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Topic subjectdefend Bonds from what?
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=21&topic_id=37959&mesg_id=38024
38024, defend Bonds from what?
Posted by Binlahab, Thu Mar-30-06 09:16 PM
after baseball banned em...HE STOPPED
and he's STILL hitting HRs

has he EVER popped on a test?
if you believe the book they wrote on him, he started juicing after mcguire & sosa...in 97. after 02, he wasnt..so the majority of his HRs were "natural"

and heres the integration argument since you keep ducking it
baseball "purists" argue that playing on roids = cheating since ruth couldnt use it, aaron couldnt use it, etc

yet turn a total blind eye to the fact that playing w/o Black ppl = cheating as its been LONG established, the Negro Leagues @ the time had some of the best talent on earth, as usual but werent allowed to play


heres what i want you to say:
Uncle! I give up! youre 100% right! All records before integration should get the asterisk! All records during the so called "Roid Era" should too.

(ps: Clemens/Big Unit is 40+...still going strong...wheres the outrage? oh wait...its his off season workout regiman...gimme a damn break)

Bonds will pass Ruth & then I hope he retires immd so i can laugh @ you all

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