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Forum nameOkay Sports Archives
Topic subjectNow you're just making shit up
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38031
38031, Now you're just making shit up
Posted by LiquidDope, Thu Mar-30-06 09:45 PM
>when ripkin broke the consecutive games played record..there
>was no, he passed y who passed x talk
>because 2nd place doesnt matter

BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!! EVERYBODY KNEW HE WAS BREAKING LOU GEHRIG'S RECORD AND THEY STILL KNOW IT TO THIS DAY!!!!! That record stood for more than half a century and it took Ripken not missing a single game for more than fourteen seasons to build up to that point. That just might be the dumbest thing you've ever said on this site, and you've said A LOT OF DUMB SHIT (I never thought I'd live to see you outdo the "Jordan isn't even top 5" crap).