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Topic subjectRE: defend Bonds from what?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38029
38029, RE: defend Bonds from what?
Posted by mcdeezjawns, Thu Mar-30-06 09:30 PM
>taking roids? THEY WERENT ILLEGAL
>after baseball banned em...HE STOPPED
>and he's STILL hitting HRs
Taking steroids weren't illegal in the United States of America?
I dont care what baseball said, as their testing policy has been an embarassment to fans since the beginning..But the MLB operates in the USA, where taking steroids without a prescrition is illegal

>has he EVER popped on a test?
Of course he didnt, because, like I said before, the MLB's stance on testing for anything was embarassing....So far you've taught me nothin I already didnt know...

>if you believe the book they wrote on him, he started juicing
>after mcguire & sosa...in 97. after 02, he wasnt..so the
>majority of his HRs were "natural"

So do they give him the majority of the award? What exactly are you trying to say here? Where did I say that Barry wasnt a tremendous hitter? Where have I claimed that the majority of his results were not from sheer talent alone?

>and heres the integration argument since you keep ducking it
>baseball "purists" argue that playing on roids = cheating
>since ruth couldnt use it, aaron couldnt use it, etc
>yet turn a total blind eye to the fact that playing w/o Black
>ppl = cheating as its been LONG established, the Negro Leagues
>@ the time had some of the best talent on earth, as usual but
>werent allowed to play

I'm not "ducking" it at all..I simply see it for what it is, A Red Herring...The issue at hand is America's supposed Vilification of Hank Aaron..I replied to this thread simply to point out, that in my lifetime of watching baseball and being around baseball fans, I have never heard anyone refute Aaron's place in history....I have never heard anyone say that it is still Ruth's record...Sorry to shatter whatever image that some of y'all cats on here seem to have, but for the most part, its not fuckin out there...
So, as opposed to falling for your red herring bs, i chose to ignore it and focus on the facts at hand

>heres what i want you to say:
>Uncle! I give up! youre 100% right! All records before
>integration should get the asterisk! All records during the so
>called "Roid Era" should too.

Honestly, I don't even know where to start with this...You know how sometimes you realize halfway through something that it just....isnt...worth your time?
I just hit that moment...Arguing with 12 year old kids isnt my idea of fun on a Thursday Night...I'm going to get drunk

We're through here...
You're an idiot