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Topic subjectim arguing w/you b/c you're too stupid to see you're wrong
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38099
38099, im arguing w/you b/c you're too stupid to see you're wrong
Posted by s_dot_miles, Fri Mar-31-06 05:07 PM
>You're arguing with me for nothing more than the sake of
>disagreeing with me because of I'm right about Bonds's
>(supposedly) black ass.

first off, who the fuck are you with your lilly white ass to question barry bonds blackness or any black man for that matter? you should be smacked off gate for that statement alone.

secondly, you are too stupid to realize that you have no understanding of steroids or their effects, and you're so dumb that you think growth hormone can be bought at GNC. you make yourself look dumber with each reply.

I feel sorry that you have such a
>hatred for white people built up as a byproduct of kissing Mr.
>Charlie's ass all day in the corporate world of "exercise
>kinesiology" or whatever the fuck you claim your trade is.

again, these kinds of comments get you smacked in real life, so i suggest you keep those ideas on the low, but if you are ever in greensboro nc come holla at me so i can adjust your face.

lastly, since you never went to college or didnt learn shit while you were there, you wouldnt know shit about what exercise physiology is. but if you want to step your reading comprehension game up a few levels above grade school, you can read about the program i was in here: http://www.arc.wvu.edu/admissions/fliers/Med/exercise_physiology.html