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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjectdumbass...here is a quick and easy definition of hgh for you
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38054
38054, dumbass...here is a quick and easy definition of hgh for you
Posted by s_dot_miles, Thu Mar-30-06 10:39 PM

Human Growth Hormone for Injection is a powder that must be reconstituted with bacteriostatic water just prior to injection. It must be refrigerated and remains stable for only a short time after reconstitution.

Human Growth Hormone for Injection cannot be absorbed through the stomach or by any oral means such as using tablets, capsules, or powders due to the fact that HGH is destroyed by the enzymes in the stomach.

Human Growth Hormone for Injection cannot be absorbed by sublingual means (under the tongue) or in the mouth due to the fact that the HGH molecule itself is much too large to be absorbed intact via the mucosa of the mouth. There is no molecule delivery system that will allow the HGH molecule to be absorbed under the tongue or in the mouth. (A homeopathic HGH formula can be absorbed sublingually)