limited and its available for anyone that wants it (or who can afford it). So enough with the retarded assumptions, PLEASE.